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white-faced bush cricket [Decticus albifrons] Südlicher Warzenbeißer {m}
white-faced butterflyfish [Chaetodon mesoleucos] Weißkopf-Falterfisch {m}
white-faced capuchin [Cebus capucinus] Weißgesicht-Kapuzineraffe {m}
white-faced capuchin [Cebus capucinus]Weißschulterkapuziner {m}
white-faced chat [Epthianura albifrons] Weißgesicht-Trugschmätzer {m}
white-faced clown [also: whitefaced clown] Weißclown {m}
white-faced cuckoo dove [Turacoena manadensis]Manadotaube {f}
white-faced cuckoo-dove [Turacoena manadensis] Weißgesicht-Kuckuckstaube {f}
white-faced cuckoo-dove [Turacoena manadensis] Weißgesichttaube {f}
white-faced darter [Leucorrhinia dubia] Kleine Moosjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
white-faced duck [Dendrocygna viduata] Witwenpfeifgans {f}
white-faced duck [Dendrocygna viduata]Witwenente {f}
white-faced egret [Egretta novaehollandiae]Weißwangenreiher {m}
white-faced ground-sparrow [Melozone biarcuatum]Weißwangenammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
white-faced heron [Egretta novaehollandiae] Weißwangenreiher {m}
white-faced hill partridge [Arborophila orientalis] Sumatrabuschwachtel {f}
white-faced hill partridge [Arborophila orientalis] Sumatrawaldrebhuhn {n}
white-faced (hill) partridge [Arborophila orientalis, syn.: Perdix orientalis] Weißgesicht-Buschwachtel {f}
white-faced ibis [Plegadis chihi] Brillenibis {m} [Brillensichler]
white-faced ibis [Plegadis chihi] Brillensichler {m}
white-faced ibis [Plegadis chihi]Weißgesichtibis {m} [Brillensichler]
white-faced marmoset [Callithrix geoffroyi] Weißgesicht-Seidenaffe / Weißgesichtseidenaffe {m}
white-faced nunbird [Hapaloptila castanea]Diademfaulvogel {m}
white-faced owl [Sceloglaux albifacies] Lachkauz {m}
white-faced owl [Sceloglaux albifacies] Weißwangenkauz {m}
white-faced partridge [Arborophila orientalis, syn.: Perdix orientalis]Sumatrawaldrebhuhn {n}
white-faced partridge [Arborophila orientalis, syn.: Perdix orientalis]Sumatrabuschwachtel {f}
white-faced pigeon [Turacoena manadensis]Manadotaube {f}
white-faced puffbird [Hapaloptila castanea] Diademfaulvogel {m} [auch: Diadem-Faulvogel]
white-faced (quail) dove [Geotrygon linearis] Weißgesicht-Wachteltaube {f}
white-faced (quail) dove [Geotrygon linearis]Streifentaube {f}
white-faced quail-dove [Geotrygon albifacies] Weißgesichttaube {f}
white-faced redstart [Myioborus albifacies] Weißwangen-Waldsänger {m}
white-faced robin [Tregellasia leucops]Weißgesichtschnäpper {m}
white-faced saki [Pithecia pithecia]Weißkopfsaki {m}
white-faced saki [Pithecia pithecia] Blasskopfsaki {m}
white-faced scops owl [Ptilopsis leucotis]Büscheleule {f}
white-faced shearwater [Calonectris leucomelas]Weißgesicht-Sturmtaucher {m}
white-faced spiny tree-rat [Echimys chrysurus, syn.: E. cristatus]Weißgesicht-Kammstachelratte {f}
white-faced starling [Sturnornis albofrontatus, syn.: Sturnus albofrontatus, Sturnus senex, Sturnia albofrontata]Greisenstar {m}
white-faced storm petrel [Pelagodroma marina] Weißgesicht-Sturmschwalbe {f}
white-faced (storm) petrel [Pelagodroma marina] Fregattensturmschwalbe {f}
white-faced surgeonfish [Acanthurus japonicus]Japanischer Doktorfisch {m}
white-faced surgeonfish [Acanthurus japonicus] Philippinen-Doktorfisch {m}
white-faced tree-duck / tree duck [Dendrocygna viduata]Witwenpfeifgans {f}
white-faced tree-duck / tree duck [Dendrocygna viduata]Witwenente {f}
white-faced wagtail [Motacilla alba leucopsis] [Amur wagtail] Amurbachstelze {f}
white-faced whistling duck [Dendrocygna viduata]Witwenpfeifgans {f}
white-faced whistling duck [Dendrocygna viduata] Witwenente {f}
white-faced whistling-duck [Dendrocygna viduata]Witwenpfeifgans {f}
white-faced whistling-duck [Dendrocygna viduata]Witwenente {f}
white-faced whitestart [Myioborus albifacies]Weißwangen-Waldsänger {m}
whitefin dolphin [Lipotes vexillifer] Chinesischer Flussdelfin {m}
whitefin dolphin [Lipotes vexillifer] Jangtse-Delfin {m}
whitefin dolphin [Lipotes vexillifer] Baiji {m}
whitefin hammerhead [Sphyrna couardi]Weißflossen-Hammerhai {m}
whitefin shark [Am.] [Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, syn.: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum, Labeo frenatus, Labeo erythrura] [rainbow shark] Zügelfransenlipper {m}
whitefin shark [Am.] [Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, syn.: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum, Labeo frenatus, Labeo erythrura] [rainbow shark] Korallenlabeo {m}
whitefin shark [Am.] [Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, syn.: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum, Labeo frenatus, Labeo erythrura] [rainbow shark] Rotflossenlabeo {m}
whitefin shark [Am.] [Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, syn.: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum, Labeo frenatus, Labeo erythrura] [rainbow shark]Grüner Fransenlipper {m}
whitefin surgeonfish [Acanthurus albipectoralis] Weißflossen-Doktorfisch {m}
white-finned gudgeon [Romanogobio vladykovi, syn.: Gobio vladykovi]Weißflossengründling {m}
whitefish [Coregonus lavaretus] Große Maräne {f} [Fischart]
whitefish [Coregonus maraena]Rindling {m}
whitefish [Coregonus maraena] Maräne {f}
whitefish [Coregonus maraena]Ostseeschnäpel {m}
whitefish [family Coregonidae] Felchen {m} [ugs. auch {n}]
whitefish [family Coregonidae]Renke {f}
whitefish [several spp. of pelagic deep water fish]Weißfisch {m} [Fischhandel: Lehnübersetzung a. d. Engl. für magere, weißfleischige Meeresfische]
whitefishes [genus Coregonus] Maränen {pl}
whitefishes [genus Coregonus] Coregonen {pl} [geh.] [fachspr.]
whitefishes [genus Coregonus]Schnepel {pl} [Coregonen]
whitefishes [genus Coregonus]Schnäpel {pl} [Coregonen]
whitefishes [genus Coregonus] Rheinanken {pl} [Renken]
whitefishes [genus Coregonus] Reinanken {pl} [Renken]
white-flanked antwren [Myrmotherula axillaris]Weißflanken-Ameisenschlüpfer {m}
white-flanked sunbird [Aethopyga eximia]Javanektarvogel {m}
white-fleshed pitaya [Selenicereus undatus, syn.: Hylocereus undatus, Cereus tricostatus] [dragonfruit]Drachenfrucht {f} [weißfleischig]
whiteflies [family Aleyrodidae]Mottenschildläuse {pl}
white-flippered penguin [Eudyptula minor albosignata, syn.: E. albosignata] Weißflügelpinguin {m}
white-flower / whiteflower fumitory [Fumaria capreolata]Weißer Erdrauch {m}
white-flower / whiteflower fumitory [Fumaria capreolata] Windender Erdrauch {m}
white-flower gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria] Kalebasse {f}
white-flower gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria] (Gewöhnlicher) Flaschenkürbis {m}
white-flower gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria] Kalebassenkürbis / Kalebassen-Kürbis {m}
white-flower gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria]Afrikanische Riesenkalebasse {f}
white-flower gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria]Afrikanischer Schüsselkürbis {m}
white-flower gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria] Flaschen-Kürbis {m}
white-flower gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria]Trompetenkürbis {m}
white-flower rhododendron [Rhododendron albiflorum] Weißer Rhododendron {m}
white-flowered weiß blühend
white-flowered embelia [Embelia ribes]Falscher Pfeffer {m}
white-flowered fumitory [Fumaria capreolata] Weißer Erdrauch {m}
white-flowered galtonia [Ornithogalum candicans, syn.: Galtonia candicans, Hyacinthus candicans](Weißblühende) Sommerhyazinthe {f}
white-flowered gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria] Kalebassenkürbis / Kalebassen-Kürbis {m}
white-flowered gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria]Afrikanische Riesenkalebasse {f}
white-flowered gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria]Afrikanischer Schüsselkürbis {m}
white-flowered gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria](Gewöhnlicher) Flaschenkürbis {m}
white-flowered gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria] Flaschen-Kürbis {m}
white-flowered gourd [Lagenaria siceraria, syn.: L. leucantha, L. vulgaris, Cucurbita lagenaria, C. leucantha, C. longa, C. siceraria] Trompetenkürbis {m}
« whitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhit »
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