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umbo Nabel {m} [Umbo] [z. B. Trommelfell, Koniferenzapfen]
umbo of (the) eardrum [Umbo membranae tympani]Trommelfellnabel {m}
umbonate gebuckelt
umbozerite [Na3Sr4ThSi8(O,OH)24]Umbozerit {m}
umbra [in eclipse] Kernschatten {m}
umbra [in sunspot] Umbra {f}
umbra grey [Br.] [RAL 7022]Umbragrau {n} [RAL 7022]
umbra shadowKernschatten {m}
umbrageAnstoß {m} [fig.] [in: Anstoß nehmen, Anstoß geben]
umbrageVerletzung {f}
umbrage (Schatten spendendes) Laubwerk {n}
umbrage [a reason for doubt, suspicion] Ombrage {f} [veraltet] [Argwohn, Misstrauen, Verdacht]
umbrage [archaic] [shadow, shade] Schatten {m} [bes. von Bäumen]
umbrage [hint]Hauch {m} [Andeutung]
umbrage [offence, ire]Wut {f}
umbrageous übelnehmend
umbrageous [literary] schattig
umbral cone Schattenkegel {m}
umbral shadow [in eclipse]Kernschatten {m}
umbrasSonnenfleckenkerne {pl}
umbraticole im Schatten wachsend
umbraticolousim Schatten wachsend
umbrellaRegenschirm {m}
umbrella Parapluie {m} [auch {n}] [veraltet] [Regenschirm]
umbrella [also: of a jellyfish]Schirm {m} [Regenschirm; auch: einer Qualle]
umbrella [attr.] [e.g. association, company, organization]Dach- [z. B. Verband, Gesellschaft, Organisation]
umbrella antenna Schirmantenne {f}
umbrella apisto [Apistogramma borellii, syn.: Apistogramma borelli] Borellis Zwergbuntbarsch {m}
umbrella apisto [Apistogramma borellii, syn.: Apistogramma borelli] Gelber Zwergbuntbarsch {m}
umbrella association Dachverband {m}
umbrella bamboo [Fargesia murielae, syn.: Arundinaria murielae] Muriel-Bambus {m}
umbrella bamboo [Fargesia murielae, syn.: Arundinaria murielae]Garten-Bambus / Gartenbambus {m}
umbrella brandDachmarke {f}
umbrella case Schirmüberzug {m}
umbrella cell Deckzelle {f}
umbrella cell Schirmzelle {f}
umbrella cell Umbrella-Zelle {f}
umbrella cichlid [Apistogramma borellii, syn.: Apistogramma borelli] Borellis Zwergbuntbarsch {m}
umbrella cichlid [Apistogramma borellii, syn.: Apistogramma borelli] Gelber Zwergbuntbarsch {m}
umbrella cockatoo [Cacatua alba] Weißhaubenkakadu {m}
umbrella companyDachgesellschaft {f}
umbrella cover Pauschaldeckung {f}
umbrella coverSchirmhülle {f}
umbrella coverGlobaldeckung {f}
umbrella drink Schirmchendrink {m}
umbrella (flat) sedge [Cyperus alternifolius]Wechselblättriges Zypergras {n}
umbrella (flat) sedge [Cyperus alternifolius] Zypergras {n}
umbrella (flat) sedge [Cyperus alternifolius]Zyperngras {n} [ugs.]
umbrella fund Dachfonds {m}
umbrella group Dachorganisation {f}
umbrella handleRegenschirmgriff {m}
umbrella hatKopfschirm {m}
umbrella heaterHeizpilz {m} [Terrassenstrahler]
umbrella iris Regenschirmiris {f}
umbrella irisNapfkucheniris {f}
umbrella languageDachsprache {f}
umbrella liverwort [Marchantia polymorpha]Brunnenlebermoos {n}
umbrella liverwort [Marchantia polymorpha]Brunnlebermoos {n}
umbrella magnolia [Magnolia tripetala] Schirm-Magnolie {f}
umbrella maker Schirmmacher {m}
umbrella makerParapluiemacher {m} [veraltet]
umbrella milkweed [Euphorbia helioscopia] Sonnenwolfsmilch {f}
umbrella milkweed [Euphorbia helioscopia]Sonnenwend-Wolfsmilch / Sonnenwendwolfsmilch {f}
umbrella mouth gulper (eel) [Eurypharynx pelecanoides] Pelikanaal {m}
umbrella network Sternnetz {n}
umbrella organisation [Br.] Dachverband {m}
umbrella organisation [Br.]Zentralverband {m}
umbrella organisation [Br.] Dachorganisation {f}
umbrella organization Dachverband {m}
umbrella organization Dachorganisation {f}
umbrella organization Spitzenverband {m}
umbrella palm [Cyperus alternifolius] Wechselblättriges Zypergras {n}
umbrella palm [Cyperus alternifolius] Zypergras {n}
umbrella palm [Cyperus alternifolius] Zyperngras {n} [ugs.]
umbrella papyrus [Cyperus alternifolius] Wechselblättriges Zypergras {n}
umbrella papyrus [Cyperus alternifolius]Zypergras {n}
umbrella papyrus [Cyperus alternifolius]Zyperngras {n} [ugs.]
umbrella pine [Pinus pinea]Schirmkiefer {f}
umbrella pine [Pinus pinea] Pinie {f}
umbrella pine [Pinus pinea] Italienische Steinkiefer {f}
umbrella pine [Pinus pinea]Mittelmeer-Kiefer {f}
umbrella pine family {sg} [family Sciadopityaceae] Sciadopityaceen {pl}
umbrella pine family {sg} [family Sciadopityaceae] Schirmtannengewächse {pl}
umbrella plant [Ceropegia sandersonii]Kletternde Leuchterblume {f}
umbrella plant [Darmera peltata] Schildblatt {n}
umbrella polypore [Polyporus umbellatus](Gemeiner) Eichhase {m}
umbrella polypore [Polyporus umbellatus]Ästiger Porling {m}
umbrella polypore [Polyporus umbellatus]Laub-Porling / Laubporling {m}
umbrella polypore [Polyporus umbellatus] Ästiger Büschel-Porling / Büschelporling {m}
umbrella sedge [Cyperus eragrostis]Frischgrünes Zypergras {n}
umbrella sedge [genus Cyperus] Cypergras {n} [fachspr.]
umbrella sign [radiology] Regenschirmzeichen {n} [Radiologie]
umbrella skirtRegenschirmrock {m}
umbrella species Schirmart {f}
umbrella species {pl} Regenschirmarten {pl}
umbrella spurrey [Holosteum umbellatum]Dolden-Spurre / Doldenspurre {f}
umbrella spurrey [Holosteum umbellatum] Doldige Spurre {f}
umbrella standSchirmständer {m} [für Regenschirme]
« ultrultrultrultrumbeumboumbrUNGounacunadunal »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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