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English-German Dictionary

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wallflower mustard [Erysimum cheiranthoides] Gänsesterbe {f}
wallflower mustard [Erysimum cheiranthoides] Goldlack-Schotendotter {m}
wallflower mustard [Erysimum cheiranthoides] Lack-Schöterich {m}
wallflower mustard [Erysimum cheiranthoides]Ruderal-Goldlack {m}
wallflowers [genus Erysimum]Schöteriche {pl}
wall-grass [Sedum acre] Scharfe Fetthenne {f}
wall-grass [Sedum acre] (Scharfer) Mauerpfeffer {m}
wall-hungan der Wand befestigt
wall-hung toilet Hängetoilette {f}
Wallich's pheasant [Catreus wallichi] Wallichfasan {m}
Wallich's pheasant [Catreus wallichi] Schopffasan {m}
Wallich's woodfern / wood fern [Dryopteris wallichiana] Gebirgs-Wurmfarn / Gebirgswurmfarn {m}
wallie [Br.] [sl.] Trottel {m}
wallies {pl} [Scot.] [dentures](künstliches) Gebiss {n}
wallingWandung {f} [umschließende Wand eines Hohlkörpers]
walling hammerMauerhammer {m}
walling in einmauernd
walling upzumauernd
walling-off [a market] Abschottung {f} [eines Marktes]
wall-ink [Veronica beccabunga] [European speedwell] Bachbunge {f}
wall-ink [Veronica beccabunga] [European speedwell] Quell-Ehrenpreis / Quellehrenpreis {m} {n}
Wallis and Futuna Islander Bewohner {m} von Wallis und Futuna
Wallis and Futuna Islands <.wf> Wallis und Futuna Inseln {pl}
Wallis fescue [Festuca valesiaca, syn.: F. valesiaca var. glaucantha]Walliser Schwingel {m}
Wallis fescue [Festuca valesiaca, syn.: F. valesiaca var. glaucantha] Walliser Schaf-Schwingel {m}
Wallis IslandsWallisinseln {pl}
Wallis' productWallis-Produkt {f}
Wallis' product wallissches Produkt {n}
Walliser German [dialect] Walliserdeutsch {n} [Dialekt]
wallisite [PbTl(Cu,Ag)As2S5] Wallisit {m}
Wallis's product [also: Wallis' product, Wallis product]Wallis'sches Produkt {n}
wallkilldellite-(Mn) [Ca4Mn6As4O16(OH)8·18H2O] Wallkilldellit-(Mn) {m}
wall-lettuce / wall lettuce [Lactuca muralis, syn.: Mycelis muralis, Prenanthes muralis] (Zarter) Mauerlattich {m}
wall-lettuce / wall lettuce [Mycelis muralis (subsp. muralis), syn.: Lactuca muralis]Gewöhnlicher Mauerlattich {m}
wall-like [dam-like]wallartig
wall-mounted an der Wand angebracht
wall-mounted wandmontiert
wall-mounted wandhängend
wall-mounted an der Wand befestigt
wall-mounted [e.g. ashtray, speaker, toilet]Wand- [an der Wand befestigt] [z. B. Aschenbecher, Lautsprecher, WC]
wall-mounted ashtrayWandaschenbecher {m}
wall-mounted ashtray Wandascher {m} [kurz für: Wandaschenbecher]
wall-mounted hydrant cabinet Wandhydrantenschrank {m}
wall-mounted I.V. / IV bottle holder Infusionsarm {m} mit Wandhalterung
wall-mounted rocker controlSteuer-Wipp-Wandschalter {m}
wall-mounted shower seat Duschklappsitz {m}
wall-mounted slewing jibWandschwenkkran {m}
wall-mounted speaker Wandlautsprecher {m}
wall-mounted terminal box Wandanschlusskasten {m}
wall-mounted toilet Hängetoilette {f}
wall-mounted toilet Wand-WC {n}
(wall-mounted) fire hose reel Wandhydrant {m}
WalloniaWallonien {n}
WalloniaWallonie {f}
Walloon Wallonisch {n}
Walloon Wallone {m}
Walloon [female]Wallonin {f}
Walloon Brabant Wallonisch-Brabant {n}
Walloon region Wallonien {n}
Walloons Wallonen {pl}
wallop [Br.] [coll.] [beer]Bölkstoff {m} [nordd., auch ®]
wallop [coll.] harter Schlag {m}
walloper [Aus.] [coll.]berittener Polizist {m}
walloping verprügelnd
walloping Dresche {f}
walloping Tracht {f} Prügel
wallow Suhle {f}
wallowa (wattle) [Acacia calamifolia, syn.: A. euthycarpa, A. pulverulenta, A. uncinata]Besen-Akazie {f}
wallowed out [irregularly enlarged bearing or joint seat(s) through uncontrolled movement] ausgeschlagen [Gelenk, Lager]
wallowerGenießer {m}
wallowers Genießer {pl}
wallowing in one's emotionsGefühlsschwelgerei {f}
wallpaper Bildschirmhintergrund {m}
wallpaper Tapete {f}
wallpaper Hintergrundbild {n}
wallpaper adhesive Tapetenkleister {m}
wallpaper adhesiveTapetenleim {m}
wallpaper brush Tapezierbürste {f}
wallpaper glue Tapetenkleber {m}
wallpaper groupOrnamentgruppe {f}
wallpaper knifeTapetenmesser {n}
wallpaper manufacturer Tapetenhersteller {m}
wallpaper museum Tapetenmuseum {n}
wallpaper paste Tapetenkleister {m}
wallpaper paste Tapetenleim {m}
wallpaper pattern Tapetenmuster {n}
wallpaper remover Tapetenablöser {m}
wallpaper rollTapetenrolle {f}
wallpaper scissors {pl} Tapezierschere {f}
wallpaper scrapsTapetenreste {pl}
wallpaper tableTapeziertisch {m}
wallpaper trimming knifeTapeziermesser {n}
wallpaperer Tapetenkleber {m}
« walkwalkwallwallWallwallwallWalrwandwangWant »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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