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English-German Dictionary

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upland eyebright [Euphrasia frigida] Bläulicher Augentrost {m}
upland eyebright [Euphrasia frigida]Skandinavischer Augentrost {m}
upland goose [Chloephaga picta] Magellangans {f}
upland green bush cricket [Tettigonia cantans]Zwitscherschrecke {f}
upland green bush cricket [Tettigonia cantans]Singschrecke {f}
upland green bush cricket [Tettigonia cantans] Zwitscherheupferd / Zwitscher-Heupferd {n}
upland green bush cricket [Tettigonia cantans] Zwitscherheuschrecke {f}
upland hawk [Buteo hemilasius]Hochlandbussard {m}
upland hawk [Buteo hemilasius]Mongolenbussard {m}
upland heart-shield [Nebria (Boreonebria) rufescens, syn.: Nebria gyllenhali] [ground beetle] Bergbach-Dammläufer {m} [Käferart]
upland heart-shield [Nebria (Boreonebria) rufescens, syn.: Nebria gyllenhali] [ground beetle] Gyllenhals Dammläufer {m} [Käferart]
upland meadow Bergweide {f}
upland meadowGebirgsweide {f}
upland meadowBergwiese {f}
upland moa [Megalapteryx didinus] [extinct] Waldmoa {m} [ausgestorben]
Upland Outlaws [Dave Duncan]In Acht und Bann
upland pasture Hochweide {f}
upland pipit [Anthus sylvanus] Mattenpieper {m}
upland plainHochebene {f}
upland region Hochlandregion {f}
upland rice Bergreis {m}
upland sandpiper [Bartramia longicauda]Prärieläufer {m}
upland soilHochlandboden {m}
Upland South [Upper South]Upper South {m} [nördlicher Teil der Südstaaten der USA]
upland speedwell [Veronica officinalis]Echter Ehrenpreis {m}
upland speedwell [Veronica officinalis] Wald-Ehrenpreis {m}
upland speedwell [Veronica officinalis]Frauenlist {f}
upland speedwell [Veronica officinalis] Allerweltsheil {n}
upland speedwell [Veronica officinalis]Grundheilkraut {n}
upland speedwell [Veronica officinalis]Wundheilkraut {n}
upland speedwell [Veronica officinalis] Arznei-Ehrenpreis {m}
upland swordtail [Xiphophorus alvarezi] Blauer Schwertträger {m}
upland villageBergdorf {n}
upland willow [Salix humilis, syn.: S. humilis var. microphylla, S. tristis, S. tristis var. microphylla]Prärie-Weide / Prärieweide {f}
upland-cranberry [Arctostaphylos uva-ursi] [bearberry] (Echte) Bärentraube {f}
upland-green / upland green grasshopper [Tettigonia cantans]Zwitscherheupferd / Zwitscher-Heupferd {n}
upland-green / upland green grasshopper [Tettigonia cantans]Zwitscherheuschrecke {f}
upland-green / upland green grasshopper [Tettigonia cantans] Singschrecke {f}
upland-green / upland green grasshopper [Tettigonia cantans] Zwitscherschrecke {f}
uplands Hochländer {pl}
uplands {pl} Mittelgebirge {n}
uplands {pl}Oberland {n} [bes. in Namen]
uplands {pl} Hochland {n}
uplands {pl}Bergland {n} [Hochland]
upleg Aufschwung {m}
upleg Aufwärtstrend {m}
upliftAufschwung {m}
uplift Besserung {f}
uplift Preiserhöhung {f}
upliftHebung {f} [Land, Luft]
upliftAuftrieb {m}
upliftAnhebung {f}
uplift [morally]Erhebung {f} [Erbauung]
uplift forceAuftrieb {m} [Kraft]
uplift resistance Antriebssicherheit {f}
uplifted emporgehoben
uplifting erhebend
uplifting Erbauung {f}
uplifting [story, tale]erbaulich [veraltend]
uplifting [mood] stimmungsaufhellend
uplifting tranceUplifting Trance {f}
uplight Deckenfluter {m} [Lampe]
uplighter Deckenfluter {m}
upline Upline {f}
uplink <UL> Anbindung {f} nach oben
uplink <UL> Aufwärtsstrecke {f}
uplink <UL> Uplink {m} <UL>
upload Upload {m} {n}
upload Hochladen {n}
upload [process of uploading] Heraufladen {n}
uploaded eingeladen
uploaded geuppt [sl.: hochgeladen]
uploaderHochlader {m}
uploadingHeraufladen {n}
uploadingHochladen {n}
upmarket exklusiv [geh.] [der gehobenen Preisklasse angehörend]
upmarket vornehm [exklusiv, z. B. Wohngegend]
up-market anspruchsvoll
upmarket hochwertig [von Waren]
upmarket [Br.]anspruchsvoll [z. B. Produkt, Ware]
upmarket [Br.] [e.g. flat, hotel] Luxus- [z. B. Wohnung, Hotel]
upmarket [e.g. hotel, restaurant] der gehobenen Kategorie [attr.] [nachgestellt]
upmarket [ironic]besser [ironisch: aufgeblasen, überbewertet]
upmarket apartment [Br.]Luxusapartment {n}
upmarket popular literature die gehobene Unterhaltungsliteratur {f}
up-milling [also: up milling] gegenläufiges Fräsen {n} [selten] [Gegenlauffräsen]
up-milling [also: up milling] Gegenlauffräsen {n}
upmost oberste
upmost höchste
upmove Aufwärtsbewegung {f}
« unyiupthup-aupdaupheuplauponUppeUppeuppeuppe »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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