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urine anion gap <UAG> Anionenlücke {f} im Urin
urine bagUrinbeutel {m}
urine blood [rare] [blood in urine, hematuria]Harnblut {n}
urine bottleUrinflasche {f}
urine bottle Ente {f} [ugs.] [Urinflasche]
urine bottle basketUrinflaschenkorb {m}
urine collection Sammelurin {m}
urine collection beakerSammelbecher {m} [für Urin]
urine collection cup Sammelbecher {m} [für Urin]
urine collection device <UCD> Urinsammelbehälter {m}
urine cultureUrinkultur {f}
urine culture bottle Urinprobeflasche {f}
urine cup Urinbecher {m}
urine cupSammelbecher {m} [für Urin]
urine cytologyHarnzytologie {f}
urine cytology Urinzytologie {f}
urine deposits {pl}Urinstein {m}
urine diagnostics [treated as sg.] Urindiagnostik {f}
urine dipstick Urinteststreifen {m}
urine drug test Urin-Drogentest {m}
urine electrolyte [attr.] [e.g. determination, value]Urinelektrolyt- [z. B. -bestimmung, -wert]
urine electrolytesUrinelektrolyten {pl}
urine markingUrinmarkierung {f}
urine potUrintopf {m}
urine production Harnbildung {f}
urine production Urinproduktion {f}
urine productionHarnproduktion {f}
urine protein excretion Urineiweißausscheidung {f}
urine reuseUrinwiederverwendung {f}
urine sampleUrinprobe {f}
urine sample Harnprobe {f}
urine sampling procedure Urinabgabe {f} [Vorgang]
urine scale Urinstein {m}
urine screening Urinscreening {n}
urine specimen Urinprobe {f}
urine specimen Harnprobe {f}
urine spray Urinspray {n} {m}
urine stains Urinflecken {pl}
urine stainstrallala Urinflecken {pl}
urine storage Harnspeicherung {f}
urine test Harnuntersuchung {f}
urine test <UT>Urintest {m}
urine test <UT> Urinuntersuchung {f}
urine test strip Urinteststreifen {m}
urine testing stripUrinteststreifen {m}
urine testsHarnuntersuchungen {pl}
urine therapyEigenurintherapie {f}
(urine) collection bag Urinbeutel {m}
uriniferous harnableitend
urinometer Urometer {n}
urisheathKondomurinal {n}
urisheath Urinalkondom {n}
Ur-Matthew Urmatthäus {m}
urmylationUrmylierung {f}
urnUrne {f}
urn [flower tub]Pflanzvase {f}
urn burialUrnenbestattung {f}
urn cemetery Urnenfriedhof {m}
urn field cultureUrnenfelderkultur {f} [seltener auch: Urnenfeldkultur]
urn grave Urnengrab {n}
urn interment Urnenbeisetzung {f}
urn model [in probability theory] Urnenmodell {n}
urn nicheUrnenwandfach {n}
urn plant [Aechmea fasciata]Lanzenrosette {f}
urn tombUrnengrab {n}
urn wall Urnenwand {f}
Urnfield culture Urnenfelderkultur {f} <UK, UFK>
Urnfield period [protohistoric period in Central Europe] Urnenfelderzeit {f} [Periode der mitteleuropäischen Frühgeschichte, ca. 1300 bis 800 v. Chr.]
urns Urnen {pl}
urn-shaped urnenförmig
urobilin quotient Urobilinquotient {m}
urobilinogen Urobilinogen {n}
urobilinogenuriaUrobilinogenurie {f}
urobilinuriaUrobilinurie {f}
uroboric ouroborosartig
uroboros Ouroboros {m} [auch Uroboros]
urocanic acid Urocansäure {f}
urocele Urozele {f}
urocele [uroscheocele]Hodensackschwellung {f} durch Harninfiltration
urochloralic acid [C8H11Cl3O7] Urochloralsäure {f}
urochrome Urochrom {n}
urochromes Urochrome {pl}
urodilatinUrodilatin {n}
urodipsia Uropotie {f}
Urodonidae [family of seed beetles] Resedakäfer {pl}
urodynamic urodynamisch
urodynamic measuring station Urodynamik-Messplatz {m}
urodynamic measuring stationurodynamischer Messplatz {m}
urodynamically urodynamisch
urodynamics Urodynamik {f}
uroflowmetry Uroflowmetrie {f}
uroflowmetryHarnstrahlmessung {f}
urogenital urogenital
urogenital cleft Urogenitalspalte {f}
urogenital diaphragm [Diaphragma urogenitale] Urogenitaldiaphragma {n}
urogenital fissure [Fissura urogenitalis]Urogenitalspalte {f}
urogenital fistula <UGF> urogenitale Fistel {f}
urogenital groove [Fissura urogenitalis] Urogenitalspalt {m}
urogenital groove [Fissura urogenitalis] Urogenitalspalte {f}
urogenital malformationurogenitale Missbildung {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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