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English-German Dictionary

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tegengrenite [(Mg,Mn)2(Sb,Mn)O4]Tegengrenit {m}
tegestologist Bierdeckelsammler {m}
tegestology Bierdeckelsammeln {n}
tegestologyTegestologie {f}
tegmen Tegmen {n}
tegmenTegmentum {n}
tegmen tympani [Tegmen tympani] Paukendach {n}
tegmental membrane [Tegmentum vasculosum] Tegmentum vasculosum {n}
tegmentumTegmentum {n}
TegucigalpaTegucigalpa {n}
tegulum Tegulum {n}
tegumenTegumen {n}
tegument Bedeckung {f}
tegument Tegument {n} [Neodermis]
Teheran [spv.] Teheran {n}
Tehran Teheran {n}
Tehuana lizard eater [Mastigodryas laevis tehuanae][Unterart der Guatemaltekischen Echsennatter (Mastigodryas laevis)]
Tehuantepec centipede snake [Tantilla briggsi]Tehuantepec-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Tehuantepec hooknose snake [Ficimia variegata] Tehuantepec-Hakennasennatter {f}
Tehuantepec hook-nosed snake [Ficimia variegata]Tehuantepec-Hakennasennatter {f}
Tehuantepec jackrabbit [Lepus flavigularis] Tehuantepec-Hase {m}
Tehuantepec striped snake [Geagras redimitus]Tehuantepec-Streifennatter {f}
Teichmüller / Teichmuller space Teichmüller-Raum {m}
Teichmüller-Tukey lemmaLemma {n} von Teichmüller-Tukey
teichoic acidTeichonsäure {f}
teichopsia Zackensehen {n} [z. B. bei Migräne]
teichopsia Teichopsie {f}
teichopsiaFlimmerskotom {n} [mit farbigen Zickzacklinien]
teichoscopyMauerschau {f}
teichoscopy Teichoskopie {f}
teicoplaninTeicoplanin {n}
Teide daisy [Viola cheiranthifolia] Teide-Veilchen {n}
Teide violet [Viola cheiranthifolia]Teide-Veilchen {n}
teind [Scot.] [northern Br.] [tithe]Zehnt {m}
teineite [CuTeO3·2H2O] Teineit {m}
Teita olive thrush [Turdus helleri]Taitadrossel {f}
Teita thrush [Turdus helleri]Taitadrossel {f}
Teitana purple-glossed snake [Amblyodipsas teitana, syn.: A. taitana]Taita-Purpurzungenschlange {f}
teixobactin Teixobactin {n}
Tejanos Tejanos {pl}
tekkers {pl} [Br.] [coll.] [technique/skill in sport] Technik {f} [Sport]
teknonymyTeknonymie {f}
tektiteTektit {m}
TekWarTek War – Krieger der Zukunft
Tel Aviv-YafoTel Aviv-Jaffa {n}
tel quel rate Tel-quel-Kurs {m}
Tel: 3456 [phone number] Ruf: 3456 [Telefonnummer]
telaTela {f}
Telamon Telamon {m}
Telamonian AjaxAias {m} der Telamonier
telangiectases Telangiektasien {pl}
telangiectasia Telangiektasie {f} [ältere Wortform, heute seltener]
telangiectasiaTeleangiektasie {f}
telangiectasias Telangiektasien {pl}
telangiectasis Teleangiektasie {f}
telangioma Telangiom {n} [Haargefäßtumor]
telargpalite [(Pd,Ag)3Te] Telargpalit {m}
Telavi Telawi {n}
Telč Teltsch {n}
telco [coll.] Telefongesellschaft {f}
telco [coll.] [erroneously referring to a meeting over the telephone]Telko {f} [ugs.] [Telefonkonferenz]
teleadjusting [IEC 60050]Ferneinstellen {n} [IEC 60050]
teleautogramBildtelegramm {n}
teleautograph Bildfernschreiben {n}
teleautographBildfernschreiber {m}
teleautographyBildfernschreiben {n}
telebanking Telebanking {n}
telebanking {sg}Bankgeschäfte {pl} von daheim
telecamera Fernsehkamera {f}
telecastFernsehsendung {f}
telecastim Fernsehen gesendet
telecasted im Fernsehen gesendet
telecaster Ansage {f}
telecaster <tele> [construction type for electric guitars] Telecaster {f} <Tele> [Bautyp von E-Gitarren]
telecastingim Fernsehen übertragend
telecasts Fernsehsendungen {pl}
telecentry Telezentrie {f}
telechorous telechor
telechoryFernausbreitung {f}
telechory [long-range dispersal] Telechorie {f}
telecine Filmabtaster {m} [auch: Telecine-Maschinen]
telecobalt therapy <TCT> Telekobalttherapie {f}
telecobalt therapy <TCT> Telecobalttherapie {f} <TCT> [bes. fachspr.]
tele-cobalt unitTelekobaltgerät {n}
telecoilHörspule {f}
telecoil <T-coil, t-coil> T-Spule {f} [kurz für: Telefonspule]
telecoil <T-coil> Telefonspule {f}
telecom [coll.] Telefongesellschaft {f}
Telecom [short for: German Telecom, Telekom Austria] Telekom {f} [kurz für: Deutsche Telekom, Telekom Austria]
telecom applicationsTelekommunikationsanwendungen {pl}
telecom company Telekommunikationsunternehmen {n}
telecom company Telekomfirma {f}
telecom connection [coll.] Telekommunikationsanschluss {m}
telecom equipmentTelekommunikationsausrüstung {f}
telecom provider Fernmeldedienstanbieter {m} [schweiz.] [Telefondienstanbieter]
telecom sectorTelekommunikationsbranche {f}
telecom sectorTelekomsektor {m}
telecom sector Telekommunikationssektor {m}
« techtectteenteenteettegeteleTeleTeleteletele »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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