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English-German Dictionary

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technology programme [Br.] Technologieprogramm {n} [auch: Technologie-Programm]
technology provider Technologieanbieter {m}
technology pull Technologie-Pull {m}
technology pushTechnologie-Push {m}
technology racetechnologischer Wettbewerb {m}
technology rating Technologiebewertung {f}
technology rating Technologie-Rating {n}
technology relevanceTechnologierelevanz {f}
technology satelliteTechnologiesatellit {m}
technology sector Technologiesektor {m}
technology sector Technikbranche {f}
technology selectionTechnologieauswahl {f}
technology seminar Technologieseminar {n}
technology shares Technologieaktien {pl} [auch: Technologie-Aktien]
technology stocksTechnologiewerte {pl}
technology strategy Technologiestrategie {f}
technology supplierTechnologieanbieter {m}
technology symposiumTechnologiesymposium {n}
technology theftTechnologiediebstahl {m}
technology to bridge the gap Brückentechnologie {f}
technology topicTechnologiethema {n} [auch: Technologie-Thema]
technology trainingTechnikunterricht {m}
technology transfer Technologietransfer {m}
technology trend assessment <TTA> [ISO, IEC] Technologie-Trendbeurteilung {f}
technology vendor Technologieanbieter {m}
[technology-filled home]Wohnmaschine {f} [ugs., hum. oder pej.: technisiertes Wohnhaus]
technology-based technikbasiert
technology-enhanced technologiegestützt
technology-enhanced language learning <TELL>technikgestütztes Sprachenlernen {n}
technology-heavy exchange Technologiebörse {f}
technology-mediated technologievermittelt
technomancy Technomantie {f}
technomaniaTechnomanie {f} [geh.]
technomaniac Technikfreak {m} [leicht pej.]
technomaniac Technomane {m}
technomathematics Technomathematik {f}
technopathogenology <TPG> Technopathogenologie {f} <TPG>
technophileTechnikbegeisterter {m}
technophiletechnophil [geh.]
technophile technikbegeistert
technophile [female]Technikbegeisterte {f}
technophilia Technophilie {f}
technophiliaTechnikbegeisterung {f}
technophiliac technikbegeistert
technophilictechnophil [geh.]
technophobeTechnikfeind {m}
technophobe [female] Technikfeindin {f}
technophobiaTechnophobie {f}
technophobia Technikfeindlichkeit {f}
technophobictechnophob [geh.]
technopreneur [Ind.] Technologieunternehmer {m}
technosis [technology + neurosis]Technikangst {f}
technostressTechnostress {m}
technostructure {sg} {pl} [network of skilled professionals who control a corporate system][Gruppe von Fachleuten mit maßgebender Kontrolle über ein wirtschaftliches Großunternehmen]
tech-savvy [coll.] mit Computererfahrung [nachgestellt]
tech-savvy [coll.] mit Technikerfahrung [nachgestellt]
tech-savvy [coll.] technikerfahren
tech-savvy [coll.] [computer-savvy] computererfahren
techtochrysin [also: tectochrysin, methyl chrysin] [C16H12O4] Tectochrysin {n}
techy [spv.] gereizt
techy [spv.] reizbar
techy [coll.] [also: techie]technisch begabt
Teclu burner Teclubrenner {m}
TecmessaTekmessa {f}
Tecoanapa centipede snake [Tantilla carolina] Chucantí-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Tecopa pupfish [Cyprinodon nevadensis callidae, syn.: Cyprinodon nevadensis calidae] [extinct] Tecopa-Kärpfling {m} [ausgestorben]
tecovirimat [C19H15F3N2O3]Tecovirimat {n}
tectal tektal
tectivirusTectivirus {n}
tectofugal <strike>easter egg</strike> tectofugal
tectogenesisTektogenese {f}
tectonic fault tektonische Störung {f}
tectonic fracture tektonischer Bruch {m}
tectonic laketektonischer See {m}
tectonic movements tektonische Bewegungen {pl} [Verschiebungen]
tectonic plate tektonische Platte {f}
tectonic plate Erdplatte {f}
tectonic quiescencetektonische Ruhe {f}
tectonic shift Plattenverschiebung {f}
tectonic shift [fig.] bahnbrechendes Ereignis {n}
(tectonic) plate shiftingPlattenverschiebung {f}
tectonics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] Tektonik {f}
tectonics {pl} [usually treated as sg.] Gebirgsbau {m}
tectonite Tektonit {n}
tectonomagmatic tektonomagmatisch
tectonostratigraphic tektonostratigraphisch
tectonostratigraphy Tektonostratigraphie {f}
tectonothermal tektonothermal
« techtechtechtechtechtechtectteenteenteettege »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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