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English-German Dictionary

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w [letter]w {n} [Buchstabe]
W [letter]W {n} [Buchstabe]
W. [Oliver Stone] W. – Ein missverstandenes Leben
W as in William [esp. Am.] W wie Wilhelm
W boson W-Boson {n}
W for Whiskey [NATO phonetic alphabet]W wie Whiskey [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]
W for WilliamW wie Wilhelm
% w/w Gewichtsprozent {n}
w00t [Netzjargon: Ausdruck überschwänglicher Freude bzw. Überraschung]
W-2 [Am.] [wage and tax statement]Lohnsteuerbescheinigung {f}
Waal RiverWaal {f}
Waaler-Rose test [spv.] Waaler-Rose-Test {m}
Waardenburg / Waardenburg's syndrome <WS>Waardenburg-Syndrom {n} <WS>
wabbit [Scot.: exhausted] erschöpft
wabbly [spv.]schwankend
wabbly [spv.] wackelig
WachauWachau {f}
Wachbach [river] Wachbach {m} [Fluss]
Wachbach [village] Wachbach {n} [Ortschaft]
wachna cod [Eleginus gracilis]Fernöstliche Navaga {f}
wackExzentriker {m}
wack [Am.] [sl.] weit hergeholt
wack [Am.] [sl.] beschissen [ugs.]
wack [Am.] [sl.] [lousy]mies [ugs.] [pej.] [lausig]
wack [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] [lousy] lausig [ugs.] [pej.]
wack [Br.] [pal, chiefly as a term of address]Kumpel {m} [als Anrede gebraucht]
wack job [Am.] [sl.] Spinner {m} [ugs.]
wackadoo [Am.] [coll.] verrückt [ugs.] [oft pej.] [geistig wirr]
wackadoo [Am.] [coll.] [ideas etc.] spinnert [ugs.] [bes. süddeutsch] [Ideen etc.]
wackadoo [female] [sl.]Spinnerin {f} [Verrückte]
wackadoodle [Am.] [sl.] Ausgeflippter {m}
wacke Wacke {m}
wacker packer [sl.] Rüttelstampfer {m} [Baumaschine]
wacker plate Bodenverdichter {m}
wacker plate Rüttelplatte {f}
wacker plateVibrationsplatte {f}
Wacker processWacker-Verfahren {n}
wackier [coll.]verrückter
wackiest [coll.] verrückteste
wackily [coll.]verrückt [ugs.] [oft pej.] [geistig wirr]
wackiness [coll.] Verrücktheit {f}
wackiness [coll.]Hirnrissigkeit {f} [ugs.]
wackjob [Am.] [sl.] Spinner {m} [ugs.]
wacko [esp. Am.] [coll.]durchgedreht [ugs.]
wacko [esp. Am.] [coll.] komischer Kauz {m}
wacko [esp. Am.] [coll.] Spinner {m} [ugs.]
wacko [esp. Am.] [coll.] verrückt [ugs.] [oft pej.] [geistig wirr]
wacko [esp. Am.] [coll.] Verrückter {m}
wackoes [chiefly Am.] [coll.] Verrückte {pl}
wackos [chiefly Am.] [coll.] Verrückte {pl}
wacky [coll.] blöd [ugs.]
wacky [coll.] exzentrisch
wacky [coll.] schrullig
wacky [coll.]bekloppt [ugs.]
wacky [coll.] verrückt [ugs.] [oft pej.] [geistig wirr]
wacky baccy [sl.]Gras {n} [ugs. für: Marihuana, Cannabis]
wacky comedy film Anarcho-Komödie {f} [ugs.]
wacky comedy film anarchistische Komödie {f}
wacky wobbler [bobblehead figure]Wackelfigur {f} [Wackelkopffigur]
Waco [R.G. Springsteen] Wyoming Bravados
wad Bausch {m}
wad kleines Strohbündel {n}
wad Wattepropf {m}
wad Bauschen {m} [bayer., österr.] [Bausch]
wadSchrotbecher {m}
wad [Br.]Haufen {m} Geld
wad [earthy mixture of Mn-oxides / -hydroxides]Wad {n} [erdiges Gemenge von Mn-Oxiden u. Mn-Hydroxiden]
wad burn streaksBrandstreifen {m}
wad hook [also: worm]Krätzer {m} [auch: Kugelzieher]
wad of banknotesNotenbündel {n}
wad of cash [sl.] Geldbündel {n}
wad of cotton Wattebausch {m}
wad of keysSchlüsselbund {m} {n}
wad (of paper) Papierknäuel {n}
Wada test [less often also: Wada's test]Wada-Test {m}
wadable durchwatbar
wadalite [Ca6(Al,Mg)4(Si,Al,Fe)3O16Cl3] Wadalit {m}
wadcutter Scharfrandgeschoss {n}
wadded wattiert
wadded [Br.] gestopft [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.] [wohlhabend]
wadded (up)zusammengeknüllt
Waddell's signs Waddell-Zeichen {pl}
Waddell's triadWaddell-Trias {f}
Wadden Islands Watteninseln {pl}
Wadden Sea Wattenmeer {n}
Wadden Sea Conservation Station Schutzstation {f} Wattenmeer
Wadden Sea islandWattenmeerinsel {f}
wadding Einlage {f}
wadding Füllmaterial {n}
waddingWattierung {f}
wadding weiche Füllung {f}
waddingSchusspflaster {n}
waddings Wattierungen {pl}
Waddington GlacierWaddington-Gletscher {m}
waddlewatschelnder Gang {m}
waddle gaitWatschelgang {m}
waddled gewatschelt
waddling watschelnd
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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