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English-German Dictionary

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Tacarcuna wood-quail / woodquail [Odontophorus dialeucos]Tacarcunawachtel {f}
Tacarcuna wood-quail / woodquail / wood quail [Odontophorus dialeucos] Tacarcunazahnwachtel {f}
Tacarcunan bat [Lasiurus castaneus, syn.: Lasiurus (Lasiurus) castaneus] Panama-Rotfledermaus {f}
tacazze sunbird [Nectarinia tacazze]Tacazzenektarvogel {m}
T-account T-Konto {n}
tacharanite [Ca12Al2Si18O51·18 H2O] Tacharanit {m}
tache [Br.] [coll.] Oberlippenbart {m}
tacheometer Tachymeter {m}
tachiTachi {n}
Tachina fera [tachinid fly species]Igelfliege {f}
tachina flies [family Tachinidae]Raupenfliegen {pl}
tachina flies [family Tachinidae] Schmarotzerfliegen {pl}
tachina flies [family Tachinidae] Tachiniden {pl} [Raupenfliegen]
tachinids [family Tachinidae] Raupenfliegen {pl}
tachinids [family Tachinidae] Schmarotzerfliegen {pl}
tachinids [family Tachinidae] Tachiniden {pl} [Raupenfliegen]
Tachira / Táchira antpitta [Grallaria chthonia] Tachiraameisenpitta / Tachira-Ameisenpitta / Táchiraameisenpitta {f}
Táchira emerald [Amazilia distans]Táchiraamazilie {f}
tachism Tachismus {m}
TachismTachismus {m}
tachisme Tachismus {m}
Tachisme Tachismus {m}
tachoclineTachocline-Region {f}
tachocline Tachocline {f}
tachodiscFahrtenscheibe {f}
tachogenerator Tachogenerator {m}
tachogramTachogramm {n}
tachographFahrtenschreiber {m}
tachograph Tachograph {m}
tachograph Tachograf {m}
tachographGeschwindigkeitsschreiber {m} [Tachograf]
tachograph discDiagrammscheibe {f}
tachographs Fahrtenschreiber {pl}
tachometerDrehzahlmesser {m}
tachometerGeschwindigkeitsmesser {m}
tachometer Tachometer {m} {n}
tachometric relay Fliehkraftschalter {m}
tachometric relay Drehzahlrelais {n}
tachyarrhythmiaTachyarrhythmie {f}
tachyarrhythmiasTachyarrhythmien {pl}
tachy-brady syndrome <TBS> [coll.] [short for: tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome] Tachykardie-Bradykardie-Syndrom {n} <TBS>
tachycardia schneller Herzschlag {m}
tachycardiaHerzjagen {n}
tachycardiaTachykardie {f}
tachycardiaPulsbeschleunigung {f}
tachycardia Herzrasen {n}
tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome <TBS>Tachykardie-Bradykardie-Syndrom {n} <TBS>
tachycardiac patient tachykarder Patient {m}
tachycardic tachykard
tachygrapherTachygraph {m}
tachygrapher Tachygraf {m}
tachygraphy Tachygraphie {f}
tachygraphy Tachygrafie {f}
tachyhydrite [CaMg2Cl6·12H2O] Tachyhydrit {m}
tachymetabolic tachymetabolisch
tachymetabolism Tachymetabolismus {m}
tachymeterSchnellmesser {m}
tachymetryTachymetrie {f}
tachyon Tachyon {n}
tachyonic tachyonisch
tachyonic antitelephone Tachyon-Antitelefon {n}
tachyphagia Tachyphagie {f}
tachyphylaxis Tachyphylaxie {f}
tachypnea [Am.] Tachypnoe {f}
tachypnoea [Br.] Tachypnoe {f}
tachyrhythmiaTachykardie {f}
tachyrhythmias Tachykardien {pl}
tachytelic evolution tachytelische Evolution {f}
tachyzoiteTachyzoit {m}
tacit stillschweigend
tacit unausgesprochen
tacit implizit [geh.]
tacit acceptance procedure Verfahren {n} der stillschweigenden Zustimmung
tacit acknowledgement stillschweigendes Eingeständnis {n}
tacit admissionstillschweigendes Zugeständnis {n}
tacit agreement stillschweigende Vereinbarung {f}
tacit agreementstillschweigende Übereinstimmung {f}
tacit agreement stillschweigendes Einvernehmen {n}
tacit approval implizierte Zustimmung {f}
tacit approval schweigende Zustimmung {f}
tacit approval stillschweigende Billigung {f}
tacit approval stillschweigende Zustimmung {f}
tacit assumptionstillschweigende Annahme {f}
tacit collusionstillschweigende Kollusion {f}
tacit consent stillschweigende Übereinkunft {f}
tacit consentstillschweigende Zustimmung {f}
tacit consent stillschweigende Duldung {f}
tacit knowledgeimplizites Wissen {n}
tacit knowledgestilles Wissen {n} [implizites Wissen]
tacit permissionstillschweigende Erlaubnis {f}
tacit permissionstillschweigende Duldung {f}
tacit renewalstillschweigende Erneuerung {f}
tacit renewal [of a contract etc.] stillschweigende Verlängerung {f} [eines Vertrags etc.]
tacit support stillschweigende Unterstützung {f}
« tabltabltabltabltaboTacaTacitacotacttafftagr »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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