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UFC detector ™ UFC-Detektor ™ {m}
Uffizi (Gallery) {sg} Uffizien {pl}
UFO Ufo {n} [auch: UFO]
UFO plant [Pilea peperomioides] Glückstaler {m}
UFO plant [Pilea peperomioides]Ufopflanze {f}
UFO plant [Pilea peperomioides] Chinesischer Geldbaum {m}
UFO plant [Pilea peperomioides]Missionarspflanze {f}
UFO plant [Pilea peperomioides] Bauchnabelpflanze {f}
UFO sighting UFO-Sichtung {f}
ufological ufologisch
ufologist Ufologe {m}
ufologist [female]Ufologin {f}
ufology Ufologie {f}
Uganda <.ug>Uganda {n}
Uganda blue-headed bee-eater [Merops muelleri]Saphirspint {m}
Uganda chocolate-backed kingfisher [Halcyon badia]Kastanienliest {m}
Uganda Clapperton francolin [Francolinus clappertoni, syn.: F. nigrosuamatus, Pternistis clappertoni]Clappertonfrankolin {m} [auch: Clapperton-Frankolin]
Uganda clawed frog [Xenopus ruwenzoriensis] Ruwenzoriberg-Krallenfrosch {m}
Uganda dwarf kingfisher [Ceyx lecontei, syn.: Corythornis lecontei, Ispidina lecontei, Myioceyx lecontei]Braunkopfzwergfischer {m} [auch: Braunkopf-Zwergfischer]
Uganda francolin [Francolinus icteorhynchus, syn.: F. dybowksii, F. ugandensis, Pternistis icterorhynchus] Gelbschnabelfrankolin {m}
Uganda francolin [Francolinus icteorhynchus, syn.: F. dybowksii, F. ugandensis, Pternistis icterorhynchus] Heuglinfrankolin {m} [auch: Heuglin-Frankolin]
Uganda grass [Pennisetum purpureum] Napiergras {n}
Uganda grass [Pennisetum purpureum]Elefantengras {n}
Uganda grass [Pennisetum purpureum] Uganda-Gras {n}
Uganda ground thrush [Zoothera tanganjicae] Tanganjikadrossel {f}
Uganda house snake [Hormonotus modestus]Gelbe Waldnatter {f}
Uganda kob [Kobus kob thomasi]Uganda-Grasantilope {f}
Uganda kob [Kobus kob thomasi] Uganda-Kob {m}
Uganda mangabey [Lophocebus ugandae] Uganda-Mangabe {f}
Uganda pale-breasted illadopsis [Illadopsis albipectus, syn.: Trichastoma albipectus]Schuppenbrust-Buschdrossling {m}
Uganda scaly-breasted illadopsis [Illadopsis albipectus, syn.: Trichastoma albipectus] Schuppenbrust-Buschdrossling {m}
Uganda spotted woodpecker [Dendropicos poecilolaemus]Tropfenspecht {m}
Uganda woodland warbler [Phylloscopus budongoensis] Budongolaubsänger {m}
Ugandan Ugander {m}
Ugandan [female] Uganderin {f}
Ugandan giraffe [Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi]Rothschildgiraffe / Rothschild-Giraffe {f}
Ugandan red colobus [Piliocolobus tephrosceles, syn.: Tropicolobus gudoviusi]Uganda-Stummelaffe {m}
Ugandan shilling <UGX>Uganda-Schilling {m} <UGX>
UgandansUgander {pl}
Ugandans [female] Uganderinnen {pl}
Ugaritic ugaritisch
UgariticUgaritisch {n}
ugg bootsUgg-Stiefel {pl}
Ugh, yuck! Pfui Deibel! [regional] [ugs.]
Ugh, yuck!Pfui Teufel!
Ugh, yuck!Pfui Deiwel! [regional] [ugs.]
Ugh! [coll.]Bäh! [ugs.]
Ugh! [coll.] Igitt! [regional]
Ugh! [used to express disgust] Würg! [ugs.]
Ugh! Disgusting!Pfui Teufel!
Ugi reaction Ugi-Reaktion {f}
ugliUgli {f}
Ugli fruit [citrus] Tangelo {f}
ugliest word of the year Unwort {n} des Jahres
uglification Entstellung {f}
uglinessHässlichkeit {f}
ugliness Häßlichkeit {f} [alt]
ugly hässlich
ugly abstoßend
ugly garstig
ugly übel
ugly mies [ugs.]
ugly schlimm
ugly schiach [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.]
ugly greislig [bayer.]
ugly schirch [Rsv.] [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [schiach]
ugly häßlich [alt]
ugly unschön
ugly schiech [österr.] [südd.] [hässlich]
uglywüst [hässlich]
ugly [fig.] [unpleasant situation / sky] bedrohlich
ugly [crime etc.] gemein [übel, schändlich]
Ugly Betty Alles Betty!
ugly building hässliches Gebäude {n}
ugly business böse Sache {f}
ugly cloud bedrohliche Wolke {f}
ugly crime widerwärtiges Verbrechen {n}
ugly customerfauler Kunde {m}
ugly customer unangenehmer Kunde {m}
ugly customer übler Kunde {m}
ugly deed niederträchtige Tat {f}
ugly duckling hässliches Entlein {n}
ugly duckling missachtete Person {f}
Ugly Duckling theorem Ugly-Duckling-Theorem {n}
ugly face hässliches Gesicht {n}
ugly jobunangenehme Tätigkeit {f}
ugly milkcap [Lactarius turpis] Olivbrauner Milchling {m}
ugly milkcap / milk-cap / milk cap [Lactarius turpis, syn.: Lactarius plumbeus, L. necator] Tannenreizker {m}
ugly milkcap / milk-cap / milk cap [Lactarius turpis, syn.: Lactarius plumbeus, L. necator] Mordschwamm {m} [Olivbrauner Milchling]
ugly mug [coll.] [face] widerliche Fratze {f}
ugly old bag / hag [coll.] Vettel {f} [ugs.] [abwertend]
ugly old bat [fig.] [coll.] [pej.] [old woman]Vogelscheuche {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [pej.] [hässliche alte Frau]
ugly old witch hässliche alte Hexe {f}
ugly old witchhäßliche alte Hexe {f} [alt]
« tyreTyritzarU[BrU-boUFCduglyUkraulnaultiultr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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