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English-German Dictionary

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telephone lineTelefonleitung {f}
telephone lineTelefondraht {m}
telephone line Telefonverbindung {f}
telephone line Fernsprechleitung {f}
telephone linesTelefonleitungen {pl}
telephone linkTelefonverbindung {f} [zwischen Orten]
telephone linkFernsprechverbindung {f}
telephone listTelefonverzeichnis {n} [Liste]
telephone list Telefonliste {f}
telephone marketTelefonmarkt {m}
telephone marketing Telefonmarketing {n}
telephone message Telefonnotiz {f}
telephone message telefonische Nachricht {f}
telephone messagetelefonische Mitteilung {f}
telephone messagefernmündliche Mitteilung {f}
telephone microphone [IEC 60050]Sprechkapsel {f} [IEC 60050]
telephone monitoringTelefonüberwachung {f}
telephone mouthpieceTelefonmuschel {f} [Sprechmuschel]
telephone mouthpiece Telephonmuschel {f} [alt]
telephone networkTelefonnetz {n}
telephone networkTelefonnetzwerk {n}
telephone newspaper Telefonzeitung {f}
telephone noteTelefonnotiz {f}
telephone number Telefonnummer {f}
telephone number Rufnummer {f}
telephone number Fernruf {m} [veraltet] [Telefonnummer]
telephone numberRuf {m} [selten für Rufnummer]
telephone number prefixVerkehrsausscheidungsziffer {f} <VAZ>
telephone numbers Telefonnummern {pl}
telephone officeFernsprechamt {n}
telephone ordertelefonische Bestellung {f}
telephone pliers {pl} [one pair] Telefonzange {f}
telephone plug Telefonstecker {m}
telephone poleTelefonmast {m}
telephone pole Telegrafenmast {m} [Telefonmast]
telephone poleFreileitungsmast {m}
telephone receiver Handapparat {m}
telephone receiverTelefonhörer {m}
telephone (receiver) off the hookausgehängtes Telefon {n}
telephone recordEinzelverbindungsnachweis {m}
telephone relay Fernsprechrelais {n}
telephone rental Telefongebühr {f} [Grundgebühr]
telephone repeater Telefonverstärker {m}
telephone retailerTelefonhändler {m}
telephone retailer [female]Telefonhändlerin {f}
telephone sales {pl} Telefonverkauf {m}
telephone satelliteTelefonsatellit {m}
telephone scam [coll.] Telefonbetrug {m}
telephone selling Telefonverkauf {m} [Telemarketing]
telephone service Telefondienst {m}
telephone service Telefonservice {m}
telephone setTelefonapparat {m}
telephone sets Telefonapparate {pl}
telephone sex Telefonsex {m}
telephone shop [Br.] Telefonladen {m}
telephone sign []Telefonzeichen {n}
telephone socket Telefondose {f}
telephone socketTelefonsteckdose {f}
telephone stationSprechstelle {f} [Telefonanlage]
telephone store [Am.]Telefonladen {m}
telephone subscriber Telefonteilnehmer {m}
telephone subscriber Telefonkunde {m}
telephone subscriber Anschlussinhaber {m}
telephone subscriber Telefonanschlussinhaber {m}
telephone surveillanceTelefonüberwachung {f}
telephone surveytelefonische Umfrage {f}
telephone survey Telefonbefragung {f}
telephone survey Telefonumfrage {f}
telephone switchVermittlungsstelle {f}
telephone switch boxTelefonvermittlungsschrank {m}
telephone systemTelefonsystem {n}
telephone systemTelefonanlage {f}
telephone tapping Telefonüberwachung {f}
telephone tapping Telefonanzapfung {f}
telephone tappingAbhören {n} von Telefongesprächen
telephone terminalFernsprechanschluss {m} [veraltet]
telephone terminal Fernsprechgerät {n}
telephone terror Telefonterror {m}
telephone time servicetelefonische Zeitangabe {f}
telephone time service telefonische Zeitansage {f}
telephone trade Telefonhandel {m}
telephone traffic Telefonverkehr {m}
telephone tree Telefonkette {f} [organisatorischer Zusammenschluss per Telefon]
telephone wall jack Telefonanschlussdose {f}
[telephone hotline for controlled waste disposal] Misttelefon {n} [österr.] [bes. Wien]
(telephone) bellTelefonklingel {f}
(telephone) call Gespräch {n}
(telephone) call (from ... / to ...) Telefongespräch {n} (von ... / nach ...)
(telephone) dial selector Telefonwählscheibe {f}
(telephone) information [Am.] Telefonauskunft {f}
(telephone) number portabilityRufnummernmitnahme {f}
(telephone) numbering plan Nummernplan {m}
(telephone) switchboardTelefonzentrale {f}
(telephone) switchboard Zentrale {f} [Telefonzentrale]
telephoneeAngerufener {m}
telephonee [female]Angerufene {f}
telephone-pole beetles [family Micromalthidae]Micromalthiden {pl}
telephoner Anrufer {m}
telephones Telefone {pl}
« tegeteleTeleTeleteleteleteleteleteleteleTell »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers