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telescopic aerialTeleskopantenne {f}
telescopic antenna Teleskopantenne {f}
telescopic bomb sight Bombenfernrohr {n}
telescopic boom Teleskopausleger {m} [Kran]
telescopic carriage Teleskopwagen {m}
telescopic columnTeleskopsäule {f}
telescopic corridorausziehbare Fluggastbrücke {f}
telescopic covered wagon Teleskophaubenwagen {m}
telescopic crane Teleskopkran {m}
telescopic crown Teleskopkrone {f}
telescopic crown-retained (partial) denture teleskopverankerte Teilprothese {f}
telescopic denture Deckprothese {f}
telescopic denture [rare] ["German crowns"] Teleskopprothese {f}
telescopic extension Teleskopverlängerung {f}
telescopic forkTeleskopgabel {f} [Motorrad]
telescopic functionTeleskopfunktion {f}
telescopic handle Teleskopstiel {m}
telescopic handler Teleskoplader {m}
telescopic hood wagon Teleskophaubenwagen {m}
telescopic jib Teleskopausleger {m} [Kran]
telescopic ladder [extension ladder] Teleskopleiter {f}
telescopic mastSchiebemast {m}
telescopic mast Teleskopmast {m}
telescopic pipe Ausziehrohr {n}
telescopic platform Teleskopbühne {f}
telescopic rod Teleskopstange {f}
telescopic rod Teleskoprute {f}
telescopic shaftTeleskopwelle {f}
telescopic sightZielfernrohr {n}
telescopic sights Zielfernrohre {pl}
telescopic spindle ausziehbare Spindel {f}
telescopic stemTeleskopstiel {m}
telescopic tripod Ausziehstativ {n} [Dreibein]
telescopic tripod ausziehbares Dreibeinstativ {n}
telescopic tripodTeleskop-Dreibeinstativ {n}
telescopic tubeTeleskoprohr {n}
telescopic tubeAusziehrohr {n} [Teleskoprohr]
telescopic twin axle teleskopische Zwillingsachse {f}
telescopic umbrella Knirps ® {m} [Taschenschirm]
telescopingineinander schiebend [alt]
telescoping ineinanderschiebend
telescoping fingers [Arthritis mutilans] Fernrohrfinger {pl}
telescoping fingers [Arthritis mutilans]Teleskopfinger {pl}
telescoping seriesTeleskopreihe {f}
telescoping sumTeleskopsumme {f}
Telescopium [constellation] Teleskop {n} [Sternbild]
telescreen Bildschirm {m}
telescreen Fernsehbildschirm {m}
telescriptorBriefbildsender {m}
telesellingTelefonverkauf {m}
telesemeZeichengeber {m}
teleservicesTeledienste {pl}
teleshopping Einkäufe {pl} von daheim
teleshoppingFernbestellen {n}
teleshopping Teleshopping {n}
teleshopping terminalBestellterminal {n}
telesoftwareTelesoftware {f}
telestation Fernsehsender {m}
Telesterion Telesterion {n} zu Eleusis
Telesterion Weihetempel {m} zu Eleusis
telestes [Telestes souffia, syn.: Leuciscus souffia] Strömer {m}
telesthesia Telästhesie {f}
telestichTelestichon {n}
tele-substitutiontele-Substitution {f}
telesurgery Telechirurgie {f}
teleswitching [IEC 60050]Fernschalten {n} [IEC 60050]
teleteacher Fernlehrer {m}
teletex letterTeletexbrief {m}
teletex service Teletexdienst {m}
teletex station Teletexendgerät {n}
teletex subscriber Teletexteilnehmer {m}
teletex terminal Teletexendgerät {n}
teletextVideotextsystem {n}
teletextVideotext {m}
teletext Teletext {m} [österr.] [schweiz.]
teletext decoder Videotextdecoder {m}
teletherapyTeletherapie {f}
telethon Telethon {n}
telethonSpendenmarathon {m} [Fernsehsendung]
Teletubbies [characters from the TV series Teletubbies]Teletubbies {pl} [Figuren aus der Fernsehserie Teletubbies]
Teletubbies [TV series]Teletubbies [Fernsehserie]
Teletubby [character from the TV series Teletubbies]Teletubby {m} [Figur aus der Fernsehserie Teletubbies]
teletype Fernschreiber {m}
teletypeFernschreibmaschine {f}
teletype font [non-proportional font]Teletype-Font {m} [nichtproportionale Schriftart]
teletype machine Fernschreiber {m}
teletype machine <TTY machine> Teletype-Gerät {n} <TTY-Gerät>
teletype (machine)Fernschreibgerät {n} [Fernschreiber] <Fernschr., FS, Fschr.>
teletype message Fernschreiben {n}
teletype operator [Am.] Fernschreiber {m} [Person]
teletyper Fernschreiber {m}
teletyper [teleprinter] Fernschreibgerät {n} [Fernschreiber]
teletypes Fernschreiber {pl}
teletypesettingFernsatz {m}
teletypewriter [Am.] Fernschreibgerät {n}
« TeleTeleteleteleteleteleteleteleTelltelltemb »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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