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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 164 for words starting with U in the English-German dictionarynext page »
urogenital region [Regio urogenitalis]Urogenitalregion {f}
urogenital ridge [Crista urogenitalis] Urogenitalleiste {f}
urogenital sinus [Sinus urogenitalis] <UGS> Urogenitalsinus {m} <UGS>
urogenital (tract) tuberculosis Urogenitaltuberkulose {f}
urogenital tuberculosis [also: urogenital TB] Urogenital-Tbc {f} [auch: Urogenital-Tbk / Urogenital-TB]
urogenital ultrasoundUrogenitalsonographie {f}
urogenital ultrasoundUrogenitalsonografie {f}
urogomphus Urogomphus {m}
urogramUrogramm {n}
urographic urographisch
urographical urographisch
urographical urografisch
urographically urographisch
urography Urographie {f}
urography Urografie {f}
uroguanylin <UGN> Uroguanylin {n} <UGN>
urogynaecologic [Br.]urogynäkologisch
urogynaecological [Br.] urogynäkologisch
urogynaecologist [Br.]Urogynäkologe {m}
urogynaecology [Br.] Urogynäkologie {f}
urogynecologic [Am.]urogynäkologisch
urogynecological [Am.] urogynäkologisch
urogynecologist [Am.] Urogynäkologe {m}
urogynecology [Am.]Urogynäkologie {f}
urokinase <UK> Urokinase {f} <UK>
urolagniaUrophilie {f}
urolagniaUrolagnie {f} [Urophilie]
urolith Harnstein {m}
urolith Urolith {m}
urolith formation Urolithenbildung {f}
urolith formation Harnsteinentstehung {f}
urolithiasis Harnsteinleiden {n}
urolithiasis Harnsteinerkrankung {f}
urolithiasisUrolithiasis {f}
urolithiasis {sg} Harnsteine {pl} [Urolithiasis; das Auftreten von Harnsteinen in den Harnwegen]
urolithic Harnstein-
uroliths Harnsteine {pl}
uroliths Urolithe {pl}
urolithsUrolithen {pl}
urologic urologisch
urological chair Urologiestuhl {m}
urological examination chairurologischer Untersuchungsstuhl {m}
urological oncology urologische Onkologie {f}
urological system urologisches System {n}
urological system [device] Urologieanlage {f} [Gerät]
urologically urologisch
urologicals Urologika {pl}
urologist Urologe {m}
urologist [female] Urologin {f}
urologistsUrologen {pl}
urologyUrologie {f}
urology department urologische Abteilung {f}
urology department Abteilung {f} für Urologie
urology system [device] Urologieanlage {f} [Gerät]
urometer Urometer {n}
uromodulin [Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein] Uromodulin {n}
uronic acid Uronsäure {f}
uronolactonaseUronolactonase {f}
urooncologyUroonkologie {f}
uro-oncology Uro-Onkologie {f}
uropathogenic uropathogen
uropathy Uropathie {f}
uropathy Harnwegserkrankung {f}
urophagiaUrophagie {f}
urophiliaUrophilie {f}
urophobia Urophobie {f}
uropod Uropod {m} {n}
uropodal Uropoden-
uropodsUropoden {pl}
uroporphyrinUroporphyrin {n}
uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase defect <UROD> Uroporphyrinogen-Decarboxylase-Defekt {m} <UROD> [Defekt der Uroporphyrinogen-Decarboxylase]
uropygial gland [Glandula uropygialis]Bürzeldrüse {f}
uropygial gland fat Bürzeldrüsenfett {n}
uropygial gland secretion Bürzeldrüsensekret {n}
uroradiology Uroradiologie {f}
urorectal urorektal
urorectal septum [septum urorectale] Urorektalseptum {n}
uro-rectal septum [Septum urorectale] Kloakenseptum {n}
uroscheocele Uroscheozele {f}
uroscopyHarnschau {f} [in Naturheilkunde, sonst veraltet]
urosepsis Urosepsis {f}
urosepsisHarnsepsis {f}
urosome Urosom {n}
urospermia Urospermie {f}
urosternal Urosterniten-
urosterniteUrosternit {n}
urostomaUrostoma {n}
urostomy Urostomie {f}
urostomy künstliche Harnableitung {f} [Urostomie-Operation]
urostomy bag Urostomiebeutel {m}
urostomy pouchUrostomiebeutel {m}
urotergite Urotergit {n}
urothelial carcinoma <UC> urotheliales Karzinom {n}
urothelial carcinoma <UC> Urothelkarzinom {n}
« ureaureturgeurinurinurogurotU.S.usagusecUsey »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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