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urgent matterdringende Angelegenheit {f}
urgent measureSofortmaßnahme {f}
urgent measuresSofortmaßnahmen {pl}
urgent meeting Dringlichkeitssitzung {f}
urgent memorandumDringlichkeitsvermerk {m}
urgent messageeilige Nachricht {f}
urgent messagedringende Nachricht {f}
urgent messagedringende Meldung {f}
urgent motion [Am.] [in court] Eilantrag {m}
urgent needdringendes Verlangen {n}
urgent needs {pl} dringender Bedarf {m}
urgent order Eilauftrag {m}
urgent orderEilbestellung {f}
urgent problem brennendes Problem {n}
urgent procedure [also: urgent procedures]Eilverfahren {n}
urgent questionbrennende Frage {f}
urgent reminder Brandbrief {m}
urgent request dringende Aufforderung {f}
urgent request dringende Bitte {f}
urgent request dringendes Ersuchen {n} [geh.]
urgent request Eilanfrage {f}
urgent request for help dringende Bitte {f} um Hilfe
urgent request for helpdringendes Hilfeersuchen {n}
Urgent toilet break. <UTB>Dringende Pause, muss aufs Klo.
urgent urban-planning grounds zwingende städtebauliche Gründe {pl}
urgent want dringender Bedarf {m}
(urgent) necessity(dringendes) Bedürfnis {n}
urgently vordringlich
urgently dringend
urgently dringlich
urgently [talk] eindringlich
urgently needed dringend benötigt
urgently requireddringend notwendig
urges Antriebe {pl}
Urgh! [used to express disgust] Würg! [ugs.]
urging drängend
urging Andringen {n}
urgings Dränge {pl}
Urgl [The Neverending Story]Urgl [Die unendliche Geschichte]
Uri [given name for males] Uri {m}
URI formula [Ohm's law] URI-Formel {f} [ohmsches Gesetz]
Uri maple [Acer crataegifolium] Weißdorn-Ahorn {m}
Uri maple [Acer crataegifolium] Weißdornblättriger Ahorn {m}
Uriah (the Hittite) Uria {m} (der Hethiter)
UriankhaiUrjanchai {n}
Urias letterUriasbrief {m}
uric Harn-
uric harnsauer
uric acid Harnsäure {f}
uric acid [Acidum uricum] Harnsäure {f}
uric acid crystalHarnsäurekristall {m}
uric acid crystals Harnsäurekristalle {pl}
uric acid level Harnsäurespiegel {m}
uric acid nephrolithiasis [uric acid stone disease] Uratnephrolithiasis {f} [Harnsäuresteine (Krankheit)]
uric acid stoneHarnsäurestein {m}
uric acid stone formationHarnsäuresteinbildung {f}
uricase Uricase {f}
uricase Urikase {f}
Urich's tyrannulet [Phyllomyias urichi] Urichkleintyrann {m}
uricite [C5H4N4O3] Uricit {m}
uricostatic (agent)Urikostatikum {n}
uricostatic drug Urikostatikum {n}
uricostatic drugs Urikostatika {pl}
uricostaticsUrikostatika {pl}
uricosuria Urikosurie {f}
uricosuric drug Urikosurikum {n}
uricosuric drug Harnsäureausscheidung förderndes Mittel {n}
uricosuric drugsUrikosurika {pl}
uricosuric drugs Harnsäureausscheidung fördernde Mittel {pl}
uricotelic uricotelisch
uricotelismUricotelismus {m}
urid [Vigna mungo]Linsenbohne {f}
urid [Vigna mungo]Urdbohne {f}
urid acid solubilityHarnsäurelöslichkeit {f}
uridineUridin {n}
uridine diphosphate <UDP> Uridindiphosphat {n} <UDP>
uridine kinase <UK>Uridinkinase {f} <UK>
uridine monophosphate <UMP> Uridinmonophosphat {n} <UMP>
uridine nucleosideUridinnukleosid {n}
uridine nucleotideUridinnukleotid {n}
uridine triphosphate <UDP> Uridintriphosphat {n} <UDP>
uridylate Uridylat {n}
uridylic acid Uridylsäure {f}
uridylylationUridylylierung {f}
uridylyltransferase <UT> Uridylyltransferase {f} <UT>
urinalPissoir {n}
urinalUrinal {n}
urinal Urinarium {n} [selten] [Urinal]
urinal [bottle in which urine is kept] Urinflasche {f}
urinal bottle holder Urinflaschenhalter {m}
urinal bowl Urinalbecken {n}
urinal cake [coll.]Klostein {m} [ugs.]
urinal deodorizer blockKlostein {m} [ugs.]
urinal puck [esp. Can.] [coll.]Klostein {m} [ugs.]
urinal trough Pinkelrinne {f}
urinal troughPissrinne {f} [ugs.] [derb] [Pinkelrinne]
urinals Urinflaschen {pl}
urinalysesHarnuntersuchungen {pl}
« urbaurbaurbaureaureturgeurinurinurogurotU.S. »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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