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English-German Dictionary

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usufructNießbrauch {m}
usufruct Nutzrecht {n}
usufructGenuss {m} [Fruchtgenuss, Nießbrauch]
usufruct Fruchtgenussrecht {n} [österr.]
usufructNutzungsrecht {n}
usufruct Fruchtgenuss {m} [Österreich] [allgemein für: Fruchtgenussrecht]
usufructuary Nießbraucher {m}
usufructuaryNutznießer {m}
usufructuary rightWerknutzungsrecht {n}
usureUsur {f}
usure Knochenatrophie {f} [durch lokalen Druck]
usurer Wucherer {m}
usurer [female]Wucherin {f}
usurersWucherer {pl}
usuresUsuren {pl}
usurious interest Wucherzins {m}
usurious profitwucherischer Gewinn {m}
usurious rent Wucherzins {m} [österr.] [Wuchermiete]
usurious trade Wucherhandel {m}
usuriousness Wuchern {n}
usuriousnessWucher {m}
usurpationUsurpation {f}
usurpation widerrechtliche Aneignung {f}
usurpationVereinnahmung {f}
usurpations Usurpationen {pl}
usurpatory usurpatorisch
usurper Usurpator {m}
usurper [female] Usurpatorin {f}
usurper [fig.] Eindringling {m}
usurper kingunrechtmäßiger König {m}
usurper of the throneThronräuber {m}
usurper of the throne [female] Thronräuberin {f}
usurping alles an sich reißend [fig.]
usurpingly gewaltsam
usurpress [female usurper] Usurpatorin {f}
usury Wucher {m}
usury Zinswucher {m}
usury Geldwucher {m}
uswards [also: us-wards] [archaic]zu uns
Uta Hick's bearded saki [Chiropotes utahickae]Uta-Hick-Saki {m}
Utah <UT> [Beehive State] Utah {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
Utah columbine [Aquilegia scopulorum]Utah-Akelei {f}
Utah columbine [Aquilegia scopulorum] Felsen-Akelei {f}
Utah juniper [Juniperus osteosperma, syn.: Juniperus utahensis] Utah-Wacholder {m}
Utah Lake sculpin [Cottus echinatus] [extinct] Utah-Groppe {f} [ausgestorben]
Utah prairie dog [Cynomys parvidens]Utah-Präriehund {m}
Utah ribbed snail [Radix ampla] Weitmündige Schlammschnecke {f}
Utah serviceberry [Amelanchier utahensis, syn.: A. australis, A. bakeri, A. goldmanii, A. mormonica, A. oreophila]Utah-Felsenbirne {f}
Utah Territory Utah-Territorium {n} [historisches US-Territorium (1850-1896)]
UtahanUtahaner {m} [Einwohner des US-Bundesstaats Utah]
Utahan Einwohner {m} von Utah
utahite [Cu5Zn3 [TeO4(OH)2]4·7H2O]Utahit {m}
Utahn [Mensch aus Utah (USA)]
ute [Aus.] [NZ] [S.Afr.] [coll.] Nutzfahrzeug {n} <Nfz, Nkw>
ute [coll.]Utility-Fahrzeug {n}
uten Uten {n}
utensil Gerät {n}
utensilUtensil {n}
utensil drawerBesteckfach {n}
utensil organiser [Br.] [tray, box] Besteckkasten {m}
utensil organizer [tray, box] Besteckkasten {m}
utensil trayBesteckkasten {m}
utensilsGeräte {pl}
utensils Utensilien {pl}
uterine abrasionKürettage {f}
uterine artery <UA> [Arteria uterina] Uterusarterie {f}
uterine artery <UA> [Arteria uterina] Gebärmutterarterie {f}
uterine atony Uterusatonie {f}
uterine atonyatonische Nachblutung {f}
uterine atrophyUterusatrophie {f}
uterine atrophyGebärmutteratrophie {f}
uterine bellUterusglocke {f}
uterine bleeding Uterusblutung {f}
uterine bleeding <UB> uterine Blutung {f} <UB>
uterine cancerGebärmutterkrebs {m}
uterine cancer Uteruskrebs {m}
uterine cancer Uteruskarzinom {n} [Gebärmutterkrebs]
uterine carcinomaUteruskarzinom {n}
uterine cavity [Cavitas uteri, Cavum uteri] Gebärmutterhöhle {f}
uterine cavity [Cavitas uteri, Cavum uteri]Uterushöhle {f}
uterine cervix [Cervix uteri] Gebärmutterhals {m}
uterine contractionsGeburtswehen {pl}
uterine cycle Uteruszyklus {m}
uterine dislocationDislokation {f} des Uterus
uterine displacement [metrectopia] Gebärmutterverlagerung {f} [Metrektopie]
uterine fibroid [leiomyoma, myoma] Uterusmyom {n}
uterine fibroids <UFs> [uterine myomas]Uterusmyome {pl}
uterine fibroma Gebärmutterfibrom {n}
uterine gauze packer Tamponadeführer {m} [Chirurgie, Instrument]
uterine haemorrhage [Br.] Uterusblutung {f}
uterine hemorrhage [Am.] Uterusblutung {f}
uterine horns [cornu uteri]Uterushörner {pl} [Cornu uteri]
uterine inertia [Inertia uteri]Wehenschwäche {f}
uterine injury Uterusverletzung {f}
uterine isthmus [Isthmus uteri]Gebärmutterenge {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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