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valise [esp. for travelling by horse] Mantelsack {m} [veraltet]
valises kleine Handkoffer {pl}
valises Reisetaschen {pl}
Valium ® [agent]Valium ® {n} [Beruhigungsmittel]
Valium ® (tablet) Valium ® {f} [Valiumtablette]
valknut [capitalisation varies] Valknut {m} {f} [Wotansknoten]
Valkyrie Walküre {f}
Valkyrie [Bryan Singer] Operation Walküre – Das Stauffenberg Attentat
ValkyriesWalküren {pl}
Vallachian Law [Lex Antiqua Valachorum]walachisches Recht {n}
Valladolid Valladolid {n}
vallate papillae [Papillae vallatae, Papillae circumvallatae]Wallpapillen {pl}
Valle d'AostaAostatal {n}
Valle de Bravo earth snake [Geophis berillus] Valle-de-Bravo-Erdnatter {f}
vallecular canalVallekularhöhle {f}
Vallée d'Aoste Aostatal {n}
valleriite [2 [(Fe,Cu)S]·1.53 [(Mg,Al)(OH)2]] Valleriit {m}
Valletta Valletta {n}
valleyTal {n}
valleyThal {n} [altertümlich]
valleyKehle {f} [Dachkehle]
valleySenke {f} [Tal]
valley [attr.] Tal-
valley area Talbereich {m}
valley basin Talmulde {f}
valley basin Talkessel {m}
valley bottom Talsohle {f}
valley bottom Talgrund {m}
valley bottom Talboden {m}
valley breezeTalbrise {f}
valley community Talgemeinschaft {f}
valley cutTaleinschnitt {m}
valley divide [Am.] Talwasserscheide {f}
valley dweller Talbewohner {m}
valley entranceTaleingang {m}
valley entrance [for vehicles] Taleinfahrt {f}
Valley Festival [ancient Egypt] Talfest {n}
valley flashingKehlblech {n}
valley floor Talboden {m}
valley floor Talebene {f}
valley floorTalsohle {f}
valley floor Talgrund {m}
valley fold [origami]Talfalte {f}
valley formation Talbildung {f}
valley garter snake [Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi] Kalifornische Strumpfbandnatter {f}
Valley girl [also: Valley Girl] [Am.] [materialistisch eingestellte junge Frau aus dem San Fernando Valley, meist mit typischen Dialekt]
valley glacierTalgletscher {m}
valley ground Talboden {m} [Talsohle]
valley headQuellmulde {f}
valley lake Talsee {m}
valley landscapeTallandschaft {f}
valley morphology Talmorphologie {f}
valley mouthTalausgang {m}
valley oak [Quercus lobata]Nordamerikanische Roteiche {f}
valley oak [Quercus lobata]Kalifornische Weiß-Eiche {f}
valley of dry bonesTal {n} der verdorrten Gebeine
valley of sorrowsTränental {n} [veraltet] [oder geh.]
valley of the Aniene Anienetal {n}
Valley of the Dolls [novel: Jacqueline Susann, film: Mark Robson] Das Tal der Puppen
Valley of the Fallen [Valle de los Caídos] [memorial site in Spain]Tal {n} der Gefallenen [Valle de los Caídos] [Gedenkstätte in Spanien]
valley of the Inn Inntal {n}
Valley of the Kings Tal {n} der Könige
Valley of the Queens Tal {n} der Königinnen
valley pocket gopher [Thomomys bottae]Gebirgs-Taschenratte {f}
valley quail [Callipepla californica](Kalifornische) Schopfwachtel {f}
valley rafterKehlsparren {m}
valley red [Primula japonica, syn.: Aleuritia japonica]Japanische Etagenprimel {f}
valley section Talabschnitt {m}
valley section Talstück {n}
valley side Talhang {m}
valley side Talflanke {f}
valley sides Talseiten {pl}
valley soilsTalböden {pl} [Böden in den Tälern]
valley stationTalstation {f}
valley temple Taltempel {m}
valley tile Kehlziegel {m}
valley view Talblick {m}
valley walls Talscheiden {pl}
valley watershed [Br.] Talwasserscheide {f}
valleysTäler {pl}
valley's populationTalbevölkerung {f}
Vallombrosans <OSBVall, CVUOSB>Vallombrosaner {pl}
Vallombrosians [spv.]Vallombrosaner {pl}
Vallonia declivis [terrestrial snail in the family Valloniidae]Große Grasschnecke {f}
Vallonia enniensis [terrestrial snail in the family Valloniidae]Feingerippte Grasschnecke {f}
Vallonia suevica [terrestrial snail in the family Valloniidae] Schwäbische Grasschnecke {f}
ValmieraWolmar {n}
valnoctamide [C8H17NO]Valnoctamid {n}
valonia [Valonia spp.] Blasenalgen {pl}
valor [Am.] Heldenmut {m}
valor [Am.] Mut {m}
valor [Am.] Tapferkeit {f}
valor [Am.] Wagemut {m} [Tapferkeit]
valorisation [Br.]Inwertsetzung {f}
valorisation [Br.] Aufwertung {f}
valorisation [Br.] Verwertung {f}
valorised [Br.]aufgewertet
valorising [Br.]aufwertend
valorizationAufwertung {f}
valorizationInwertsetzung {f}
« vagrvainValeValivalivalivalovaluvaluvaluvalv »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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