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to drive on full beam [Br.]mit Fernlicht fahren
to drive on high beam [Am.] [Aus.] mit Fernlicht fahren
to drive on the left links fahren
to drive on the rightrechts fahren
to drive one behind the other hintereinander fahren
to drive outaustreiben [z. B. Bolzen]
to drive out herausschlagen [z. B. Buchsen, Schrauben]
to drive out ausfahren
to drive outhinausfahren
to drive out of her course [ship] verschlagen
to drive out of the marketvom Markt verdrängen
to drive over überfahren
to drive over herüberfahren
to drive (over) to sth. zu etw. [Dat.] rüberfahren [ugs.]
to drive pastvorüberfahren
to drive past (sb./sth.) (an jdm./etw.) vorbeifahren
to drive round umfahren [fahrend ausweichen]
to drive roundumrunden [fahrend]
to drive sb. around jdn. herumkutschieren
to drive sb. away [by being nasty]jdn. wegekeln [ugs.]
to drive sb. away [chase away]jdn. davonjagen
to drive sb. bananas [coll.] jdn. wahnsinnig machen
to drive sb. bananas [coll.] jdn. verrückt machen
to drive sb. bonkers [coll.] jdn. wahnsinnig machen
to drive sb. crazy [coll.] jdn. zum Wahnsinn treiben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to drive sb. crazy [coll.]jdn. wahnsinnig machen [ugs.]
to drive sb. crazy [coll.] jdn. verrückt machen [ugs.]
to drive sb. crazy [coll.] jdn. kirre in der Birne machen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [jdn. verrückt machen]
to drive sb. crazy [coll.] [idiom] jdn. auf die Palme treiben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to drive sb. cuckoo [coll.] jdn. verrückt machen [ugs.]
to drive sb. franticjdn. verrückt machen [ugs.]
to drive sb. insane [idiom]jdn. wahnsinnig machen
to drive sb. insane [idiom]jdn. um den Verstand bringen [Redewendung] [verrückt machen]
to drive sb. into a cornerjdn. in die Enge treiben
to drive sb. into a cornerjdn. in die Ecke treiben
to drive sb. into a cornerjdn. in eine Ecke treiben
to drive sb. into a corner [fig.]jdn. in die Ecke drängen [fig.]
to drive sb. into a frenzy jdn. in den Wahnsinn treiben
to drive sb. into a ragejdn. zur Raserei treiben
to drive sb. into doing sth. jdn. dazu treiben, etw. zu tun
to drive sb. into his grave jdn. ins Grab bringen
to drive sb. into suicidejdn. in den Selbstmord treiben
to drive sb. mad jdn. zur Raserei bringen
to drive sb. madjdn. verrückt machen
to drive sb. mad jdn. rasend machen
to drive sb. nuts [coll.]jdn. verrückt machen
to drive sb. out jdn. zum Tempel hinausjagen
to drive sb. out of their mind jdm. den Verstand rauben [wahnsinnig machen, nerven]
to drive sb. out of their mind [idiom] [annoy or bother very much] jdn. um den Verstand bringen [Redewendung]
to drive sb. over the edge [coll.] [idiom]jdn. um den Verstand bringen [Redewendung]
to drive sb. round the bend [coll.] [idiom] jdn. verrückt machen
to drive sb. round the bend [idiom]jdn. zum Wahnsinn treiben [ugs.]
to drive sb. somewhere jdn. irgendwohin fahren
to drive sb. to desperation jdn. zur Verzweiflung bringen / treiben
to drive sb. to distractionjdn. zur Raserei treiben
to drive sb. to distraction jdn. in den Wahnsinn treiben
to drive sb. to distraction jdn. zum Wahnsinn treiben
to drive sb. to do sth. [fig.] jdn. dazu treiben, etw. zu tun [fig.]
to drive sb. to drink jdn. in den Suff treiben [ugs.]
to drive sb. to his / her knees [idiom]jdn. auf / in die Knie zwingen [Redewendung]
to drive sb. to insanityjdn. in den Wahnsinn treiben
to drive sb. to the verge of madness [idiom] jdn. an den Rand des Wahnsinns treiben [fig.]
to drive sb. up the pole [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]jdn. zum Wahnsinn treiben [ugs.]
to drive sb. up the wall [coll.] [idiom] jdm. (extrem) auf den Wecker gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to drive sb. up the wall [idiom] [make extremely angry] jdn. auf die Palme bringen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [wütend machen]
to drive sb. wildjdn. verrückt machen [ugs.] [zur Raserei treiben]
to drive sb. wild jdn. zur Raserei bringen
to drive sb. wild [sexually] jdn. heftig erregen [sexuell]
to drive sb./sth. away jdn./etw. vertreiben
to drive sb./sth. awayjdn./etw. wegjagen
to drive sb./sth. awayjdn./etw. verscheuchen
to drive sb./sth. away [take away] jdn./etw. fortfahren [wegbringen]
to drive sb./sth. back [cause to retreat - enemy]jdn./etw. zurücktreiben
to drive sb./sth. back [cause to retreat] jdn./etw. zurückdrängen
to drive sb./sth. from the field [defeat]jdn./etw. aus dem Feld schlagen [geh.] [auch: aus dem Felde schlagen] [besiegen]
to drive sb./sth. into a corner jdn./etw. in die Ecke treiben
to drive sb./sth. out jdn./etw. hinausjagen
to drive sb./sth. outjdn./etw. graulen [ugs.] [vergraulen]
to drive sb./sth. out [exorcise] jdn./etw. austreiben [exorzieren]
to drive sb./sth. to an existential crisisjdn./etw.in Existenznöte treiben
to drive sb./sth. toward sb. jdm. jdn./etw. zutreiben
to drive (sb./sth.)(jdn./etw.) fahren
to drive somewhere to eatessen fahren
to drive sth.etw. [Akk.] steuern
to drive sth. [esp. a horse-drawn vehicle] etw. kutschieren [Kutsche lenken]
to drive sth. [with a motor etc.] etw. antreiben [mit Motor etc.]
to drive sth. forward / on etw. vorantreiben
to drive sth. home etw. klar machen
to drive sth. home [a nail, etc.] etw. einschlagen [einen Nagel in die Wand etc.]
to drive sth. home [cattle]etw. [Akk.] eintreiben [Vieh]
to drive sth. home [fig.] [make clear] etw. [Akk.] klarmachen [ugs.]
to drive sth. home to sb. [idiom] jdm. etw. einhämmern [fig.]
to drive sth. home to sb. [idiom] jdm. etw. [Akk.] beibiegen [salopp] [so lange erklären, bis es verstanden ist] [z. B. wichtige Formeln]
to drive sth. in [nail]etw. einschlagen [Nagel]
to drive sth. in [nail]etw. [Akk.] einhämmern [selten] [mit dem Hammer hineinschlagen]
to drive sth. in [screw, etc.] etw. eindrehen [Schraube etc.]
to drive sth. in / into sth. [e.g. a dowel in / into a wall] etw. [Akk.] in etw. [Akk.] einschießen / hineinschießen [z. B. einen Dübel in eine Wand]
to drive sth. into sth. [e.g. a nail into the wall]etw. in etw. [Akk.] einschlagen [z. B. einen Nagel in die Wand]
to drive sth. into the shadows [fig.] [e.g. prostitution]etw. in die Klandestinität verdrängen [geh.] [z. B. Prostitution]
to drive sth. through [nail, etc.] etw. durchtreiben [Nagel, usw.]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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