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white-vented blue-flycatcher [Cyornis pallipes, syn.: Niltava pallipes]Keralablauschnäpper {m}
white-vented bulbul [Pycnonotus barbatus] Graubülbül {m}
white-vented bulbul [Pycnonotus sinensis]Chinabülbül {m}
white-vented bulbul [Pycnonotus sinensis]Chinesenbülbül {m}
white-vented chachalaca [Ortalis leucogastra]Weißbauchguan {m}
white-vented chachalaca [Ortalis leucogastra]Weißbauchtschatschalaka {m} [auch: Weißbauch-Tschatschalaka]
white-vented euphonia [Euphonia minuta]Weißbauchorganist {m}
white-vented flycatcher [Ficedula rufigula]Celebesgrundschnäpper {m}
white-vented myna [Acridotheres javanicus] Mohrenmaina {m}
white-vented myna [Acridotheres javanicus] Javamaina {m}
white-vented myna [Acridotheres javanicus]Bleichrückenmaina {m}
white-vented plumeleteer [Chalybura buffonii] Buffonkolibri {m}
white-vented plumeleteer [Chalybura buffonii]Blauschwanz-Buffonkolibri {m}
white-vented shama [Copsychus niger] Mohrendajal {m}
white-vented spinetailed swift [Hirundapus cochinchinensis]Graukehlsegler {m}
white-vented storm-petrel [Oceanites gracilis]Elliot-Sturmschwalbe {f}
white-vented violetear [Colibri serrirostris]Amethystohr {n}
white-vented violetear [Colibri serrirostris]Amethystohrkolibri {m}
whitewall tire [Am.]Weißwandreifen {m}
whitewall tyre [Br.] Weißwandreifen {m}
white-walledmit weißen Wänden [nachgestellt]
whiteware {sg} [NZ] [white goods, esp. home appliances] Haushaltsgeräte {pl} [hier: Weiße Ware, z. B. Kühlschränke, Waschmaschinen, Geschirrspülmaschinen]
whitewash Reinwäsche {f}
whitewashTünche {f}
whitewash Kalkmilch {f} [Kalkfarbe]
whitewash [fig.] Ausrede {f}
whitewash [fig.] Beschönigung {f}
whitewash [fig.]Schönfärberei {f} [fig.]
whitewash blasting [a surface finishing technique] Schlämmstrahlen {n}
whitewash cornflower [Centaurea dealbata]Zweifarbige Flockenblume {f}
whitewash effectBeschönigungswirkung {f}
whitewash jobBeschönigungsaufgabe {f}
whitewash paint Kalkfarbe {f}
whitewashed getüncht
whitewashed geweißt
whitewashed übertüncht
whitewashedweiß getüncht
whitewashed kalkgetüncht [ugs. für: gekalkt]
whitewashed gekalkt
whitewashed weißgetüncht [Rsv.]
whitewashed weißgekalkt
whitewashedweiß gekalkt
whitewashed [fig.]reingewaschen
whitewasherBeschöniger {m}
whitewasherTüncher {m}
whitewashing tünchend
whitewashing weißend
whitewashing weißwaschend
whitewashing Beschönigung {f}
whitewashing Tünche {f}
whitewashingÜbertünchen {n}
whitewashing Übertünchung {f}
whitewashing Kalken {n}
whitewashing [fig.]Schönmalerei {f} [ugs.] [fig.]
whitewater Wildwasser {n}
whitewater / white water buttercup [Ranunculus aquatilis, syn.: Batrachium aquatile] Gewöhnlicher Wasserhahnenfuß {m}
whitewater / white water buttercup [Ranunculus aquatilis, syn.: Batrachium aquatile] Gemeiner Wasserhahnenfuß {m}
whitewater / white water crowfoot [Ranunculus aquatilis, syn.: Batrachium aquatile] Echter Wasserhahnenfuß {m}
whitewater / white water crowfoot [Ranunculus aquatilis, syn.: Batrachium aquatile]Gemeiner Wasserhahnenfuß {m}
whitewater canoeist Wildwasserkanute {m}
whitewater canoeist [female] Wildwasserkanutin {f}
whitewater crowfoot [Ranunculus trichophyllus, syn.: R. aquatilis, R. flaccidus, Batrachium flaccidum, B. trichophlyllum]Haarblättriger Wasserhahnenfuß {m}
white-water gorge [also: whitewater gorge] Wildbachklamm {f}
white-water rafting Wildwasserfahrt {f}
whitewater rafting Wildwasser-Rafting {n}
whitewater raftingWildwasserrafting {n}
whitewater rescue [see also: swiftwater rescue]Strömungsrettung {f} [siehe auch: Wildwasserrettung]
white-water ride [in an amusement park] Wildwasserbahn {f}
whitewater river Wildwasserfluss {m}
whitewater slalom [dated] [canoe slalom, kayak slalom] Kanuslalom {m}
white-wedged piculet [Picumnus albosquamatus] Weißschuppen-Zwergspecht {m}
whiteweed [Lepidium draba, formerly Cardaria draba](Gemeine) Pfeilkresse {f}
whiteweed / white weed (hydroid) [Sertularia cupressina, syn.: Thuiaria cupressina]Zypressenmoos {n}
white-whiskered hermit [Phaethornis yaruqui]Smaragdschattenkolibri {m}
white-whiskered hermit [Phaethornis yaruqui] [hummingbird species]Blauschwanzeremit {m} [auch: Blauschwanz-Eremit] [Kolibriart]
white-whiskered laughingthrush / laughing-thrush [Garrulax morrisonianus, syn.: Trochalopteron morrisonianum] Weißbarthäherling {m}
white-whiskered puffbird [Malacoptila panamensis] Weißzügel-Faulvogel {m}
white-whiskered softwing [Malacoptila panamensis] Weißzügel-Faulvogel {m}
white-whiskered spinetail [Synallaxis candei] Schwarzohrschlüpfer {m}
white-winged albatross [Diomedea exulans] Wanderalbatros {m}
white-winged apalis [Apalis chariessa]Spiegelfeinsänger {m}
white-winged babbler [Neocichla gutturalis] Weißflügelstar {m}
white-winged babbling starling / babbling-starling [Neocichla gutturalis] Weißflügelstar {m}
white-winged becard [Pachyramphus polychopterus]Weißflügelbekarde {f}
white-winged black tit [Melaniparus leucomelas, syn.: Parus leucomelas]Rüppellmeise {f}
white-winged black tyrant [Knipolegus aterrimus]Weißspiegeltyrann {m}
white-winged (black) tern [Chlidonias leucopterus] Weißflügelseeschwalbe {f}
white-winged (black) tern [Chlidonias leucopterus]Weißflügel-Seeschwalbe {f}
white-winged (black) tit [Melaniparus leucomelas, syn.: Parus leucomelas]Weißflügel-Rußmeise {f}
white-winged (black) tit [Melaniparus leucomelas] Rüpellmeise {f}
white-winged blue magpie [Urocissa whiteheadi] Graubauchkitta {f}
white-winged blue magpie [Urocissa whiteheadi]Trauerelster {f}
white-winged brush finch [Atlapetes leucopterus]Spiegelbuschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
white-winged chough [Corcorax melanorhamphos]Drosselkrähe {f}
white-winged cinclodes [Cinclodes atacamensis]Flügelstreif-Uferwipper {m}
white-winged cinclodes [Cinclodes atacamensis] Schwarzschwanz-Uferwipper {m}
white-winged cliffchat [Thamnolaea semirufa] Spiegelschmätzer {m}
white-winged cliff-chat [Thamnolaea semirufa] Spiegelschmätzer {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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