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English-German Dictionary

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universal health care Bürgerversicherung {f} [schweiz.]
universal heiralleiniger Erbe {m}
universal heirAlleinerbe {m}
universal heirUniversalerbe {m}
universal heir [female] Universalerbin {f}
universal heirs Universalerben {pl}
universal historianUniversalhistoriker {m}
universal historical [also: universal-historical] universalhistorisch
universal historyWeltchronik {f}
universal history Weltgeschichte {f}
universal history Universalhistorie {f}
universal history Universalgeschichte {f}
universal indicatorUniversalindikator {m}
universal instrument Mehrzweckinstrument {n}
universal instrumentUniversalinstrument {n}
universal intensifying screenUniversalverstärkerfolie {f}
universal joint Kugelgelenk {n}
universal joint Universalgelenkschlüssel {m}
universal joint Kardangelenk {n}
universal joint Kreuzgelenk {n}
universal joint <u-joint> Gelenkstück {n} [Kreuzgelenk]
universal joint spark plug wrench Kerzenschlüssel {m} [mit Kardangelenk]
universal joint spark plug wrench Zündkerzenschlüssel {m} [mit Kardangelenk]
universal joint spark plug wrench Zündkerzengelenkschlüssel {m}
universal jurisdictionWeltrechtsprinzip {n}
universal language Weltsprache {f}
universal languageUniversalsprache {f}
universal laser bomb kit Laserbombenrüstsatz {m}
universal lathe Universaldrehmaschine {f}
universal lawWeltgesetz {n}
universal literatureWeltliteratur {f}
universal machine Mehrzweckmaschine {f}
universal machine Universalmaschine {f}
universal matt-priming matte Universalgrundierung {f}
universal measuring microscope Universalmessmikroskop {n}
universal medicine Universalmedizin {f}
universal medicine [panacea]Universalheilmittel {n}
universal military service <UMS> allgemeine Wehrpflicht {f}
universal millUniversalmühle {f}
universal milling head Universalfräskopf {m}
universal milling machine Universalfräsmaschine {f}
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System <UMTS>Universal Mobile Telecommunications System <UMTS> {n}
universal modelUniversalmodell {n}
universal monarchUniversalmonarch {m}
universal monarchyUniversalmonarchie {f}
universal morphismuniverseller Morphismus {m}
universal motor Universalmotor {m}
universal museum Universalmuseum {n}
universal no [pictogram indicating sth. is not permitted] [prohibition sign] Verbotszeichen {n} [Piktogramm, das auf ein Verbot hinweist]
universal onenessAll-Einheit {f}
universal payments [Ireland, social security]allgemeine Leistungen {pl} [Irland, Sozialleistungen]
universal peaceWeltfrieden {m}
universal poetry Universalpoesie {f}
universal portable socket outlet <UPSO> Universal-Mehrfachsteckdose {f}
universal portable socket outlet <UPSO> Mehrfachsteckdose {f}
Universal Postal UnionWeltpostverband {m}
Universal Postal Union <UPU> Weltpostverein {m} <WPV>
universal pragmatics {pl} [used as singular or plural]Universalpragmatik {f}
universal priesthood [of the faithful] allgemeines Priestertum {n} [der Gläubigen]
universal primingUniversalgrundierung {f}
universal principle Universalprinzip {n}
universal property universelle Eigenschaft {f}
universal proposition allgemeiner Satz {m}
universal propositionAllsatz {m}
universal quantification Allaussage {f}
universal quantification Universalquantifizierung {f}
universal quantificationAllquantifizierung {f}
universal quantifier Allquantor {m}
universal quantifier Generalisator {m}
universal recycling symbol universelles Recyclingsymbol {n}
universal remedies Universalmittel {pl}
universal remedy Universalmittel {n}
universal remedy Allheilmittel {n}
universal role-playing game system universelles Rollenspielsystem {n}
universal rolling millUniversalwalzwerk {n}
universal ruleallgemeine Regel {f}
universal salvation Heilsuniversalismus {m}
universal salvationAllerlösung {f}
universal salvationAllversöhnung {f}
universal science Universalwissenschaft {f}
universal scissors {pl} [one pair]Universalschere {f}
universal screenUniversalfolie {f}
universal serial bus <USB> universeller serieller Bus {m} [selten] <USB>
universal serial bus <USB> USB {m}
universal service Universaldienst {m}
universal setGrundmenge {f}
universal set Allmenge {f}
universal set Universalmenge {f}
universal shaft Gelenkwelle {f}
universal shaft Kardanwelle {f}
universal socketGelenkeinsatz {m} [für Schraubenschlüssel]
universal solution Universallösung {f}
universal statement universelle Aussage {f} [Allaussage]
universal statementUniversalaussage {f}
universal statementuniversale Aussage {f} [Allaussage]
universal statement Allsatz {m} [Allaussage]
universal statementallgemeiner Satz {m}
universal successionGesamtrechtsnachfolge {f}
universal suffrage allgemeines Wahlrecht {n}
universal synchronous receiver/transmitter <USRT> USRT {m} [kurz für: Universal Synchronous Receiver/Transmitter]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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