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urethral support (device)urethrale Stütze {f} [bei Inkontinenz bei Männern]
urethral syndrome <US> urethrales Syndrom {n}
urethral valve Harnröhrenklappe {f}
urethraplastyUrethraplastik {f}
urethras Harnröhren {pl}
urethrectomy Urethrektomie {f}
urethritis Entzündung {f} der Harnröhre
urethritis Harnröhrenentzündung {f}
urethritis Urethritis {f}
urethritis Harnröhrenkatarrh {m}
urethroceleUrethrozele {f}
urethrocystoceleUrethrozystozele {f}
urethrocystoscope Urethrozystoskop {n}
urethrocystoscope Zystoskop {n} für Harnröhren- u. Blasenhalsbetrachtung
urethrocystoscopyUrethrozystoskopie {f}
urethrogramUrethrogramm {n}
urethrographic urethrographisch
urethrographic urethrografisch
urethrographically urethrographisch
urethrographically urethrografisch
urethrography Urethrographie {f}
urethrographyUrethrografie {f}
urethropexyUrethropexie {f}
urethroplasty Urethroplastik {f}
urethroplastyHarnröhrenplastik {f}
urethrorrhea [Am.] Urethrorrhoe {f}
urethrorrhea [Am.] Harnröhrenausfluss {m}
urethrorrhea [Am.]Urethrorrhö {f}
urethrorrhoea [Br.] Urethrorrhoe {f}
urethrorrhoea [Br.] Harnröhrenausfluss {m}
urethrorrhoea [Br.]Urethrorrhö {f}
urethroscope Urethroskop {n}
urethroscopyUrethroskopie {f}
urethroscopy Harnröhrenspiegelung {f}
urethrostenosis Harnröhrenstenose {f}
urethrostenosiskuckuckHarnröhrenstenose {f}
urethrostomy Urethrostomie {f}
urethrotomy Urethrotomie {f}
urethrotomy Harnröhrenschlitzung {f}
urethrotomyHarnröhrenschnitt {m}
urethrovaginal fistula <UVF> urethrovaginale Fistel {f} <UVF>
urethrovesical angle urethrovesikaler Winkel {m}
urge Trieb {m} [Drang]
urge Drang {m}
urge Verlangen {n} [Drang, Trieb]
urge Antrieb {m} [innerer]
urge for freedom Freiheitsdrang {m}
urge for freedomDrang {m} nach Freiheit
urge for knowledge Wissensdrang {m}
urge for knowledgeWissensdurst {m}
urge for knowledgeWissenstrieb {m}
urge for movement Bewegungsdrang {m}
urge incontinence Urgeinkontinenz {f} [auch: Urge-Inkontinenz]
urge incontinence <UI> Dranginkontinenz {f} <DI>
urge to become active Aktivitätsdrang {m}
urge to communicate Mitteilungsdrang {m}
urge to defecate Stuhldrang {m}
urge to defecate and urinate Stuhl- und Harndrang {m}
urge to explore Forscherdrang {m} [als Entdecker]
urge to gagWürgreiz {m}
urge to gagWürgereiz {m}
urge to have a bowel movementStuhldrang {m}
urge to move Bewegungsdrang {m}
urge to sneezeNiesreiz {m}
urge to talk Rededrang {m}
urge to vomit Brechreiz {m}
[urge for territorial expansion]Expansionsdrang {m}
urged gedrängt
urged gedrungen
urged by necessity der Not gehorchend
urgency Dringlichkeit {f}
urgency Eile {f}
urgency Vordringlichkeit {f}
urgencyzwingender Druck {m}
urgencyOffensivdruck {m}
urgency Eindringlichkeit {f}
urgencyUrgenz {f} [geh.] [veraltend] [Dringlichkeit]
urgencyInständigkeit {f}
urgencyUrgenz {f} [österr.] [Drängen, Mahnung]
urgency Eilbedürftigkeit {f} [amtsspr.]
urgent vorrangig
urgent zwingend
urgenteilig [dringend]
urgent eindringlich
urgentpressant [österr.]
urgent akut
urgentdrängend [dringend]
urgent urgent [veraltend]
urgent inständig
urgenteilbedürftig [amtsspr.]
urgent [request, appeal]nachdrücklich
urgent calldringendes Gespräch {n}
urgent call dringender Anruf {m}
urgent care clinicNotfallklinik {f}
urgent decisionEilentscheidung {f}
« uranurbaurbaurbaureaureturgeurinurinurogurot »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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