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white-clawed crayfish [Austropotamobius pallipes]Dohlenkrebs {m}
white-clover seed weevil [Apion flavipes] Weißkleespitzmausrüssler {m}
white-clover seed weevil [Protapion fulvipes] Rotfüßiger Klee-Spitzmausrüssler {m}
white-clubbed grasshopper [Gomphocerus rufus, syn.: Gomphocerippus rufus] Rote Keulenschrecke {f}
white-clubbed grasshopper [Gomphocerus rufus, syn.: Gomphocerippus rufus] Keulenfühlersprengel {m} [Schreckenart]
white-clubbed grasshopper [Gomphocerus rufus, syn.: Gomphocerippus rufus] Keulenhornschrecke {f}
white-coated titi [Callicebus pallescens]Weißmantel-Springaffe {m}
white-coated titi [Callicebus pallescens]Weißer Springaffe {m}
white-collar [fig.] [office and professional workers]Geistes- [z. B. Kopfarbeiter]
white-collar crimeWirtschaftskriminalität {f}
white-collar crime Wirtschaftsverbrechen {n}
white-collar crime [collectively] Weiße-Kragen-Kriminalität {f}
white-collar crime [collectively] White-Collar-Kriminalität {f}
white-collar crime [specific act] Wirtschaftsstraftat {f}
white-collar criminal Wirtschaftskrimineller {m}
white-collar employee höherer Angestellter {m}
white-collar job Schreibtischjob {m} [ugs.]
white-collar job Bürojob {m} [ugs.]
white-collar occupationAngestelltenberuf {m}
white-collar occupation Angestelltentätigkeit {f}
white-collar offense [Am.]Wirtschaftsdelikt {n}
white-collar proletariat [pej.] Stehkragenproletariat {n} [auch: Stehkragen-Proletariat] [pej.]
white-collar workerAngestellter {m} [im Gegensatz zu Arbeiter]
white-collar workerBüroangestellter {m}
white-collar worker [female] Büroangestellte {f}
white-collar workers Büroangestellte {pl}
white-collared blackbird [Turdus albocinctus] Weißhalsdrossel {f}
white-collared blackbird [Turdus albocinctus]Weißhalsamsel {f}
white-collared blackhead [Apostolepis albicollaris]Weißhals-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
white-collared brown lemur [Eulemur albocollaris] [outdated name] Weißkragenmaki {m} [Lemur]
white-collared burnet [Zygaena lavandulae]Lavendel-Widderchen / Lavendelwidderchen {n}
white-collared crow [Corvus torquatus] Halsbandkrähe {f}
white-collared cuejo [Nyctidromus albicollis]Pauraquenachtschwalbe {f} [auch: Pauraque]
white-collared flycatcher [Ficedula albicollis, syn.: F. collaris]Halsbandschnäpper {m}
white-collared foliage-gleaner [Anabazenops fuscus]Halsband-Blattspäher {m}
white-collared foliage-gleaner [Anabazenops fuscus] Halsband-Baumspäher {m}
white-collared ground snake [Arrhyton albicollum]Weißkragen-Erdnatter {f}
white-collared jay [Cyanolyca viridicyanus]Blaukehlhäher {m}
white-collared kingfisher [Todiramphus chloris] Halsbandliest {m}
white-collared mangabey [Cercocebus atys lunulatus; syn.: Cercocebus torquatus lunulatus]Weißscheitelmangabe {f}
white-collared mangabey [Cercocebus torquatus]Halsbandmangabe {f}
white-collared mangabey [Cercocebus torquatus]Rotscheitelmangabe {f}
white-collared mangabey [Cercocebus torquatus] Rotkopfmangabe {f}
white-collared monarch [Monarcha viduus] Schuppenmonarch {m}
white-collared mynah [Acridotheres albocinctus]Halsbandmaina {m}
white-collared oliveback [Nesocharis ansorgei]Halsbandastrild {m}
white-collared pigeon [Columba albitorques]Amharentaube {f}
white-collared pigeon [Columba albitorques]Weißringtaube {f}
white-collared pigeon [Columba albitorques] Abessinische Felsentaube {f}
white-collared pratincole [Glareola nuchalis]Halsband-Brachschwalbe {f}
white-collared seedeater [Sporophila torqueola]Braunbürzelpfäffchen {n}
white-collared seedeater [Sporophila zelichi] Zelichpfäffchen {n}
white-collared starling [Grafisia torquata] Ringstar {m}
white-collared swift [Streptoprocne zonaris] Halsbandsegler {m}
white-collared thrush [Turdus albocinctus]Weißhalsdrossel {f}
white-collared thrush [Turdus albocinctus] Weißhalsamsel {f}
white-collared titi [Cheracebus torquatus, syn.: Callicebus torquatus, Callitrix torquatus, Simia amicta] Witwenaffe {m}
white-collared titi [Cheracebus torquatus, syn.: Callicebus torquatus, Callitrix torquatus, Simia amicta]Halsband-Springaffe {m}
white-collared tityra [Tityra inquisitor, syn.: T. leucura] Kappentityra / Kappen-Tityra {f}
white-collared tityra [Tityra inquisitor, syn.: T. leucura] Schwarzschnabeltityra {f}
white-collared tree babbler [Stachyris thoracica] Weißbrust-Buschtimalie {f}
white-collared yuhina [Yuhina diademata]Diademyuhina {f}
white-crested bittern [Tigriornis leucolophus / leucolopha] Weißschopfreiher {m}
white-crested coquette [Lophornis adorabilis] Weißschopfelfe {f}
white-crested elaenia [Elaenia albiceps] Buschelaenie {f}
white-crested guan [Penelope pileata]Weißschopfguan {m}
white-crested helmet-shrike [Prionops plumatus, syn.: P. cristatus] Weißschopf-Brillenwürger {m}
white-crested helmet-shrike [Prionops plumatus, syn.: P. cristatus]Brillenwürger / Brillen-Würger {m}
white-crested helmetshrike / helmet-shrike [Prionops plumatus, syn.: P. cristatus] Brillenwürger / Brillen-Würger {m}
white-crested hornbill [Berenicornis comatus, syn.: Aceros comatus] Langschopfhornvogel {m} [auch: Langschopf-Hornvogel]
white-crested hornbill [Berenicornis comatus, syn.: Aceros comatus]Langhauben-Hornvogel {m}
white-crested laughing thrush [Garrulax leucolophus] Weißhaubenhäherling {m}
white-crested laughingthrush [Garrulax leucolophus, syn.: Leucodioptron leucolophus] Weißhaubenhäherling {m}
white-crested spadebill [Platyrinchus platyrhynchos]Silberkopf-Breitschnabel {m}
white-crested spadebill [Platyrinchus platyrhynchos] Silberkopf-Breitschnabeltyrann {m}
white-crested spadebill [Platyrinchus platyrhynchos] Silberkopf-Spatelschnabeltyrann {m}
white-crested tiger heron [Tigriornis leucolophus / leucolopha] Weißschopfreiher {m}
white-crested turaco [Tauraco leucolophus] Weißhaubenturako {m}
white-crested tyrannulet [Serpophaga subcristata]Strichelschopftachuri {m}
white-cross shells [World War I chemical warfare agent] Weißkreuzgranaten {pl}
white-crowned black wheatear [Oenanthe leucopyga]Saharaschmätzer {m}
white-crowned black wheatear [Oenanthe leucopyga] Weißbürzel-Steinschmätzer {m}
white-crowned (black) wheatear [Oenanthe leucopyga] Saharasteinschmätzer {m}
white-crowned cliff-chat [Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris]Rotbauchschmätzer {m}
white-crowned cliffchat [Thamnolaea coronata, syn.: Myrmecocichla coronata] Weißkronenschmätzer {m}
white-crowned cliff-chat / cliff chat [Thamnolaea coronata, syn.: Myrmecocichla coronata]Weißkronenschmätzer {m}
white-crowned forktail [Enicurus leschenaulti]Weißscheitel-Scherenschwanz {m}
white-crowned hornbill [Berenicornis comatus, syn.: Aceros comatus] Langschopfhornvogel {m} [auch: Langschopf-Hornvogel]
white-crowned hornbill [Berenicornis comatus, syn.: Aceros comatus] Langhauben-Hornvogel {m}
white-crowned koel [Caliechthrus leucolophus] Weißscheitelkoel {m}
white-crowned koel [Caliechthrus leucolophus]Weißscheitelkuckuck {m}
white-crowned lapwing [Vanellus albiceps]Weißscheitelkiebitz {m}
white-crowned long-tailed pheasant [Syrmaticus reevesii, syn.: S. reevesi]Königsfasan {m}
white-crowned manakin [Pipra pipra]Weißscheitelpipra / Weißscheitel-Pipra {f}
white-crowned mangabey [Cercocebus atys lunulatus; syn.: Cercocebus torquatus lunulatus] Weißscheitelmangabe {f}
white-crowned mannikin [Lonchura nevermanni]Weißscheitelnonne {f}
white-crowned parrot [Pionus senilis]Weißkopfpapagei {m}
white-crowned parrot [Pionus senilis] Glatzenkopfpapagei {m}
white-crowned penduline tit [Remiz coronatus] Weißkopf-Beutelmeise {f}
white-crowned pigeon [Patagioenas leucocephala, formerly Columba leucocephala]Weißkappentaube {f}
« whitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhit »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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