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urinalysis Harnuntersuchung {f}
urinalysis Urinstatus {m}
urinalysis <UA>Urindiagnostik {f} [Urinuntersuchung]
urinalysis <UA> Urinanalyse {f}
urinalysis <UA> Urinuntersuchung {f}
urinariumJauchegrube {f}
urinary urinal
urinary abscess Harnabszess {m}
urinary anion gap <UAG>Anionenlücke {f} im Urin
urinary bagUrinbeutel {m}
urinary bladder [vesica urinaria] Harnblase {f}
urinary bladder catheterization [Punctio vesicae urinariae] Harnblasenstich {m} [veraltet]
urinary bladder disease Harnblasenerkrankung {f}
urinary bladder infectionHarnblasenentzündung {f}
urinary bladder pain Harnblasenschmerz {m}
urinary bladder trigone [Trigonum vesicae urinariae]Harnblasendreieck {n}
urinary bladders Harnblasen {pl}
urinary calculus Harnstein {m}
urinary cast Harnzylinder {m}
urinary casts Harnzylinder {pl}
urinary catheterHarnkatheter {m}
urinary catheter <UC> Blasenkatheter {m}
urinary catheter <UC> Harnblasenkatheter {m}
urinary catheter <UC> Katheter {m} zur Harnableitung
urinary catheterisation [Br.] Harnkatheterisierung {f}
urinary catheterizationHarnkatheterisierung {f}
urinary catheterizationKatheterisierung {f} [der Blase]
urinary concentration Harnkonzentration {f}
urinary cylinderHarnzylinder {m}
urinary diversion Harnableitung {f}
urinary electrolytes Urinelektrolyte {pl}
urinary excretion Urinausscheidung {f}
urinary fistula Harnfistel {f}
urinary glucose Harnglukose {f}
urinary glucose Harnglucose {f}
urinary incontinence <UI>Harninkontinenz {f}
urinary infection <UI> Harnwegsinfektion {f} <HWI>
urinary meatus Harnröhrenöffnung {f}
urinary obstruction Harnabflussbehinderung {f}
urinary obstruction Harnabflussstörung {f}
urinary obstruction Harnstauung {f}
urinary organ Harnorgan {n}
urinary passagesHarnwege {pl}
urinary retention Harnsperre {f}
urinary retention Harnverhalten {n}
urinary retention Harnretention {f}
urinary retention Harnverhalt {m}
urinary retentionUrinverhalt {m} [seltener für: Harnverhalt]
urinary retention [ischuria] Harnverhaltung {f} [Ischurie]
urinary schistosomiasis [caused by Schistosoma haematobium] Blasenschistosomiasis {f}
urinary sedimentHarnsediment {n}
urinary sediment Urinsediment {n}
urinary sheath Urinalkondom {n}
urinary stammering Blasenstottem {n}
urinary stammering Harnstottern {n}
urinary stammering Harnträufeln {n}
urinary status Urinstatus {m} <U-Status>
urinary status Harnstatus {m}
urinary stone Harnstein {m}
urinary stream Harnstrahl {m}
urinary stuttering Blasenstottern {n}
urinary stuttering Harnstottern {n}
urinary sugar [glucosuria, glycosuria]Urinzucker {m}
urinary sugar [glucosuria, glycosuria] Harnzucker {m}
urinary systemHarnwerkzeuge {pl} [veraltend]
urinary system Urinsystem {n}
urinary system Harnsystem {n}
urinary tractHarntrakt {m}
urinary tract {sg} Harnwege {pl}
urinary tract infection <UTI> Harnwegsinfektion {f} <UTI>
urinary tract infection <UTI> Harntraktinfektion {f} <HTI>
urinary tract infection <UTI>Harninfekt {m}
urinary tract infection <UTI> Harnwegsinfekt {m} <HWI, HI>
urinary tract inflammation Harnwegsentzündung {f}
urinary tract obstructionHarnwegsobstruktion {f}
urinary urgencyplötzlicher Harndrang {m}
(urinary) bladder cancer <BC> Harnblasenkrebs {m} <HBK>
(urinary) bladder carcinoma <BC>Harnblasenkarzinom {n} <HBK> [Blasenkrebs]
(urinary) bladder catheterization [Punctio vesicae urinariae] Blasenstich {m} [veraltet]
(urinary) retention Verhaltung {f} [des Urins]
urinating urinierend
urinating in public Urinieren {n} in der Öffentlichkeit
urination Urinieren {n}
urinationHarnausscheidung {f}
urination Wasserlassen {n}
urination Wasserlösen {n} [schweiz.]
urination Harnlassen {n}
urinationBlasenentleerung {f}
urination Harnabgang {m}
urination funnel [female urination aid] Urinella {f} [ugs.] [trichterförmiges Hilfsmittel für Frauen zum Urinieren im Stehen, auch im Liegen/Sitzen] [generisch feminine Bezeichnung]
urination pain Algurie {f} [schmerzhafte Harnentleerung]
urination pain {sg} Schmerzen {pl} beim Wasserlassen
urination pain {sg}Schmerzen {pl} bei der Blasenentleerung
urinator [obs.] [diver]Taucher {m}
urine Urin {m}
urineNatursekt {m} [Jargon]
urine [Urina]Harn {m}
urine analysis [urinalysis]Urinanalyse {f}
« urbaurbaureaureturgeurinurinurogurotU.S.usag »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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