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weekly rationWochenration {f}
weekly rent Wochenmiete {f}
weekly report Wochenbericht {m}
weekly result Wochenergebnis {n}
weekly sales {pl}Wochenumsatz {m}
weekly scheduleWochenplan {m}
weekly (season) ticket Wochenkarte {f}
weekly section [part of the Thora] Wochenabschnitt {m} [Teil der Tora]
weekly sermons Wochenpredigten {pl}
weekly slot wöchentlicher Sendeplatz {m}
weekly solutions [for observation programs]Wochenlösungen {pl} [für Beobachtungsprogramme]
weekly statistics [treated as sg.]Wochenstatistik {f}
weekly sumWochenbetrag {m}
weekly takings Einkünfte {pl} einer Woche
weekly ticketWochenfahrkarte {f}
weekly time sheetWochenplan {m} [für Arbeitszeiten]
weekly travel passWochenkarte {f}
weekly turnoverWochenumsatz {m}
weekly wageWochenlohn {m}
weekly wages {pl} Wochenlohn {m}
weekly working time Wochenarbeitszeit {f} <WAZ>
[weekly published by a church] Kirchenzeitung {f}
weeknight Abend {m} unter der Woche
weeknightsabends unter der Woche
-week-old -wöchig
weeksWochen {pl}
weeks in April Aprilwochen {pl}
weeks in AugustAugustwochen {pl}
weeks in DecemberDezemberwochen {pl}
weeks in FebruaryFebruarwochen {pl}
weeks in JanuaryJanuarwochen {pl}
weeks in July Juliwochen {pl}
weeks in June Juniwochen {pl}
weeks in MarchMärzwochen {pl}
weeks in MayMaiwochen {pl}
weeks in November Novemberwochen {pl}
weeks in October Oktoberwochen {pl}
weeks in SeptemberSeptemberwochen {pl}
weeks of life Lebenswochen {pl}
weeks of pregnancy <wop, WOP, WoP> Schwangerschaftswochen {pl} <SSW>
[weeks with midweek matches] Englische Wochen {pl}
weeksite [(K,Ba)2 [(UO2)2|Si5O13]·4H2O] Weeksit {m}
weely [archaic]sumpfig [Land]
Weems' bighorn sheep [Ovis canadensis weemsi] Weems-Dickhornschaf {n}
weenie [Am.] [coll.] Wiener Würstchen {n}
weenie [Am.] [sl.] [cf. wiener] [penis] Würstel {n} [bes. südd.] [derb] [Penis]
weenie [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] Schlappschwanz {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
weenie [sl.]Weichei {n} [ugs.]
weenie [sl.] [man regarded as weak, ineffectual]Waschlappen {m} [ugs.] [fig.]
weenie cookout [Am.] [coll.] [weenie roast] Würstl-Party {f} [ugs.] [südd.] [österr.] [auch: Würstlparty] [Grillparty im Freien]
Weenie Hut General [SpongeBob SquarePants] Weicheischuppen-Klinik {f} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
Weenie Hut Jr. [SpongeBob SquarePants]Weicheischuppen Jr. {m} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
weenies [Am.] [coll.] Wienerle {pl} [schwäb.] [auch fränk.]
weenies [Am.] [coll.] Wienerla {pl} [fränk.]
weenies [Am.] [coll.] Frankfurter {pl} [österr.]
weeny [coll.] winzig
weep cut Wasserabreißnut {f}
weep cutWasserabrissnut {f}
Weep no more my Lady [Mary Higgins Clark] Schlangen im Paradies
weeper Weinender {m}
weeper [female]Weinende {f}
weeper [female] [professional mourner] Klageweib {n}
weeper capuchin [Cebus olivaceus, formerly: Cebus nigrivittatus]Brauner Kapuziner {m}
weepers Weinende {pl}
weephole Entwässerungsloch {n}
weepie [Br.] [coll.] Schmachtfetzen {m} [ugs.]
weepie [Br.] [coll.] [slush film, play etc.] Schnulze {f} [ugs.]
weepinessWeinerlichkeit {f}
weeping Weinen {n}
weeping plierend [nordd.] [weinend]
weeping [trees, shrubs]hängend
weeping [wound] nässend
weeping alkali grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]Gemeiner Salzschwaden {m}
weeping alkali grass [Puccinellia distans]Gewöhnlicher Salzschwaden {m}
weeping alkali grass [Puccinellia distans] Abstehender Salzschwaden {m}
weeping alkaligrass / alkali-grass / alkali grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans](Abstehender) Salzschwingel {m}
weeping alkaligrass / alkali-grass / alkali grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans] Gemeiner Salzschwaden {m}
weeping birch [Betula pendula]Hängebirke {f}
weeping birch [Betula pendula]Trauerbirke {f}
weeping bolete [Suillus granulatus]Körnchen-Röhrling {m}
weeping bolete [Suillus granulatus] Schmerling {m}
weeping bolete [Suillus granulatus] Schälpilz {m} [Körnchenröhrling]
weeping bolete [Suillus granulatus] Körnchenröhrling {m}
weeping bolete [Suillus granulatus]Körniger Röhrling {m}
weeping bolete [Suillus granulatus]Butterschmerling / Butter-Schmerling {m}
weeping capuchin [Cebus olivaceus] Brauner Kapuziner {m}
weeping conk [Pseudoinonotus dryadeus, syn.: Inonotus dryadeus] Tropfender Schillerporling {m}
weeping cotoneaster [Cotoneaster nanshan, syn.: C. adpressus var. praecox, C. hybridus, C. hybridus var. pendulus, C. pendulus, C. praecox]Hänge-Strauchmispel {f}
weeping crack willow [Salix x pendulina, syn.: S. blanda, S. elegantissima, S. pendulina, S. x blanda, S. x elegantissima, S. babylonica x S. fragilis]Wisconsin-Trauer-Weide / Trauerweide {f}
weeping fig [Ficus benjamina]Birkenfeige {f}
weeping fig [Ficus benjamina] Benjamini {m}
weeping form Trauerform {f}
Weeping, lamenting, worrying, fearing Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen [J. S. Bach, BWV 12]
weeping lilac [Syringa pubescens subsp. julianae, syn.: S. julianae] Julianes Flieder {m}
weeping lilac [Syringa pubescens subsp. julianae, syn.: S. julianae] Juliana-Flieder {m}
weeping lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis curvula, syn.: E. robusta, Poa curvula]Schwachgekrümmtes Liebesgras {n}
weeping lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis curvula, syn.: E. robusta, Poa curvula]Gekrümmtes Liebesgras {n}
weeping lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis curvula, syn.: E. robusta, Poa curvula]Überhängendes Liebesgras {n}
weeping lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis curvula, syn.: E. robusta, Poa curvula] Afrikanisches Liebesgras {n}
« weddwedgwedgweedweekweekweepWeigweigweigwein »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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