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white saki [Pithecia albicans] Blonder Mönchsaffe {m}
white saki [Pithecia albicans] Schwarzrückensaki {m}
white sale [featuring esp. linens, household items] Weiße Wochen {pl} [veraltend]
white salmon [Br.] [Oncorhynchus kisutch] [silver / coho salmon]Silberlachs {m}
white samet [Melaleuca cajuputi] [cajeput tree]Echter Cajeputbaum {m}
white sand anemone [Heteractis malu, syn.: Antheopsis concinnata, Discosoma malu, Radianthus concinnata, R. glandulosa, R. malu, R. papillosa, Stichodactis papillosa] Hawaii-Anemone {f}
white sand anemone [Heteractis malu, syn.: Antheopsis concinnata, Discosoma malu, Radianthus concinnata, R. glandulosa, R. malu, R. papillosa, Stichodactis papillosa]Hawaii-Anemone {f} dccbrra <?php echo $REMOTE_ADDR; ?>
white sandalwood [Santalum album] Weißes Sandelholz {n}
White Sands National Park White-Sands-Nationalpark {m}
white sassafras [Sassafras albidum]Sassafrasbaum {m}
white sassafras [Sassafras albidum] Fenchelholzbaum {m}
white sassafras [Sassafras albidum]Nelkenzimtbaum {m}
white sauce weiße Sauce {f}
white sauce weiße Soße {f} [auch: weiße Sauce]
white sauce [béchamel] Milchsauce {f} [Béchamelsauce]
white sauce [common name for the classic Béchamel Sauce] Béchamelsauce {f}
white sausage equator [humorous term referring to southern Germany's unique culture] Weißwurstäquator {m} [hum.]
white saxaul [Haloxylon persicum] Weißer Saxaul {m}
white scale of sugarcane [Aulacaspis tegalensis, syn.: Chionaspis tegalensis]Zuckerrohrdeckelschildlaus / Zuckerrohr-Deckelschildlaus {f}
white scavenger vulture [Neophron percnopterus] Schmutzgeier {m}
White SeaWeißes Meer {n}
White SeaWeißmeer {n}
white sea urchin [Echinus acutus]Langstacheliger Seeigel {m}
white seabass [Atractoscion nobilis]Weißer Seebarsch {m}
white seabream [Diplodus sargus]Große Geißbrasse {f}
white sedge [Carex alba] Weiße Segge {f}
white sedge [Carex albida] Weißliche Segge {f}
White Shadows Weiße Schatten [Helmut Käutner]
White Shadows in the South Seas [W. S. Van Dyke and Robert J. Flaherty] Weiße Schatten
white shark [Carcharodon carcharias]Weißer Hai {m}
white shark [Carcharodon carcharias]Weißhai {m}
white sharks [family Lamnidae]Makrelenhaie {pl}
white shepherd (dog)weißer Schäferhund {m}
white shoe firm [Am.] [führende Anwaltskanzlei, Unternehmensberatung oder Finanzgesellschaft in den USA, besonders New York]
white sickle bush-cricket [Tylopsis lilifolia] Lilienblatt-Sichelschrecke {f}
white side-burned black langur [Trachypithecus francoisi] Tonkin-Schwarzlangur {m}
white side-burned black langur [Trachypithecus francoisi]Francois-Langur {m}
white sidewall tire [Am.] Weißwandreifen {m}
white sidewall tyre [Br.] Weißwandreifen {m}
white sifaka [Propithecus verreauxi]Larvensifaka {m}
white (silky) oak [Stenocarpus sinuatus] Feuerradbaum {m}
white singing weißer Gesang {m}
white singing Schreigesang {m} [auch: weißer Gesang]
white siris [Albizia lebbeck, syn.: A. latifolia, Feuilleea lebbeck, Mimosa lebbeck] [lebbek tree]Regenbaum {m} [Lebbekbaum]
white skate [Rostroraja alba] Saumrochen {m}
white skate [Rostroraja alba] [also: white-bellied skate]Gesäumter Glattrochen {m}
white skate [Rostroraja alba] [also: white-bellied skate] Bandrochen {m}
white skate [Rostroraja alba] [also: white-bellied skate]Randrochen {m}
white skate [Rostroraja alba] [also: white-bellied skate]Spitzrochen {m} [Bandrochen]
white skin cancer [basalioma] weißer Hautkrebs {m} [Basaliom]
white (skin) privilege weißes Privileg {n}
white skunk cabbage [Lysichiton camtchatcensis]Weiße Scheincalla {f}
white skunk cabbage [Lysichiton camtchatcensis]Weiße Scheinkalla {f}
white slave gang Mädchenhändlerbande {f}
white slave ring Mädchenhändlerring {m}
white slave tradeMädchenhandel {m}
white slave trade [dated] [trading of enslaved women for sexual purposes]Frauenhandel {m}
white slave trader Mädchenhändler {m}
white slaver Mädchenhändler {m}
white slaver Menschenhändler {m} [Prostitution]
white slavery Mädchenhandel {m}
white slaveryVersklavung {f} von Weißen
white smoker Weißer Raucher {m}
white snake [Mastigodryas bruesi] Karibische Echsennatter {f}
white snakeroot [Ageratina altissima, syn.: Eupatorium rugosum] Runzeliger Wasserdost {m}
white socks [family Simuliidae] [buffalo gnats]Kriebelmücken {pl}
white socks [family Simuliidae] [buffalo gnats] Simuliiden {pl} [Kriebelmücken]
white soul weißer Soul {m} [von weißen Musikern gespielt]
white spaceLeerraum {m}
white spaceWeißraum {m}
white speck [Porodaedalea pini, syn.: Phellinus pini]Kiefern-Feuerschwamm / Kiefernfeuerschwamm {m}
white speck [Porodaedalea pini, syn.: Phellinus pini] Kiefern-Baumschwamm / Kiefernbaumschwamm {m}
white speck ringlet [Erebia claudina]Weißpunktierter Mohrenfalter {m}
white spirea / spiraea [Spiraea betulifolia] Birkenblättriger Spierstrauch {m}
white spirit [Br.] Terpentinersatz {m}
white spirit [Br.]Lackbenzin {n}
white spirit [Br.] Testbenzin {n}
white spoonbill [Platalea leucorodia] Löffler {m}
white spotKreidefleck {m}
white spot [Hadena albimacula, syn.: Phalaena albimacula] [moth]Abendnelken-Kapseleule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
white spot [Hadena albimacula] [moth]Weißgefleckte Nelkeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
white spot [Hadena albimacula] [moth] Weißgefleckte Leimkraut-Kapseleule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
white spot cucumber [Holothuria (Roweothuria) poli] Weißspitzen-Seegurke {f}
white spot disease [Ichthyophthirius multifiliis] Weißpünktchenkrankheit {f}
white spot disease [Lichen sclerosus (et atrophicus)] Lichen sclerosus {m} <LS> [auch Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, LSA]
white spot lesions {pl} <WSP> (kariöse) Initialläsion {f}
white spotted calla lily [Zantedeschia albomaculata]Gefleckte Calla {f}
white spotted calla lily [Zantedeschia albomaculata] Weißfleckige Zimmercalla {f} [Rsv.: Weißfleckige Zimmerkalla]
white spruce [Picea glauca]Weiß-Fichte {f}
white spruce [Picea glauca] Schimmel-Fichte {f}
white spruce [Picea glauca]Zuckerhutfichte {f} [Picea glauca (var. albertiana) Conica]
white squall weiße Bö {f}
White Squall [Ridley Scott] White Squall – Reißende Strömung
white starfish [Coscinasterias tenuispina, syn.: Asteracanthion tenuispinum, Asterias atlantica, A. glacialis, Lytaster inaequalis, Polyasterias tenuispina, Stellonia tenuispina] Dornenseestern {m}
white starfish [Coscinasterias tenuispina] Vielarmiger Seestern {m}
white starred robin [Pogonocichla stellata] Sternrötel {m}
white stem scale [Aulacaspis tegalensis, syn.: Chionaspis tegalensis]Zuckerrohrdeckelschildlaus / Zuckerrohr-Deckelschildlaus {f}
white steppe spider [Latrodectus pallidus] Weiße Witwe {f}
white steppe spider [Latrodectus pallidus] Weiße Steppenspinne {f}
white stick [Br.] Blindenstock {m}
« WhitWhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhit »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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