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white-headed capuchin [Cebus capucinus]Weißschulterkapuziner {m}
white-headed dolphin [Cephalorhynchus hectori] Hector-Delfin {m}
white-headed dolphin [Cephalorhynchus hectori] Hector-Delphin {m}
white-headed duck [Oxyura leucocephala]Weißkopf-Ruderente {f}
white-headed duck [Oxyura leucocephala]Weißkopfruderente {f}
white-headed dwarf gecko [Lygodactylus picturatus]Gelbkopf-Zwerggecko {m}
white-headed eagle [Haliaeetus leucocephalus] Weißkopfseeadler {m}
white-headed eagle [Haliaeetus leucocephalus]Weißköpfiger Seeadler {m}
white-headed finch [Lonchura hunsteini] Hunsteinnonne {f}
white-headed flightless steamer duck [Tachyeres leucocephalus]Weißkopf-Dampfschiffente {f}
white-headed flightless steamerduck [Tachyeres leucocephalus]Weißkopf-Dampfschiffente {f}
white-headed fruit dove [Ptilinopus eugeniae] Schneekopf-Fruchttaube {f}
white-headed fruit dove [Ptilinopus eugeniae]Schneekopffruchttaube {f}
white-headed fruit dove [Ptilinopus eugeniae]Weißkopf-Fruchttaube {f}
white-headed fulmar [Pterodroma lessonii] Weißkopf-Sturmvogel {m}
white-headed griffon vulture [Gyps fulvus]Gänsegeier {m}
white-headed hornbill [Aceros leucocephalus] Mindanaohornvogel {m}
white-headed jungle babbler [Turdoides striata / striatus]Dschungeldrossling {m}
white-headed kakalaar [Phoeniculus bollei]Weißmaskenhopf {m}
white-headed kakalaar [Phoeniculus bollei]Weißmasken-Baumhopf {m}
white-headed kakalaar [Phoeniculus bollei] Weißkopf-Baumhopf {m}
white-headed kakalaar [Phoeniculus bollei]Weißköpfiger Baumhopf {m}
white-headed kingfisher [Todiramphus saurophagus]Echsenliest {m}
white-headed langur [Trachypithecus leucocephalus]Weißkopflangur {m}
white-headed langur [Trachypithecus poliocephalus]Hellköpfiger Schwarzlangur {m}
white-headed langur [Trachypithecus poliocephalus] Cat-Ba-Langur {m}
white-headed langur [Trachypithecus poliocephalus]Goldkopflangur {m}
white-headed lapwing [Vanellus albiceps]Weißscheitelkiebitz {m}
white-headed manakin [Pipra pipra]Weißscheitelpipra / Weißscheitel-Pipra {f}
white-headed marmoset [Callithrix geoffroyi] Weißkopf-Büschelaffe {m}
white-headed marmoset [Callithrix geoffroyi]Weißkopf-Büscheläffchen {n}
white-headed marsh tyrant [Arundinicola leucocephala] Sumpftyrann {m}
white-headed mousebird [Colius leucocephalus] Weißkopf-Mausvogel {m}
white-headed munia [Lonchura maja] Weißkopfnonne {f}
white-headed parrot [Pionus seniloides] Greisenkopfpapagei {m}
white-headed petrel [Pterodroma lessonii] Weißkopf-Sturmvogel {m}
white-headed pigeon [Columba leucomela] Weißbrusttaube {f}
white-headed pionus [Pionus seniloides] Greisenkopfpapagei {m}
white-headed piping-guan / piping guan [Pipile cumanensis, syn.: Aburria cumanensis] Blaukehlguan {m}
white-headed plover [Vanellus albiceps]Weißscheitelkiebitz {m}
white-headed robin [Cossypha heinrichi, syn.: C. heinrichii]Weißkopfrötel {m} [auch: Weißkopf-Rötel]
white-headed robin chat [Cossypha heinrichi] Weißkopfrötel {m}
white-headed rough-winged swallow [Psalidoprocne albiceps] Weißkopf-Sägeflügelschwalbe {f}
white-headed rough-winged swallow [Psalidoprocne albiceps]Weißkopfschwalbe {f} [auch: Weißkopf-Schwalbe]
white-headed saw-wing [Psalidoprocne albiceps] Weißkopfschwalbe {f} [auch: Weißkopf-Schwalbe]
white-headed saw-wing [Psalidoprocne albiceps] Weißkopf-Sägeflügelschwalbe {f}
white-headed shelduck [Tadorna radjah, syn.: Casarca radjah, Radjah radjah]Radjahgans {f}
white-headed shrike-babbler [Gampsorhynchus rufulus] Weißkopftimalie {f}
white-headed snake [Enuliophis sclateri] Kolumbianische Langschwanznatter {f}
white-headed snake [Enuliophis sclateri] Weißkopfnatter {f}
white-headed steamer-duck / steamer duck / steamerduck [Tachyeres leucocephalus] Weißkopf-Dampfschiffente {f}
white-headed stiff-tail / stifftail [Oxyura leucocephala] Weißkopf-Ruderente {f} [auch: Weißkopfruderente]
white-headed stiff-tail / stifftail [Oxyura leucocephala] Ruderente {f}
white-headed stiff-tailed duck [Oxyura leucocephala] Weißkopf-Ruderente {f} [auch: Weißkopfruderente]
white-headed stiff-tailed duck [Oxyura leucocephala] Ruderente {f}
white-headed stilt [Himantopus leucocephalus] Weißgesicht-Stelzenläufer {m}
white-headed toothed grasshopper [Stenobothrus fischeri] Südlicher Grashüpfer {m}
white-headed vanga [Artamella viridis]Weißkopfvanga {m}
white-headed vulture [Trigonoceps occipitalis]Wollkopfgeier {m}
white-headed wood hoopoe [Phoeniculus bollei]Weißmaskenhopf {m}
white-headed woodhoopoe / wood-hoopoe [Phoeniculus bollei]Weißmaskenhopf {m}
white-headed woodhoopoe / wood-hoopoe / wood hoopoe [Phoeniculus bollei]Weißmasken-Baumhopf {m}
white-headed woodhoopoe / wood-hoopoe / wood hoopoe [Phoeniculus bollei] Weißkopf-Baumhopf {m}
white-headed woodhoopoe / wood-hoopoe / wood hoopoe [Phoeniculus bollei]Weißköpfiger Baumhopf {m}
white-headed woodpecker [Leuconotopicus albolarvatus, syn.: Picoides albolarvatus] Weißkopfspecht {m}
white-headed woodpecker [Picoides albolarvatus] Nonnenspecht {m}
white-headed wren [Campylorhynchus albobrunneus]Weißkopf-Zaunkönig {m}
Whitehead's broadbill [Calyptomena whiteheadi] Schwarzkehl-Breitrachen {m}
Whitehead's lemma [also: lemma of Whitehead]Lemma {n} von Whitehead
Whitehead's magpie [Urocissa whiteheadi] Graubauchkitta {f}
Whitehead's magpie [Urocissa whiteheadi] Trauerelster {f}
Whitehead's spiderhunter [Arachnothera juliae]Bergspinnenjäger {m}
Whitehead's spiny rat [Maxomys whiteheadi, syn.: Epimys batus, Mus asper, M. batamanus, M. mandus, Rattus klossi, R. melanurus, R. melinogaster]Whitehead-Rajah-Ratte {f}
Whitehead's Sundaic maxomys [Maxomys whiteheadi, syn.: Epimys batus, Mus asper, M. batamanus, M. mandus, Rattus klossi, R. melanurus, R. melinogaster] Whitehead-Rajah-Ratte {f}
Whitehead's swiftlet [Collocalia whiteheadi / Aerodramus whiteheadi] Philippinensalangane {f}
Whitehead's tree babbler [Stachyris whiteheadi]Brillentimalie {f}
Whitehead's trogon [Harpactes whiteheadi] Graubrusttrogon {m}
white-heart-empty-head test [Am.] fahrlässige Unkenntnis zerstört nicht Gutgläubigkeit
white-hooded babbler [Gampsorhynchus rufulus]Weißkopftimalie {f}
whiteite-(CaFeMg) [Ca(Fe,Mn)Mg2Al2(PO4)4(OH)2·8H2O] Whiteit-(CaFeMg) {m}
whiteite-(CaMnMg) [CaMnMg2Al2(PO4)4(OH)2·8H2O] Whiteit-(CaMnMg) {m}
whiteite-(CaMnMn) [CaMnMn2Al2 [PO4]4(OH)2·8H2O] Whiteit-(CaMnMn) {m}
whiteite-(MnFeMg) [(Mn,Ca)(Fe,Mn)Mg2Al2(PO4)4(OH)2·8H2O] Whiteit-(MnFeMg) {m}
white-knuckle [coll.] hochspannend
white-knuckle [coll.] dramatisch
white-knuckle [coll.] nervenaufreibend
white-knuckle [coll.] aufregend
white-knuckle [coll.] hoch spannend
whitelaced / white-laced shank [Megacollybia platyphylla, syn.: Tricholomopsis platyphylla] Breitblättriger Rübling {m}
whitelaced / white-laced shank [Megacollybia platyphylla, syn.: Tricholomopsis platyphylla] (Gemeines) Breitblatt {n}
whitelaced / white-laced shank [Megacollybia platyphylla, syn.: Tricholomopsis platyphylla] Holz-Rübling / Holzrübling {m}
whitelaced / white-laced shank [Megacollybia platyphylla, syn.: Tricholomopsis platyphylla]Faser-Rübling / Faserrübling {m}
whitelaced / white-laced shank [Megacollybia platyphylla, syn.: Tricholomopsis platyphylla] Samt-Rübling / Samtrübling {m}
white-lacquered weißlackiert
whiteleaf / white-leaf rockrose [Cistus albidus] Weißliche Zistrose {f}
whiteleaf / white-leaf rockrose [Cistus albidus]Silberweißbehaarte Zistrose / Cistrose {f}
white-leaf sage [Salvia leucophylla]Weißblättriger Salbei {m} [selten {f}: Weißblättrige Salbei]
whiteleaved rock rose / rockrose [Cistus albidus]Weißliche Zistrose {f}
whiteleaved rock rose / rockrose [Cistus albidus] Silberweißbehaarte Zistrose / Cistrose {f}
« whitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhit »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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