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What are all the things you can do online? Was kann man alles online machen?
What are friends for? Wozu sind Freunde da?
What are his politics? Wo steht er politisch?
What are our chances?Wie stehen unsere Chancen?
What are the exact words of the text?Wie ist der genaue Wortlaut des Textes?
What are the odds ... Wie groß sind die Chancen, dass ...
What are the odds? Wie stehen die Chancen?
What are the plans for today?Was ist für heute vorgesehen?
What are the treatments for asthma? Welche Behandlungsmöglichkeiten gibt es bei Asthma?
What are they called? Wie heißen sie?
What are they talking about?Worüber reden sie?
What are we going to do now? Was machen wir jetzt?
What are we going to do now? Was werden wir jetzt tun?
What are we supposed to do? Was sollen wir denn jetzt machen?
What are you about? [dated] Was machen Sie da? [formelle Anrede]
What are you about? [dated] [said to one person]Was machst du da?
What are you about? [dated] [said to two or more people] Was macht ihr da?
What are you afraid of? Wovor hast du Angst?
What are you after?Auf was hast du es abgesehen?
What are you after? Hinter was bist du her?
What are you (all) doing? Was macht ihr da?
What are you ashamed of? Weswegen schämst du dich?
What are you babbling on about? Was laberst du da? [ugs.]
What are you beefing about? [coll.] Was hast du zu meckern? [ugs.]
What are you doing for money?Woher kriegst du (dein) Geld? [ugs.]
What are you doing there? Was machst du da?
What are you doing? Was machst du?
What are you doing?Was machen Sie?
What are you doing? Was machen Sie da? [formelle Anrede]
What are you driving at? [idiom]Worauf wollen Sie hinaus? [formelle Anrede] [Idiom]
What are you driving at? [idiom]Auf was wollen Sie hinaus? [formelle Anrede] [Idiom]
What are you driving at? [idiom] Worauf willst du hinaus? [Idiom]
What are you driving at? [idiom]Auf was willst du hinaus? [Idiom]
What are you getting at? [what's your point?]Worauf willst du hinaus?
What are you getting him to do?Was lässt du ihn machen?
What are you going to do on Friday? Was hast du am Freitag vor?
What are you going to do?Was wirst du tun?
What are you (going) on about? [coll.] [Br.] Was meinst du damit?
What are you having? Was nimmst du? [im Restaurant]
What are you hiding behind?Wohinter versteckst du dich?
What are you laughing about? Worüber lachst du?
What are you looking for?Wonach suchst du?
What are you (lot) actually getting up to over there? [Br.] Was treibt ihr da drüben eigentlich?
What are you planning to do?Was haben Sie vor? [formelle Anrede]
What are you playing at there? Was treibst du da eigentlich?
What are you rabbiting (on) about? [Br.] [coll.] Was laberst du da? [ugs.]
What are you referring to?Worauf beziehen Sie sich? [formelle Anrede]
What are you, some kind of bodyguard? Was sind Sie, ein Leibwächter oder sowas / so was? [formelle Anrede] [ugs.]
What are you thinking about? Worüber denkst du nach?
What are you thinking? [meaning: that's absurd / you're on the wrong track thinking that] Wo denkst du hin? [Redewendung]
What are you trying to say? Was willst du damit sagen?
What are you up to at the moment? [coll.] Was treibst du (so) zur Zeit? [ugs.]
What are you up to? Was hast du vor?
What are you up to? [polite enquiry made to a colleague etc.] Was machst du (so)?
What are you up to? [What is your underlying strategy/intention?] Worauf willst du hinaus / raus?
What are you waiting for?Worauf wartest du (noch)?
What are you waiting for? Christmas?Brauchst du eine Extra-Einladung?
What are your aims? Was sind deine Absichten?
What are your present prices for ... ?Was sind Ihre heutigen Preise für ... ?
What are your views on that?Wie stehen Sie dazu?
What bad luck! So ein Pech!
What Became of Gunner Asch08/15 heute [Hans Hellmut Kirst]
What boots it? [archaic] [avails it] Was nützt es?
What bothers me is ... Was mich beschäftigt [belastet, beunruhigt], ist ...
What brings you here? Was führt dich hierher?
What brought it about was ... Anlass war ...
What brought you along today? Was kann ich für Sie tun?
What brought you to Berlin?Was hat dich nach Berlin verschlagen?
What business is it of yours?Was geht dich das an? [ugs.]
What Came Before He Shot Her [Elizabeth George] Am Ende war die Tat
What can I do for you?Womit kann ich (Ihnen) dienen?
What can I do for you? Was wünschen Sie bitte? [formelle Anrede]
What can I do for you?Was darf es sein?
What can I do for you?Was kann ich für Sie tun? [formelle Anrede]
What can I do for you? [asked in a shop] Sie wünschen? [formelle Anrede]
What can I do for you? [in shop etc.] Was beliebt? [veraltet]
What Can I Do When Everything's on Fire? [António Lobo Antunes]Was werd ich tun, wenn alles brennt?
What can I do you for? [hum.]Was kann ich für dich tun?
What can I get you?Was darf's denn sein?
What can the data say? Was können die Daten aussagen?
What can we do about it?Was können wir dagegen tun?
What caused the delay? Was verursachte die Verzögerung?
What cheek! Was für eine Frechheit!
What colour is it? [Br.] Welche Farbe hat es?
What colour is my book? [Br.] Welche Farbe hat mein Buch?
... what comes out of it. ... was daraus wird.
What concern is it of yours?Was bekümmert Sie das? [geh.] [formelle Anrede]
What concern is it of yours? Was kümmert es dich?
What concerns us primarily is that ...Es geht uns primär darum, dass ...
What consequences did this have? Welche Konsequenzen hatte dies?
What considerations? Was für Erwägungen?
What constitutes beauty ... Was Schönheit ausmacht ...
What constitutes beauty? Was macht Schönheit aus?
... - what could be better! ... - besser gehts / geht's nicht! [ugs.]
What cowards you are!Ihr Feiglinge!
What crawled up your ass (and died)? [coarse] [coll.] [idiom] [What made you so annoyed?] Welche Laus ist dir denn über die Leber gelaufen / gekrochen? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
What crawled up your ass (and died)? [coarse] [Why are you smelling so bad?]Du stinkst, als ob du einen toten Vogel in der Tasche hättest. [ugs.] [selten]
What day is it today?Was ist heute für ein Tag?
What day is it today?Welchen Tag haben wir heute?
What day of the month is this? Den wievielten (Tag) haben wir heute? [ugs.]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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