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to ease into sth. etw. ruhig angehen lassen
to ease into sth. [armchair, crevice, situation, etc.]in etw. hineingleiten [Sessel, Spalt, Situation etc.]
to ease into sth. [gears] in etw. hinunterschalten [Gang]
to ease (nature) [to answer the call of nature] sich [Akk.] erleichtern [seine Notdurft verrichten]
to ease off nachgeben
to ease offnachlassen
to ease offsinken
to ease off sich vermindern
to ease off [a helmet]abnehmen [einen Helm]
to ease off / away the lifeboats [let down] Rettungsboote abfieren
to ease off / up [storm, rain, pain, etc.] schwächer werden [nachlassen: Sturm, Regen, Schmerz etc.]
to ease off sth. [rope]etw. [Akk.] abfieren [Tau]
to ease off the clutchdie Kupplung behutsam / langsam kommen lassen
to ease one's conscience sein Gewissen erleichtern
to ease one's conscience sein Gewissen beschwichtigen
to ease one's way towards the door [unobtrusively] sich unauffällig zur Tür bewegen
to ease oneself sein Herz erleichtern [Redewendung]
to ease oneself down (from sth.)sich [Akk.] vorsichtig (von etw. [Dat.]) herunterlassen
to ease pain Schmerz lindern
to ease past sb./sth. sich vorsichtig hinter jdm./etw. vorbeibewegen
to ease restrictions Beschränkungen lockern
to ease sanctionsSanktionen lockern
to ease sb. out jdn. aus dem Sattel heben [fig.]
to ease sb. past sth. [fig.] [to help sb. forget sth.]jdn. etw. [Akk.] vergessen lassen
to ease sb. past sth. [fig.] [to spare sb. sth.]jdm. etw. [Akk.] ersparen
to ease sb./sth. past sb./sth.jdn./etw. vorsichtig hinter jdm./etw. vorbeibewegen
to ease sorrow Sorge mindern
to ease sth. [make less tense] etw. auflockern [zwangloser machen]
to ease sth. [manoeuvre gently, e.g. a car] etw. vorsichtig manövrieren
to ease sth. [nuisance, grievance etc.] etw. [Dat.] abhelfen
to ease sth. [situation] etw. entspannen [Situation]
to ease sth. into sth. etw. behutsam in etw. hineinschieben / stecken
to ease sth. into sth. [e.g. a car into a narrow space] etw. vorsichtig in etw. hineinbewegen
to ease sth. off [lid etc.] etw. behutsam ablösen [Deckel etc.]
to ease sth. out of sth. [e.g. a car out of a narrow space] etw. [Akk.] vorsichtig aus etw. [Dat.] hinausbewegen
to ease sth. through sth.etw. vorsichtig / behutsam durch etw. schieben
to ease sth. up onto sth.etw. vorsichtig auf etw. hinauflegen / hinaufschieben
to ease tensionsSpannungen abbauen
to ease termsdie Bedingungen erleichtern
to ease the burden on sb. jdm. eine Last abnehmen
to ease the car into a narrow parking space das Auto behutsam in eine schmale Lücke hineinmanövrieren
to ease the pain die Schmerzen lindern
to ease the tensiondie Anspannung lösen
to ease to a victory es mühelos zu einem Sieg bringen
to ease up nachlassen
to ease up bremsen [ugs.] [sich zurückhalten]
to ease up einen Gang runterschalten [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to easternizeveröstlichen
to eatverspeisen [geh.]
to eathabern [österr.] [ugs.] [essen]
to eat speisen [geh.] [essen]
to eat [animal] fressen
to eat / drink noisily schmatzen
to eat / have a balanced diet sich ausgewogen ernähren
to eat / have a healthy diet sich gesund ernähren
to eat a vegan dietsich vegan ernähren
to eat a wholefood diet [Br.]sich vollwertig ernähren
to eat as much as one wants of sth. sich an etw. [Dat.] satt essen
to eat away drauflosessen [ugs.]
to eat away [erode]ausfressen [Wasser, Fluss]
to eat away [teeth] anfressen [zersetzen]
to eat away at sb./sth. [expression]an jdm./etw. nagen [fig.]
to eat away at sth. etw. abtragen [erodieren]
to eat away at sth. [corrosion etc.]an etw. [Dat.] fressen [Rost etc.]
to eat away at your teethdie Zähne anfressen
to eat boiled crow [coll.] Kreide fressen [ugs.]
to eat crow [Am.] [coll.] die bittere Pille schlucken
to eat crow [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] zu Kreuze kriechen [Redewendung]
to eat crow [coll.] [Am.] [Can.]Kreide fressen [ugs.]
to eat dinner with sb. mit jdm. essen
to eat dirt [fig.] [coll.] sich widerspruchslos demütigen lassen
to eat each other [animals, cannibals]sich gegenseitig fressen
to eat half as much [diet] FdH machen [ugs.] [FdH: Friss die Hälfte]
to eat high on / off the hog [Am.] [coll.]prassen
to eat holes in sth. [bugs, rust] in etw. [Akk.] Löcher fressen [Ungeziefer, Rost]
to eat humble piesich demütigen
to eat humble pieKreide fressen [ugs.]
to eat humble pie [idiom] klein beigeben [Redewendung]
to eat humble pie [idiom] zu Kreuze kriechen [Redewendung]
to eat humble pie [idiom]Abbitte leisten [geh.]
to eat humble pie [idiom]nach Canossa gehen [Redewendung]
to eat in zu Hause essen [hier essen]
to eat in zu Hause essen
to eat into einfressen
to eat into einätzen
to eat into sth. sich in etw. fressen [Säure]
to eat into sth. [currency reserves, savings] zehren von etw. [Reserven, Ersparnisse]
to eat (its way) through sth. [acid, rust, animal, insect]sich durch etw. durchfressen
to eat like a birdnur wenig essen
to eat like a bird [idiom]essen wie ein Spatz [Idiom]
to eat like a horseUnmengen essen
to eat like a horse [coll.] [idiom] futtern wie ein Scheunendrescher [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to eat like a horse [coll.] [idiom] wie ein Scheunendrescher fressen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to eat like a pig [fig.] [pej.] [eat noisily and unpleasantly]fressen [derb] [pej.]
to eat like a pig [pej.]fressen wie ein Schwein [ugs.] [pej.]
to eat low-fat foodfettarm essen
to eat lunch zu Mittag essen
to eat lunch lunchen [den Lunch einnehmen]
to eat masses [coll.]Unmengen essen
to eat no meat [on principle]sich [Akk.] fleischlos ernähren
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