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white-blood technique Weißbluttechnik {f}
white-blotched grouper [Epinephelus multinotatus] Weißflecken-Zackenbarsch {m}
whiteboardWeißwandtafel {f}
whiteboardSchreibwand {f}
whiteboard marker Weißwandtafelstift {m}
white-bodied catshark [Apristurus albisoma]Weißlicher Katzenhai {m}
whitebonnet anemonefish [Amphiprion leucokranos] Weißkäppchen-Anemonenfisch {m}
white-bordered skate [Rostroraja alba]Bandrochen {m}
white-box test design technique White-Box-Testentwurfsverfahren {n}
white-box testingWhite-Box-Test {m}
white-bread [Am.] [coll.] [zur weißen US-Mittelschicht gehörig]
white-bread [coll.: boringly traditional]spießig [ugs.] [pej.]
white-breasted akalat [Illadopsis rufipennis, syn.: Trichastoma rufipennis] Grauwangen-Buschdrossling {m}
white-breasted antbird [Rhegmatorhina hoffmannsi]Hoffmannsameisenvogel {m}
white-breasted antbird [Rhegmatorhina hoffmannsi]Weißbrust-Ameisenvogel {m}
white-breasted antcatcher [Rhegmatorhina hoffmannsi] Hoffmannsameisenvogel {m}
white-breasted bobwhite [Colinus cristatus] Haubenwachtel {f}
white-breasted cormorant [Phalacrocorax lucidus] Weißbrustkormoran {m}
white-breasted cuckoo shrike [Coracina pectoralis]Weißbrust-Raupenfänger {m}
white-breasted dipper [Cinclus cinclus] Wasseramsel {f}
white-breasted dipper [Cinclus cinclus]Eurasische Wasseramsel {f}
white-breasted emerald [Agyrtria brevirostris, syn.: Amazilia brevirostris, Amazilia chionopectus] Schneebrustamazilie {f}
white-breasted emerald [Agyrtria brevirostris, syn.: Amazilia brevirostris, Amazilia chionopectus] Schneebauchamazilie {f}
white-breasted emerald [Amazilia brevirostris, syn.: Agyrtria brevirostris chionopectus, Amazilia chinopectus, Amazilia chionopectus] Kurzschnabelamazilie {f}
white-breasted fantail [Rhipidura leucothorax] Dickichtfächerschwanz {m}
white-breasted ground dove [Gallicolumba jobiensis] Jobitaube {f}
white-breasted ground dove [Gallicolumba jobiensis] Weißbrust-Erdtaube {f}
white-breasted ground pigeon [Gallicolumba jobiensis]Jobitaube {f}
white-breasted guineafowl [Agelastes meleagrides] Weißbrust-Perlhuhn {n}
white-breasted hawk [Accipiter chionogaster, syn.: Accipiter striatus chionogaster] Weißbrustsperber {m}
white-breasted illadopsis [Illadopsis rufipennis, syn.: Trichastoma rufipennis]Grauwangen-Buschdrossling {m}
white-breasted kingfisher [Halcyon smyrnensis] Braunliest {m}
white-breasted laughing thrush [Garrulax jerdoni]Graubrusthäherling {m}
white-breasted mesite [Mesitornis variegatus, syn.: Mesitornis variegata]Kurzfuß-Stelzenralle {f}
white-breasted monarch [Monarcha menckei] Weißrückenmonarch {m}
white-breasted negrofinch [Nigrita fusconotus]Mantelschwärzling {m}
white-breasted nuthatch [Sitta carolinensis]Carolinakleiber {m}
white-breasted piculet [Picumnus spilogaster] Weißbauch-Zwergspecht {m}
white-breasted prinia [Prinia / Phragmacia substriata]Namaprinie {f}
white-breasted robin [Eopsaltria georgiana]Weißbrustschnäpper {m}
white-breasted rock thrush [Monticola gularis, syn.: Petrophila gularis]Amurrötel {m}
white-breasted rock thrush [Monticola gularis, syn.: Petrophila gularis]Waldsteindrossel {f}
white-breasted sea-eagle / sea eagle [Haliaeetus leucogaster]Weißbauch-Seeadler {m} [auch: Weißbauchseeadler]
white-breasted silvereye / silver eye [Zosterops albogularis] Weißbrust-Brillenvogel {m}
white-breasted silvereye / silver eye [Zosterops albogularis] Norfolkbrillenvogel {m} [auch: Norfolk-Brillenvogel]
white-breasted silvereye / silver eye [Zosterops albogularis] Weißkehlbrillenvogel {m}
white-breasted starling [Sturnus melanopterus, syn.: Acridotheres melanopterus]Schwarzflügelstar {m}
white-breasted starling [Sturnus melanopterus, syn.: Acridotheres melanopterus]Schwarzflügelmaina {m}
white-breasted sunbird [Nectarinia / Cinnyris talatala] Weißbauch-Nektarvogel {m}
white-breasted swallow [Am.] [Tachycineta bicolor] Sumpfschwalbe {f}
white-breasted tapaculo [Scytalopus indigoticus, syn.: Eleoscytalopus i.] Weißbrusttapaculo / Weißbrust-Tapaculo {m}
white-breasted thrasher [Ramphocinclus brachyurus] Weißbrust-Spottdrossel {f}
white-breasted thrush-babbler [Illadopsis rufipennis, syn.: Trichastoma rufipennis] Grauwangen-Buschdrossling {m}
white-breasted tit [Parus albiventris] Weißbauchmeise {f}
white-breasted (tree) babbler [Stachyris grammiceps] Grauwangen-Buschtimalie {f}
white-breasted trembler [Ramphocinclus brachyurus] Weißbrust-Spottdrossel {f}
white-breasted upland goose [Chloephaga picta picta]Kleine Magellangans {f}
white-breasted water hen [Amaurornis phoenicurus]Weißbrust-Kielralle {f}
white-breasted waterhen [Amaurornis phoenicurus]Weißbrust-Kielralle {f}
white-breasted whistler [Pachycephala lanioides] Weißbrust-Dickkopf {m}
white-breasted white-eye [Zosterops abyssinicus]Somalibrillenvogel {m}
white-breasted white-eye [Zosterops albogularis]Norfolkbrillenvogel {m}
white-breasted white-eye [Zosterops albogularis] Weißbrust-Brillenvogel {m}
white-breasted white-eye [Zosterops albogularis] Weißkehlbrillenvogel {m}
white-breasted woodpecker [Picoides villosus, syn.: Dendrocopos villosus, Dryobates villosus, Leuconotopicus villosus] Haarspecht {m}
white-breasted woodswallow [Artamus leucorynchus]Weißbauch-Schwalbenstar {m}
white-breasted wood-wren [Henicorhina leucosticta]Waldzaunkönig {m}
white-browed antbird [Myrmoborus leucophrys] Augenbrauen-Ameisenschnäpper {m}
white-browed antbird [Myrmoborus leucophrys] Weißstirn-Ameisenschnäpper {m}
white-browed antcreeper [Myrmoborus leucophrys] Augenbrauen-Ameisenschnäpper {m}
white-browed antpitta [Hylopezus ochroleucus, syn.: H. o. o., H. ochnoleucus] Fleckenbrust-Ameisenpitta {f}
white-browed antpitta [Hylopezus ochroleucus]Weißbrauen-Ameisenpitta {f}
white-browed babbler [Pomatostomus superciliosus] Brauensäbler {m}
white-browed black langur [Trachypithecus laotum] Südlicher Schwarzlangur {m}
white-browed black langur [Trachypithecus laotum]Laos-Langur {m}
white-browed blackbird [Sturnella superciliaris] Weißbrauenstärling {m}
white-browed blue flycatcher [Ficedula superciliaris] Brauenschnäpper {m}
white-browed blue flycatcher [Ficedula superciliaris] Weißbrauenschnäpper {m}
white-browed blue-flycatcher [Ficedula superciliaris, syn.: Niltava superciliaris]Brauenschnäpper {m}
white-browed blue-flycatcher [Ficedula superciliaris, syn.: Niltava superciliaris]Weißbrauenschnäpper {m}
white-browed bluetail [Luscinia indica, syn.: L. indicus, Tarsiger indicus, Erithacus indicus] Weißbrauen-Blauschwanz {m}
white-browed bulbul [Pycnonotus luteolus] Weißbrauenbülbül {m}
white-browed bush robin [Tarsiger indicus] Weißbrauen-Blauschwanz {m}
white-browed bushchat [Saxicola macrorhyncha] Wüstenbraunkehlchen {n}
white-browed chat tyrant [Ochthoeca leucophrys]Schluchtentyrann {m}
white-browed Chinese warbler [Rhopophilus pekinensis]Pekingsänger {m}
white-browed conebill [Conirostrum ferrugineiventre]Weißbrauen-Spitzschnabel {m}
white-browed coucal [Centropus superciliosus] Weißbrauenkuckuck {m}
white-browed crake [Amaurornis cinerea, syn.: Porzana cinerea, Poliolimnas cinereus]Weißbrauen-Sumpfhuhn {n} [auch: Weißbrauensumpfhuhn]
white-browed crake [Porzana cinerea] Blatthühnchenralle {f}
white-browed crake [Porzana cinerea] Weißbrauen-Ralle {f}
white-browed crombec [Sylvietta leucophrys, syn.: S. chapini] Weißbrauensylvietta / Weißbrauen-Sylvietta {f}
white-browed fantail [Rhipidura aureola]Weißstirn-Fächerschwanz {m}
white-browed flycatcher [Ficedula superciliaris, syn.: Niltava superciliaris]Brauenschnäpper {m}
white-browed flycatcher [Ficedula superciliaris, syn.: Niltava superciliaris]Weißbrauenschnäpper {m}
white-browed flycatcher [Fraseria cinerascens, syn.: F. cinereascens, Melaenornis cinerascens, Melaenornis cinereascens, Muscicapa cinerascens]Brauenwaldschnäpper {m}
white-browed foliage-gleaner [Anabacerthia amaurotis]Weißbrauen-Blattspäher {m}
white-browed forest flycatcher [Fraseria cinerascens] Brauenwaldschnäpper {m}
white-browed fulvetta [Alcippe vinipectus] Weißbrauenalcippe {f}
white-browed ground tyrant [Muscisaxicola albilora] Rotkäppchentyrann {m}
« whitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhit »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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