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English-German Dictionary

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western forest-robin / forest robin [Stiphrornis erythrothorax] Waldrötel {m}
western fork-marked lemur [Phaner pallescens] Westlicher Gabelstreifenmaki {m}
western fox snake [Pantherophis ramspotti, formerly: P. vulpinus] Westliche Fuchsnatter {f}
western FranceWestfrankreich {n}
Western Francia Westfrankenreich {n}
western fringe Westrand {m} [Randgebiet]
Western fringe jacket [also: western fringe jacket] Western-Fransenjacke {f}
Western Front / frontWestfront {f}
western frontier Westgrenze {f}
western fruit scale [Eulecanium tiliae, syn.: E. coryli]Große Kugelige Napfschildlaus {f}
western fruit scale [Eulecanium tiliae, syn.: E. coryli] Haselnussschildlaus {f}
western gate Westtor {n}
western gentle lemur [Hapalemur occidentalis]Westlicher Bambuslemur {m}
western gentle lemur [Hapalemur occidentalis] Sambirano-Bambuslemur {m}
western gentle lemur [Hapalemur occidentalis]Sambirano-Halbmaki {m}
western gentle lemur [Hapalemur occidentalis]Westlicher Halbmaki {m}
western Germani [hist. jargon, rare]Westgermanen {pl}
western GermanyWestdeutschland {n}
Western Germany Westdeutschland {n}
western gerygone [Gerygone fusca] Weißschwanzgerygone {f}
Western Ghats Westghats {pl}
Western Ghats squirrel [Funambulus tristriatus]Dschungel-Palmenhörnchen {n}
western glass-snail [Vitrina pellucida, syn.: Helicolimax pellucidus, Phenacolimax pellucidus] Durchsichtige Glasschnecke {f}
western glass-snail [Vitrina pellucida, syn.: Helicolimax pellucidus, Phenacolimax pellucidus] Kugelige Glasschnecke {f}
western glossy snake [Arizona elegans occidentalis, syn.: Arizona occidentalis]Westliche Arizona-Natter {f}
western goat's beard [Tragopogon dubius] Großer Bocksbart {m}
western golden myna / golden-myna [Mino anais] Orangeatzel {f}
western golden-backed woodpecker [Campethera maculosa]Goldmantelspecht {m} [auch: Goldmantel-Specht]
western goldfinch [Carduelis tristis, syn.: Astragalinus tristis, Spinus tristis] Goldzeisig {m}
western goldfinch [Carduelis tristis, syn.: Astragalinus tristis, Spinus tristis]Trauerzeisig {m}
western gorilla [Gorilla gorilla]Westlicher Gorilla {m}
Western governments westliche Regierungen {pl}
western grape rootworm (beetle) [Bromius obscurus, syn.: Adoxius obscurus]Weinlaubblattkäfer {m}
western grape rootworm (beetle) [Bromius obscurus, syn.: Adoxius obscurus] Schreiber {m} [Reben-Fallkäfer]
western grape rootworm (beetle) [Bromius obscurus, syn.: Adoxius obscurus] Rebenfallkäfer / Reben-Fallkäfer {m}
western grasswren [Amytornis textilis]Dickschnabel-Grasschlüpfer {m}
western grasswren [Amytornis textilis] Dickschnabel-Grassänger {m}
western grasswren [Amytornis textilis] Strichelgrasschlüpfer {m}
western gray kangaroo [Am.] [Macropus (Macropus) fuliginosus] Westliches Graues Riesenkänguru {n}
western gray squirrel [Sciurus griseus] [Am.] Westliches Grauhörnchen {n}
western graylag goose [Am.] [Anser anser anser] Westliche Graugans {f}
western grebe [Aechmophorus occidentalis] Renntaucher {m}
Western GreeceWestgriechenland {n}
western green and golden bell frog [Litoria moorei]Motorradfrosch {m}
western green and golden bell frog [Litoria moorei] Westlicher Gold-Laubfrosch {m}
western green and golden bell frog [Litoria moorei] Moore'scher Frosch {m}
western green lizard [Lacerta bilineata, syn.: Lacerta viridis bilineata]Westliche Smaragdeidechse {f}
western green mamba [Dendroaspis viridis]Grüne Mamba {f}
western green tinker barbet [Pogoniulus coryphaea, syn.: P. coryphaeus] Gelbrücken-Bartvogel {m}
western green tinkerbird [Pogoniulus coryphaeus] Gelbrücken-Bartvogel {m}
western green tree frog [Litoria moorei]Motorradfrosch {m}
western green tree frog [Litoria moorei] Westlicher Gold-Laubfrosch {m}
western green tree frog [Litoria moorei]Moore'scher Frosch {m}
western green woodpecker [Piculus auricularis] Graukappenspecht {m} [auch: Graukappen-Specht]
western green-backed honeybird [Prodotiscus insignis] Liliputhoniganzeiger {m} [auch: Liliput-Honiganzeiger]
western green-backed honeybird [Prodotiscus insignis] Liliputlaubpicker {m}
western greenfinch [Chloris chloris, syn.: Carduelis chloris] Grünling {m}
western greenfinch [Chloris chloris, syn.: Carduelis chloris] Grünfink {m}
western green-tinkerbird [Pogoniulus coryphaea, syn.: P. coryphaeus] Gelbrücken-Bartvogel {m}
western grey kangaroo [Macropus fuliginosus] [Br.] Westliches Graues Riesenkänguru {n}
western greylag goose [Br.] [Anser anser anser] Westliche Graugans {f}
western ground squirrel [Xerus erythropus]Gestreiftes Zieselhörnchen {n}
western ground squirrel [Xerus erythropus] Gestreiftes Borstenhörnchen {n}
western guitar Westerngitarre {f}
western gull [Larus occidentalis] Westmöwe {f}
western hackberry [Celtis occidentalis, syn.: C. cordata, C. crassifolia, C. pumila] [common hackberry] Amerikanischer Zürgelbaum {m}
western hackberry [Celtis occidentalis, syn.: C. cordata, C. crassifolia, C. pumila] [common hackberry]Nordamerikanischer Zürgelbaum {m}
western hackberry [Celtis occidentalis, syn.: C. cordata, C. crassifolia, C. pumila] [common hackberry]Abendländischer Zürgelbaum {m}
western hackberry [Celtis occidentalis, syn.: C. cordata, C. crassifolia, C. pumila] [common hackberry] Westlicher Zürgelbaum {m}
western halfWesthälfte {f}
Western Han dynasty [also: Western Han Dynasty] Westliche Han-Dynastie {f} [auch: westliche Han-Dynastie]
western harvest mouse [Reithrodontomys megalotis] Westliche Erntemaus {f}
Western hat [also: western hat]Westernhut {m}
western hazel [Corylus cornuta, syn.: C. cornuta subsp. cornuta, C. cornuta var. californica, C. rostrata]Schnabelnuss {f}
western hazel [Corylus cornuta, syn.: C. cornuta subsp. cornuta, C. cornuta var. californica, C. rostrata]Schnabel-Hasel {f}
western heather vole [Phenacomys intermedius] Westliche Heidekraut-Wühlmaus {f}
western hemisphere westliche Hemisphäre {f}
Western Hemispherewestliche Hemisphäre {f}
western hemlock [Tsuga heterophylla] Westamerikanische Hemlocktanne {f}
western hemlock [Tsuga heterophylla] Westliche Hemlock {f}
Western heroWesternheld {m}
western highfin spurdog [Squalus altipinnis] Westlicher Hochflossen-Dornhai {m}
western hive bee [Apis mellifera] Westliche Honigbiene {f}
western hognose / hog-nosed snake [Heterodon nasicus] Westliche Hakennatter {f}
western hognose / hog-nosed snake [Heterodon nasicus]Hakennasennatter {f}
western hognose snake [Heterodon nasicus nasicus] Westliche Hakennasennatter {f}
western honey bee [Apis mellifera] Westliche Honigbiene {f}
western honey buzzard [Pernis apivorus] Wespenbussard {m}
Western honeybee [Apis mellifera] Europäische Honigbiene {f}
western hooknose snake [Gyalopion canum] Chihuahua-Hakennasennatter {f}
western hoolock gibbon [Hoolock hoolock, also: Hoolock hoolock hoolock, syn.: Bunopithecus (hoolock) hoolock]Weißbrauengibbon {m}
western hoolock gibbon [Hoolock hoolock, also: Hoolock hoolock hoolock, syn.: Bunopithecus (hoolock) hoolock] Hulock {m}
western hoolock gibbon [Hoolock hoolock]Westlicher Weißbrauengibbon {m}
western hoolock gibbon [Hoolock hoolock]Westlicher Hulock {m}
western horizon Westhorizont {m}
western horned pheasant [Tragopan melanocephalus]Schwarzkopftragopan {m}
western horned tragopan [Tragopan melanocephalus]Schwarzkopftragopan {m}
western hornsman adder [Bitis cornuta]Büschelbrauen-Puffotter {f}
western horsetail [Equisetum arvense] Acker-Schachtelhalm / Ackerschachtelhalm {m}
western house martin [Delichon urbicum] Mehlschwalbe {f}
« westWestwestWestwestwestwestwestwestWestwest »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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