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vitelline warbler [Dendroica vitellina]Dotterwaldsänger {m}
vitellocyte Vittellozyt {m}
vitellocyteVitellocyt {m}
vitellogenesis Vitellogenese {f}
vitellogenesis Dotterbildung {f}
vitellogenetic vitellogenetisch
vitellogenic vitellogenetisch
vitellogermarium [germovitellarium] Vitellogermarium {n} [Germovitellarium]
vitellus [egg yolk] Dotter {m} [auch {n}]
vitellus [egg yolk] Eidotter {m} [auch {n}]
Viterbi algorithmViterbi-Algorithmus {m}
Viterbi pathViterbi-Pfad {m}
vitexin [C21H20O10]Vitexin {n}
Viti Levu snipe [Coenocorypha miratropica] [extinct] Fidschi-Schnepfe {f} [ausgestorben]
vitiation Verderben {n}
viticultural Weinbau-
viticultural weinbaulich
viticultural area Weinbaugegend {f}
viticultural climateWeinbauklima {n}
viticultural engineerWeinbauingenieur {m}
viticulture Weinbau {m}
viticulture Weinanbau {m}
viticultureVitikultur {f}
viticultureRebbau {m} [schweiz.]
viticultureRebkultur {f}
viticulturistWinzer {m}
vitiligo Scheckhaut {f} [Vitiligo, Weißfleckenkrankheit]
vitiligo Vitiligo {f}
vitiligo [skin depigmentation] Weißfleckenkrankheit {f}
vitimite [Ca6B14O19(SO4)(OH)14·5H2O] Vitimit {m}
vitium [defect, failing, disorder, fault, etc.] Vitium {n} [organischer Fehler oder Defekt]
vitola [unique cigar measurement and form]Vitola {f} [einheitliches Zigarrenmaß und -format]
Vitovnica [river]Vitovnica {f}
Vitrand [also: vitrand] Vitrand {m}
vitreal haemorrhage <VH> [Br.]Glaskörperblutung {f} [des Auges]
vitreal hemorrhage <VH> [Am.] Glaskörperblutung {f} [des Auges]
vitrectomeVitrektom {n}
vitrectomy Vitrektomie {f}
vitrectomy Glaskörperentfernung {f}
vitreodentineVitreodentin {n}
vitreomacular traction syndrome <VMTS> vitreomakuläres Traktionssyndrom {n} <VMTS>
vitreoretinal vitreoretinal
vitreosityGlasigkeit {f} [Glasartigkeit]
vitreosityGlasartigkeit {f}
vitreous Glas-
vitreous glasartig
vitreous gläsern
vitreous [made of glass] aus Glas [nachgestellt]
vitreous body [Corpus vitreum] Glaskörper {m} [des Auges]
vitreous body detachment Glaskörperabhebung {f}
vitreous cortex [Membrana hyaloidea] Glaskörpermembran {f}
vitreous electricitypositive Elektrizität {f}
vitreous enamel coating on sheet steel Stahlblechemaillierung {f} [Schicht]
vitreous enamel for sheet Stahlblechemail {n}
vitreous floaters Glaskörperflocken {pl} [Mouches volantes]
vitreous haemorrhage [Br.] Glaskörperblutung {f}
vitreous hemorrhage [Am.] Glaskörperblutung {f}
vitreous humor [Am.] Glaskörper {m} [Auge]
vitreous humour [Br.]wässriger Humor {m}
vitreous humour [Br.]Glaskörper {m} [Auge]
vitreous membrane [Membrana hyaloidea]Glaskörpermembran {f}
vitreous opacityGlaskörpertrübung {f}
vitreous phase Glasphase {f}
vitreous prolapse Glaskörperprolaps {m}
vitreous silicaKieselglas {n}
vitreous strand Glaskörperstrang {m}
vitreous surgery Glaskörperchirurgie {f}
vitreously gläsern
vitreousnessGlasartigkeit {f}
vitreousness Gläsernheit {f}
vitrescenceVerglasung {f}
vitrics [glassware] Glaswaren {pl}
vitrifaction Verglasung {f}
vitrifactionFrittung {f}
vitrifiability Verglasbarkeit {f}
vitrifiable verglasungsfähig
vitrifiable verglasbar
vitrificationVerglasung {f}
vitrificationFrittung {f}
vitrification Vitrifizierung {f}
vitrified verglast
vitrified clayverziegelter Lehm {m} [verglaster Lehm]
vitrified waste {sg} verglaste Abfälle {pl}
vitrifying verglasend
vitrine Ausstellungsfenster {n}
vitrine Schaufenster {n}
vitrineVitrine {f}
Vitrinobrachium breve [terrestrial snail in the family Vitrinidae] Kurze Glasschnecke {f}
vitriol Vitriol {n}
vitriolGiftigkeit {f} [Zornigkeit]
vitriol acidVitriolöl {n} [veraltet] [Schwefelsäure]
vitriol of copper Kupfervitriol {n}
vitriol oil [sulfuric acid] Vitriolöl {n} [veraltet] [Schwefelsäure]
vitriolic vitriolhaltig
« Vistvisuvisuvitavitavitevitrvivivlasvocavoca »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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