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English-German Dictionary

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telephone box [Br.]Telefonkabine {f}
telephone box [Br.]Fernsprechkabine {f}
telephone boxes Telefonzellen {pl}
telephone breakdown Telefonausfall {m}
telephone cabin Telefonzelle {f}
telephone cabinTelefonkabine {f}
telephone cable Telefonkabel {n}
telephone callTelefonanruf {m}
telephone call Telefonat {n}
telephone callAnruf {m}
telephone call Telefongespräch {n}
telephone callsTelefonanrufe {pl}
telephone callsTelefonate {pl}
telephone canvassing Telefonwerbung {f} [im Wahlkampf]
telephone cardTelefonkarte {f}
telephone central officeHauptamt {n} [Telefonvermittlung]
telephone chain Telefonkette {f}
telephone channel Telefoniekanal {m}
telephone channel Telefonkanal {m}
telephone charges Fernsprechgebühren {pl}
telephone chargesTelefongebühren {pl}
telephone circuitTelefonleitung {f}
telephone coil [coll.] [telecoil, T-coil]Telefonspule {f}
telephone communicationtelefonische Mitteilung {f}
telephone communication telefonische Kommunikation {f}
telephone communication telefonische Verständigung {f}
telephone companyTelefongesellschaft {f}
telephone company Telefonanbieter {m}
telephone conferenceTelefonkonferenz {f}
telephone conferencing station Telefonspinne {f}
telephone connection Fernsprechanschluss {m} [veraltet]
telephone connection Telefonverbindung {f}
telephone connection Telefonanschluss {m}
telephone connection Fernsprechverbindung {f} [veraltend]
telephone connection unitTelefonanschlusseinheit {f}
telephone connections Fernsprechanschlüsse {pl}
telephone contactTelefonkontakt {m} [auch: Telefon-Kontakt]
telephone conversation Telefongespräch {n}
telephone conversation Telefonat {n}
telephone conversationsTelefongespräche {pl}
telephone cord Telefonkabel {n} [am Endgerät]
telephone cordTelefonschnur {f}
telephone costsTelefonkosten {pl}
telephone counseling [Am.] Telefonseelsorge {f}
telephone counselling service [Br.]Kummernummer {f} [ugs.]
telephone customer Telefonkunde {m}
telephone customer service telefonische Kundenbetreuung {f}
telephone dealing Telefonhandel {m}
telephone dial Telefonwählscheibe {f}
telephone dialling Telefonwahl {f}
telephone directories Teilnehmerverzeichnisse {pl}
telephone directoryTeilnehmerverzeichnis {n}
telephone directory Telefonbuch {n}
telephone directory Fernsprechbuch {n} [veraltend] [Telefonbuch]
telephone directoryTelefonverzeichnis {n}
telephone directory entryTelefonbucheintrag {m}
telephone dutyTelefondienst {m} [Arbeit]
telephone ear-pieceTelefonmuschel {f} [Hörmuschel]
telephone engineer Telefontechniker {m}
telephone engineer [female] Telefontechnikerin {f}
telephone engineeringTelefontechnik {f}
telephone enquirytelefonische Anfrage {f}
telephone exchangeFernsprechamt {n}
telephone exchange Telefonvermittlung {f}
telephone exchange Telephonvermittlung {f} [alt für: Telefonvermittlung]
telephone exchange Telefonzentrale {f}
telephone exchanges Fernsprechämter {pl}
telephone extension Nebenanschluss {m}
telephone facilitiesTelefoneinrichtungen {pl}
telephone factoryTelefonfabrik {f}
telephone flex Telefonkabel {n} [am Endgerät]
telephone flex Telefonschnur {f}
telephone flex Telefon-Anschlussschnur {f}
telephone flexTelefonanschlussschnur {f}
telephone frequencyFernsprechfrequenz {f}
telephone (game) [Am.] stille Post {f}
telephone (game) [Am.]Flüsterpost {f}
telephone (game) [Am.] Telefonspiel {n} [bes. schweiz.]
telephone handset Telefonhörer {m}
telephone harassment Telefonterror {m}
telephone helpline Telefonauskunftsstelle {f}
telephone hoodTelefonhaube {f}
telephone hook-up Konferenzschaltung {f}
telephone information telefonische Auskunft {f}
telephone information lineTelefon-Infoline {f}
telephone information service Telefonansage {f}
telephone inquirytelefonische Anfrage {f}
telephone interferenceTelefonstörung {f} [Interferenz]
telephone interview Telefoninterview {n}
telephone interview [of an individual] Telefonbefragung {f} [einer Einzelperson]
telephone jackTelefondose {f}
telephone jacket Telefonsteckdose {f}
telephone junction boxTelefonverteiler {m}
telephone keyboard Telefontastatur {f}
telephone keypad Telefontastenfeld {n}
telephone keypadTelefon-Tastenfeld {n}
telephone keypadTelefontastatur {f}
telephone kiosk Fernsprechzelle {f}
telephone kiosk [Br.] [rare] Telefonzelle {f}
telephone kiosksFernsprechzellen {pl}
« teettegeteleTeleTeleteleteleteleteleteletele »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers