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umbellate wintergreen [Chimaphila umbellata] Gichtkraut {n}
umbellate wintergreen [Chimaphila umbellata] Dolden-Winterlieb {n}
umbellate wintergreen [Chimaphila umbellata] Doldiges Wintergrün {n}
umbellate wintergreen [Chimaphila umbellata] Doldiges Winterlieb {n}
umbellate wintergreen [Chimaphila umbellata] Doldenblütiges Wintergrün {n}
umbellate wintergreen [Chimaphila umbellata] Doldenblütiges Harnkraut {n}
umbellifer Doldenblütler {m} [Doldengewächs]
umbelliferDoldengewächs {n}
umbellifer family {sg} [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae]Apiaceen {pl} [Familie der Apiaceen]
umbellifer family {sg} [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Umbelliferen {pl} [Familie der Umbelliferen]
umbellifer family {sg} [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Doldenblütler {pl} [Familie der Doldenblütler]
umbellifer family {sg} [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Doldengewächse {pl} [Familie der Doldengewächse]
umbellifer family {sg} [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Doldenblüter {pl}
umbellifer longhorn beetle [Phytoecia cylindrica] Möhrenböckchen {n}
umbellifer longhorn beetle [Phytoecia cylindrica] Zylindrischer Walzenhalsbock {m}
umbellifer longhorn beetle [Phytoecia cylindrica] Echter Walzenhalsbock {m}
umbelliferas [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae]Apiaceen {pl}
umbelliferas [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae]Doldenblütler {pl}
umbelliferas [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Doldengewächse {pl}
umbelliferas [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae]Umbelliferen {pl}
umbelliferas [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Doldenblüter {pl}
umbelliferone [C9H6O3]Umbelliferon {n}
umbelliferose Umbelliferose {f}
umbellifers [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Doldenblütler {pl}
umbellifers [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae]Doldengewächse {pl}
umbellifers [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Apiaceen {pl}
umbellifers [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Umbelliferen {pl}
umbellifers [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Doldenblüter {pl}
umbels Dolden {pl}
umberUmber {m}
umberUmbra {f}
umber bird [Scopus umbretta] Hammerkopf {m}
umber bird [Scopus umbretta]Schattenvogel {m}
umber-brown puffball [Lycoperdon umbrinum] Brauner Stäubling {m}
umber-zoned ringless amanita [Amanita battarrae] Zweifarbiger Scheidenstreifling {m}
umber-zoned ringless amanita [Amanita battarrae]Zweifarbiger Streifling {m}
umber-zoned ringless amanita [Amanita battarrae]Verfärbender Scheidenstreifling {m}
umber-zoned ringless amanita [Amanita battarrae] Brauner Scheidenstreifling {m}
umber-zoned ringless amanita [Amanita battarrae]Umbrabrauner Scheidenstreifling {m}
umbilectomy [omphalectomy]Umbilektomie {f} [operative Entfernung des Nabels]
umbilicalden Nabel betreffend
umbilical Nabel-
umbilical [short for: umbilical cable]Versorgungsschlauch {m}
umbilical anomaliesNabelanomalien {pl}
umbilical arteries <UAs> [Arteriae umbilicales] Nabelarterien {pl} <NA>
umbilical artery <UA> [Arteria umbilicalis]Nabelarterie {f} <NA>
umbilical bandage Nabelbinde {f}
umbilical belt Nabelverband {m}
umbilical beltNabelbruchband {n}
umbilical binder Nabelbinde {f}
umbilical cable Versorgungsschlauch {m}
umbilical clampNabelschnurklemme {f}
umbilical colic Nabelkolik {f}
umbilical cord [Funiculus umbilicalis]Nabelschnur {f}
umbilical cord bloodNabelschnurblut {n}
umbilical cord blood storage Nabelschnurbluteinlagerung {f}
umbilical cord clampNabelschnurklemme {f}
umbilical cord complications Nabelschnurkomplikationen {pl}
umbilical cord knotNabelschnurknoten {m}
umbilical cord prolapseNabelschnurvorfall {m}
umbilical cord scissors Nabelschnurscheren {pl}
umbilical cords Nabelschnüre {pl}
umbilical diphtheriaNabeldiphtherie {f}
umbilical egg shell [Calpurnus verrucosus, syn.: Bulla verucosa, Ovula perla, Radius gibbus]Fingernagel-Eischnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
umbilical egg shell [Calpurnus verrucosus, syn.: Bulla verucosa, Ovula perla, Radius gibbus] Nabel-Eischnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
umbilical fistula Nabelfistel {f}
umbilical haemorrhage [Br.] Nabelblutung {f}
umbilical haemorrhage [Br.] Omphalorrhagie {f}
umbilical hemorrhage [Am.] Omphalorrhagie {f}
umbilical hemorrhage [Am.] Nabelblutung {f}
umbilical herniaUmbilikalhernie {f}
umbilical hernia [Hernia umbilicalis]Nabelbruch {m}
umbilical hernia [Hernia umbilicalis] Nabelhernie {f}
umbilical hernia bandNabelbruchband {n}
umbilical lobe Umbilikallobus {m}
umbilical lobe Umbilicallobus {m}
umbilical region [Regio umbilicalis]Nabelregion {f}
umbilical scissors {pl} [one pair]Nabelschnurschere {f}
umbilical vein <UV> [Vena umbilicalis] Nabelvene {f} <NV>
umbilical veins <UVs> [Venae umbilicales] Nabelvenen {pl} <NV>
umbilically umbilikal
umbilicals [short for: umbilical hoses]Versorgungsschläuche {pl}
umbilicate gibbula [Gibbula umbilicalis, syn.: Trochus agathensis, T. cinereus, T. obliquatus, T. umbilicatus] Genabelte Buckelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
umbilicate pebblesnail [Cittarium pica] Westindische Spitzschnecke {f}
umbilicate pebblesnail [Cittarium pica] Kreiselschnecke {f}
umbilicated genabelt
umbilicomancy Umbilicomantie {f} [Omphalomantie] [Nabelweissagung]
umbilicus Nabel {m}
umbilicus Umbilicus {m}
umbilicusBauchnabel {m}
umbilicus Umbilikus {m}
umbite [K2ZrSi3O9·H2O] Umbit {m}
umbo Schildbuckel {m}
umbo Umbo {m}
« ultiultrultrultrultrumbeumboumbrUNGounacunad »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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