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tacitly still
tacitnessStillheit {f}
taciturn sprechfaul
taciturn mundfaul [ugs.]
taciturn kurzsilbig [fig.] [wortkarg]
taciturn [person] einsilbig [fig.]
taciturnityVerschlossenheit {f}
taciturnity Schweigsamkeit {f}
taciturnity Wortkargheit {f}
taciturnity Einsilbigkeit {f} [fig.]
tack Zwecke {f}
tackFockhals {m}
tack Schlag {m} [beim Lavieren oder Kreuzen]
tack Sattel- und Zaumzeug {n}
tack Zaum- und Sattelzeug {n}
tackWende {f}
tack [Am.] [thumbtack]Reißnagel {m}
tack [Am.] [thumbtack]Reißzwecke {f}
tack [Am.] [thumbtack] Pinne {f} [bes. nordd.] [kleiner Nagel, Reißzwecke]
tack [Am.] [thumbtack]Wanze {f} [regional, ugs.] [Reißzwecke]
tack [coll.] [cheap stuff] Ramsch {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
tack [direction of vessel] [also fig.]Kurs {m} [auch fig.]
tack [food, fare] [rare]Essen {n}
tack [gear for a horse] Reitbedarf {m} [Sättel, Halfter, usw.]
tack [nail - esp. with small head]Stift {m} [Nagel]
tack [stickiness] Klebrigkeit {f}
tack [tacking stitch] Heftstich {m} [Nähen]
tack [zigzag course] Zickzackkurs {m} [zu Lande]
tack hammerZweckenhammer {m}
tack hammer [Am.] Hämmerchen {n}
tack hammer [Am.] Hämmerlein {n}
tack room Sattelkammer {f} [am Pferdestall]
tack shop Reitsportgeschäft {n}
tack weldingHeftschweißen {n}
tacked geheftet
tacked knight [Tricholoma pessundatum] Getropfter Ritterling {m}
tacked knight [Tricholoma pessundatum]Getropfter Kiefern-Ritterling {m}
tacked milkcap / milk-cap / milk cap (mushroom) [Lactarius trivialis, syn.: Lactifluus trivialis] Blaureizker {m} [Nordischer Milchling]
tacked milkcap / milk-cap / milk cap (mushroom) [Lactarius trivialis, syn.: Lactifluus trivialis] Moor-Reizker {m} [Nordischer Milchling]
tackerHefter {m}
tackier [coll.] [more lurid]schäbiger
tackiest schäbigste
tackifier Klebrigmacher {m}
tackifier Tackifier {m}
tackifyingKlebrigmachen {n}
tackifying Klebe-
tackifying resinKlebeharz {n}
tackifying resin Klebharz {n}
tackily [coll.] schäbig
tackinessVulgarität {f}
tackiness [of a fluid, e.g. paint]Viskosität {f} [einer Flüssigkeit]
tacking heftend
tackingHeftschweißen {n}
tackingFestnageln {n}
tacking Wende {f}
tacking [sailing] Wenden {n}
tacking threadHeftfaden {m}
tacking thread Heftgarn {n}
tacking thread Reihgarn {n}
tacking threadsHeftfäden {pl}
tackleTakel {n}
tackle Ausrüstung {f}
tackle Flaschenzug {m}
tackleAngriff {m}
tackleTackling {n}
tackleTalje {f} [seemannsspr.] [Flaschenzug]
tackle [equipment] Gerät {n} [Ausrüstung]
tackle [soccer] Zweikampf {m}
tackle box [fishing]Spinnerkasten {m}
tackle box [fishing] Angelkasten {m} [Angeln]
tackled angepackt [begonnen, unternommen]
tackler [American Football][American Football - Offensiv- und Defensiv-Stopper]
tacklesGeräte {pl}
tacklesTakelungen {pl}
tackling anpackend
tacklingTakelwerk {n}
tackling [football] Zweikampf {m}
tackling [successfully dealing with, e.g. a problem] lösend [bewältigend, z. B. ein Problem]
tacksStifte {pl}
tacksZwecken {pl}
tacky [coll.] schäbig
tacky [coll.]verwahrlost
tacky [Am.] [coll.]protzig [ugs.]
tacky [coll.] [cheap] billig
tacky [coll.] [showy] geschmacklos [stillos]
tacky [coll.] [tawdry]kitschig
tacky [stuffy, outmoded] piefig [nordd.] [ostd.] [ugs.]
tacky phacelia [Phacelia viscida] Klebrige Phazelie {f}
taco Taco {m} [gefüllte Maistortilla]
tacoed wheel [Am.] [coll.] [the bike is no longer rideable] Achter {m} [Fahrradjargon für: Acht] [Fahrrad nicht mehr fahrbar]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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