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English-German Dictionary

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white-streaked honeyeater [Trichodere cockerelli]Uferhonigfresser {m}
(whitestripe) thistle longhorn beetle [Agapanthia cardui, syn.: Agapanthia pannonica] Weißstreifiger Distelbock {m}
white-striped centipede snake [Tantilla tecta]Weißstreifen-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
white-striped chestnut rail [Rallicula leucospila, syn.: Rallina leucospila] Strichelralle {f}
white-striped coral snake [Calliophis bivirgata]Blaue Bauchdrüsenotter {f}
white-striped dorcopsis [Dorcopsis hageni] Hagen-Buschkänguru {n}
white-striped dorcopsis [Dorcopsis hageni] Weißstreifen-Buschkänguru {n}
white-striped flabellina [Flabellina lineata, syn.: Coryphella lineata]Weißgestreifte Fadenschnecke {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
white-striped flabellina [Flabellina lineata, syn.: Coryphella lineata] Rotweißgestreifte Fadenschnecke {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
white-striped forest rail / forest-rail [Rallicula leucospila, syn.: Rallina leucospila] Strichelralle {f}
white-striped honeyeater [Meliphaga albilineata] Weißbart-Honigfresser {m}
white-striped octopus [Octopus ornatus]Weißstreifenkrake {m} [ugs. auch {f}]
white-striped warbler [Basileuterus leucophrys] Goldflanken-Waldsänger {m}
white-striped woodcreeper [Lepidocolaptes leucogaster]Buntbaumsteiger {m}
whitetail angelfish [Centropyge flavicauda]Weißschwanz-Zwergkaiserfisch {m}
whitetail dascyllus [Dascyllus aruanus]Weißschwanz-Preußenfisch {m} [Dreibinden-Preußenfisch]
whitetail deer urine sprayWeißwedelhirsch-Urinspray {n} {m}
whitetail dogfish [Scymnodalatias albicauda]Weißschwanz-Dornhai {m}
whitetail sharkminnow [Am.] [Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, syn.: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum, Labeo frenatus, Labeo erythrura] [rainbow shark]Grüner Fransenlipper {m}
whitetail sharkminnow [Am.] [Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, syn.: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum, Labeo frenatus, Labeo erythrura] [rainbow shark]Rotflossenlabeo {m}
whitetail sharkminnow [Am.] [Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, syn.: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum, Labeo frenatus, Labeo erythrura] [rainbow shark] Korallenlabeo {m}
whitetail sharkminnow [Am.] [Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, syn.: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum, Labeo frenatus, Labeo erythrura] [rainbow shark] Zügelfransenlipper {m}
white-tailed akodont [Lenoxus apicalis] Andenratte {f}
white-tailed alethe [Alethe diademata]Diademalethe {f}
white-tailed ant thrush [Neocossyphus poensis] Weißschwanz-Fuchsdrossel {f}
white-tailed antelope squirrel [Ammospermophilus leucurus]Weißschwanz-Antilopenziesel {m} [österr. meist {n}]
white-tailed ant-thrush [Neocossyphus poensis]Weißschwanz-Fuchsdrossel {f}
white-tailed antthrush [Neocossyphus poensis] Weißschwanz-Fuchsdrossel {f}
white-tailed bilby [Macrotis leucura] [extinct] Kleiner Kaninchennasenbeutler {m} [ausgestorben]
white-tailed black cockatoo [Calyptorhynchus baudinii] Langschnabel-Rußkakadu {m}
white-tailed blue flycatcher [Elminia albicauda] Weißschwanz-Haubenschnäpper {m}
white-tailed blue robin [Myiomela leucura]Schattenschmätzer {m}
white-tailed blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis concretus, syn.: C. concreta, Niltava concreta, N. concretus]Weißschwanzniltava {m}
white-tailed blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis concretus, syn.: C. concreta, Niltava concreta, N. concretus]Weißschwanz-Blauschnäpper {m}
white-tailed bumblebee [Bombus lucorum] Hellgelbe Erdhummel {f}
white-tailed bumblebee [Bombus lucorum]Helle Erdhummel {f}
white-tailed bush lark [Mirafra albicauda]Weißschwanzlerche {f}
white-tailed buzzard [Buteo albicaudatus, syn.: Geranoaetus albicaudatus] Weißschwanzbussard {m}
white-tailed canastero [Asthenes usheri]Weißschwanzschlüpfer {m}
white-tailed chat [Oenanthe leucopyga]Saharasteinschmätzer {m} [auch: Sahara-Steinschmätzer]
white-tailed chat [Oenanthe leucopyga] Saharaschmätzer {m}
white-tailed chat [Oenanthe leucopyga] Weißbürzel-Steinschmätzer {m}
white-tailed cotinga [Xipholena lamellipennis] Weißschwanzkotinga / Weißschwanz-Kotinga {f}
white-tailed cotinga [Xipholena lamellipennis] Weißschwanz-Pompadourkotinga {f}
white-tailed crested flycatcher [Elminia albonotata]Berghaubenschnäpper {m}
white-tailed damselfish [Dascyllus aruanus] Dreibinden-Preußenfisch {m}
white-tailed deer [Odocoileus virginianus]Weißwedelhirsch {m}
white-tailed dunnart [Sminthopsis granulipes] Kornsohlen-Schmalfußbeutelmaus {f}
white-tailed eagle [Haliaeetus albicilla] Seeadler {m}
white-tailed emerald [Elvira chionura] (Grüner) Elvirakolibri {m}
white-tailed flycatcher [Cyornis concretus / Niltava concreta]Weißschwanz-Blauschnäpper {m}
white-tailed flycatcher [Cyornis concretus, syn.: C. concreta, Niltava concreta, N. concretus]Weißschwanzniltava {m}
white-tailed flycatcher-thrush [Neocossyphus finschi, syn.: N. finschii, Stizorhina finschi, S. finschii] Finschdrossel {f}
white-tailed flyeater [Gerygone fusca]Weißschwanzgerygone {f}
white-tailed gnu [Connochaetes gnou]Weißschwanzgnu {n}
white-tailed goldenthroat [Polytmus guainumbi] Weißschwanz-Goldkehlchen {n}
white-tailed goldenthroat [Polytmus guainumbi] Bronzerücken-Glanzkehlchen {n}
white-tailed greenbul [Baeopogon clamans]Sjöstedtbülbül {m}
white-tailed hawk [Buteo albicaudatus]Weißschwanzbussard {m}
white-tailed hillstar [Urochroa bougueri] Glanzfleckenkolibri {m}
white-tailed hillstar [Urochroa bougueri]Blaukehl-Andenkolibri {m}
white-tailed hornbill [Bycanistes fistulator, syn.: Ceratogymna fistulator, C. sharpii] Schreihornvogel {m} [auch: Schrei-Hornvogel]
white-tailed hummingbird [Eupherusa poliocerca] Weißschwanzeupherusa {m}
white-tailed hummingbird [Eupherusa poliocerca] Weißschwanzkolibri {m}
white-tailed jackrabbit [Lepus townsendii] Präriehase {m}
white-tailed jay [Cyanocorax mystacalis] Nacktwangen-Blaurabe {m}
white-tailed jay [Cyanocorax mystacalis] Weißschwanz-Blaurabe {m}
white-tailed kingfisher [Tanysiptera sylvia]Paradiesliest {m}
white-tailed kite [Elanus leucurus]Weißschwanzgleitaar {m}
white-tailed kite [Elanus leucurus] Amerikanischer Gleitaar {m}
white-tailed kite [Elanus leucurus] Weißschwanzaar {m}
white-tailed lapwing [Vanellus leucurus]Weißschwanzkiebitz {m}
white-tailed lark [Mirafra albicauda] Weißschwanzlerche {f}
white-tailed laurel pigeon [Columba junoniae]Lorbeertaube {f}
white-tailed mealybug [Ferrisia virgata, syn.: Ferrisiana virgata, Pseudococcus virgatus]Weiße Lamtorolaus {f}
white-tailed mole [Parascaptor leucura] Weißschwanzmaulwurf {m}
white-tailed monarch [Monarcha leucurus] Weißschwanzmonarch {m}
white-tailed mongoose [Ichneumia albicauda] Weißschwanzmanguste {f}
white-tailed mongoose [Ichneumia albicauda] Weißschwanzichneumon {m} {n}
white-tailed mountain vole [Alticola albicauda]Weißschwanz-Gebirgswühlmaus {f}
white-tailed mouse [Mystromys albicaudatus]Afrikanischer Hamster {m}
white-tailed mouse [Mystromys albicaudatus]Weißschwanzratte {f}
white-tailed nightjar [Caprimulgus macrurus] [large-tailed nightjar]Langschwanz-Nachtschwalbe {f}
white-tailed nightjar [Hydropsalis cayennensis, syn.: Caprimulgus cayennensis] Weißschwanz-Nachtschwalbe {f}
white-tailed niltava [Cyornis concretus / Niltava concreta]Weißschwanz-Blauschnäpper {m}
white-tailed niltava [Cyornis concretus, syn.: C. concreta, Niltava concreta, N. concretus] Weißschwanzniltava {m}
white-tailed nuthatch [Sitta himalayensis]Weißschwanzkleiber {m}
white-tailed plover [Vanellus leucurus]Weißschwanzkiebitz {m}
white-tailed prairie dog [Cynomys leucurus] Weißschwanz-Präriehund {m}
white-tailed ptarmigan [Lagopus leucurus] Weißschwanzschneehuhn {n}
white-tailed rabbit bandicoot [Macrotis leucura] [extinct] Kleiner Kaninchennasenbeutler {m} [ausgestorben]
white-tailed rabbit-eared bandicoot [Macrotis leucura] [extinct]Kleiner Kaninchennasenbeutler {m} [ausgestorben]
white-tailed rat [Mystromys albicaudatus] Afrikanischer Hamster {m}
white-tailed rat [Mystromys albicaudatus]Weißschwanzratte {f}
white-tailed robin [Myiomela leucura] Schattenschmätzer {m}
white-tailed rubythroat [Luscinia pectoralis, syn.: Calliope pectoralis, Erithacus pectoralis] Schwarzbrust-Rubinkehlchen {n}
white-tailed rubythroat [Luscinia pectoralis]Bergrubinkehlchen {n}
white-tailed rufous thrush [Neocossyphus poensis]Weißschwanz-Fuchsdrossel {f}
white-tailed sabrewing [Campylopterus ensipennis]Weißschwanz-Degenflügel {m}
« whitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhitwhit »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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