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English-German Dictionary

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underfunded mit zu geringen Mitteln ausgestattet
underfunding Unterfinanzierung {f}
underfundingUnterdeckung {f}
underfurUnterfell {n}
under-fuselage troughUnterflügellastträger {m}
undergarment Unterkleid {n}
undergarmentUnterwäsche {f}
undergarmentUntergewand {n} [veraltet]
undergarment factoryMiederfabrik {f}
undergarment factoryDessousfabrik {f}
undergarments Unterkleider {pl}
undergarmentsUnterbekleidung {f}
undergarments {pl}Unterwäsche {f}
undergarments {pl} [collectively] Unterkleidung {f}
undergirded untermauert
undergirded [supported] gestärkt
underglazeUnterglasur {f}
underglaze blue Unterglasurblau {n}
underglaze colours [Br.]Unterglasurfarben {pl}
underglaze mark [china, pottery]Unterglasur-Markenzeichen {n}
underglaze painting Unterglasurmalerei {f}
undergoerRezipiens {n} [semantische Rolle]
undergoerUndergoer {m} [semantische Rolle]
undergoing erduldend
undergoing erlebend
undergoing sich unterziehend
undergoingDurchmachen {n} [ugs.] [Durchleben, Erdulden]
undergonesich unterzogen
undergrad [coll.] Studi {m} [ugs.] [hier: Student ohne akadem. Grad]
undergrad [coll.] [undergraduate]Student {m}
undergraduate Student {m} [an einer Universität]
undergraduate Student {m} vor dem ersten akademischem Grad
undergraduate [female]Studentin {f} [an einer Universität]
undergraduate [female] Studentin {f} vor dem ersten akademischen Grad
undergraduate degree Bachelorabschluss {m}
undergraduate studies [in Germany and Austria]grundständiges Studium {n} [mit Abschluss Bachelor]
undergraduates Studenten {pl}
undergraduates [female]Studentinnen {pl}
undergraduette [Br.] [archaic]Studentin {f} [vor dem ersten akademischen Grad]
underground unter der Erde [nachgestellt]
undergroundunter Tage
underground Underground-
undergroundunter Erdgleiche
underground untertägig
underground [fig.] Untergrund- [fig.]
underground [also political] Untergrund {m} [auch politisch]
underground [Br.] U-Bahn {f}
underground [Br.]Untergrundbahn {f}
underground [Br.]U {f} [österr.] [ugs.] [bes. Wien]
underground [cable, wire, conduit, etc.]erdverlegt
Underground [David Macaulay]Unter einer Stadt
underground access system [of the German Bundestag] unterirdisches Erschließungssystem {n} <UES> [des Deutschen Bundestages]
underground banking system Schattenbanksystem {n} [illegal]
underground bunkerunterirdischer Bunker {m}
underground bunkerUntergrundbunker {m}
underground cableErdkabel {n}
underground cableerdverlegtes Kabel {n}
underground cabling Erdverkabelung {f}
underground car park [esp. Br.] Tiefgarage {f}
underground carpark Tiefgarage {f}
underground chamber unterirdischer Raum {m}
underground chamberunterirdische Kammer {f}
underground church Untergrundkirche {f} [Kirche im Untergrund]
underground church [fig.] Kirche {f} im Untergrund [fig.]
underground cityUntergrundstadt {f}
underground coal gasification <UCG> unterirdische Kohlevergasung {f}
underground collector Unterflurstromabnehmer {m}
underground construction Untertagbau {m} [schweiz.] [Untertagebau]
underground depotUntertagedeponie {f} [für Sondermüll]
underground economy Schattenwirtschaft {f}
underground economy Schwarzwirtschaft {f}
underground economy Untergrundwirtschaft {f}
underground explosionunterirdische Explosion {f}
underground film Undergroundfilm {m}
underground (fire) hydrant Unterflurhydrant {m}
underground flow Untergrundströmung {f}
underground furnaceUnterflurofen {m}
underground garage Tiefgarage {f}
underground garage parking spaceTiefgaragenplatz {m}
underground gasification Untertagevergasung {f}
underground hazardous waste disposal facilityUntertagedeponie {f} <UTD> [für Sondermüll]
underground hydroelectric power station Kavernenkraftwerk {n}
underground laying (of cable)Verlegung {f} in Erde
underground leachingUntertagelaugung {f}
underground line [Br.] U-Bahn-Linie {f}
underground mine Tiefbaugrube {f}
underground mining Tiefbau {m} [Untertagebergbau]
underground mining Untertagebau {m}
underground mining Untertagebergbau {m}
underground mining (unterirdischer) Grubenbetrieb {m}
underground movement Untergrundbewegung {f}
underground movements Untergrundbewegungen {pl}
underground network [Br.]U-Bahn-Netz {n}
underground organisation [Br.] Untergrundorganisation {f}
underground organization Untergrundorganisation {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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