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English-German Dictionary

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Willis' circle [Circulus arteriosus cerebri] Circulus arteriosus (cerebri) Willisi {m}
Willis Glacier Willis-Gletscher {m}
Willis-Ekbom disease <WED>Restless-Legs-Syndrom {n} <RLS>
Willis's antbird [Cercomacra laeta]Amazonasameisenfänger {m}
Williston Basin [North Dakota] Williston-Becken {n} [auch: Williston Basin]
williwawWirbelwind {m}
williwaw Williwaw {m}
willkail [Sinapis arvensis] [charlock]Acker-Senf / Ackersenf {m}
Willo the WispWillo das Waldlicht
will-o'-the-wisp Irrlicht {n}
will-o'-the-wisp Sumpflicht {n}
will-o'-the-wisp Irrwisch {m} [Irrlicht]
will-o'-the-wisp [fig.] Trugbild {n}
will-o'-the-wisp [fig.]Schimäre {f} [fig.]
willow Reißwolf {m} [zum Lockern und Reinigen von Baumwolle]
willowFelber {m} [veraltend oder regional] [Weide]
willowDroussierwolf {m}
willowKlopfwolf {m}
willow Felberbaum {m} [veraltend oder regional] [Weide]
willow [attr.] [e.g. branch, rod, switch] Weiden- [z. B. Zweig, Rute, Gerte]
willow [coll.] [cricket bat] Schlagholz {n} [Kricketschläger]
willow [genus Salix]Weide {f}
willow [wood] Weidenholz {n}
willow barkWeidenrinde {f}
willow bark extract Weidenrindenextrakt {m}
willow barkspot [Diatrype bullata] Blasiges Eckenscheibchen {n}
willow beauty [Peribatodes rhomboidaria] [moth]Rauten-Rindenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
willow beauty [Peribatodes rhomboidaria] [moth]Zweifleckiger Baumspanner {m}
willow beauty [Peribatodes rhomboidaria] [moth]Kreppelwurm {m} [Rauten-Rindenspanner] [Nachtfalterspezies]
willow beauty (moth) [Peribatodes rhomboidaria] Rhombenspanner {m} [Falter]
willow bellflower [Campanula persicifolia, syn.: C. cristallocalyx, C. hispida, C. persiciflora, C. pumila, C. sessiliflora] Pfirsichblättrige Glockenblume {f}
willow bellflower [Campanula persicifolia, syn.: C. cristallocalyx, C. hispida, C. persiciflora, C. pumila, C. sessiliflora]Wald-Glockenblume / Waldglockenblume {f}
willow bent-wing moth [Phyllocnistis saligna] Weidenschneckenmotte / Weiden-Schneckenmotte {f}
willow bonnet [Mycenella salicina, syn.: Mycena salicina] Glattsporiger Samthelmling {m}
willow bonnet [Mycenella salicina, syn.: Mycena salicina] Glattsporiger Reifhelmling {m}
willow braidWiedel {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Wiede, Weidentrieb]
willow braid [braided strip from peeled willow stakes]Wiede {f} [südd.] [Weidenband, Flechtband]
willow branchWeidenzweig {m}
willow branches Weidenäste {pl}
willow catkinWeidenkätzchen {n}
willow charcoalWeidenkohle {f}
willow cotton [literary] [known from John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men] Weidenkätzchen {n}
willow culture Weidenkultur {f}
willow dock [Rumex salicifolius]Weidenblättriger Ampfer {m}
willow dock [Rumex salicifolius]Weidenblatt-Ampfer {m}
willow dodder [Cuscuta lupuliformis]Pappel-Seide / Pappelseide {f}
willow dodder [Cuscuta lupuliformis] Weiden-Seide / Weidenseide {f}
willow emerald damselfly [Chalcolestes viridis; formerly Lestes viridis]Gemeine Weidenjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
willow emerald damselfly [Chalcolestes viridis; formerly Lestes viridis] Weidenjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
willow ermine [Yponomeuta rorrella, syn.: Y. rorrellus] [moth] Weiden-Gespinstmotte {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
willow ermine [Yponomeuta rorrella, syn.: Y. rorrellus] [moth] Silberweiden-Gespinstmotte {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
willow ermine [Yponomeuta rorrella, syn.: Y. rorrellus] [moth] Europäische Weiden-Gespinstmotte {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
willow family {sg} [family Salicaceae] Weidengewächse {pl}
willow feather-moss [Orthotheciella varia, syn.: Amblystegium varium, Hygroamblystegium varium] Veränderliches Wasserstumpfdeckelmoos {n}
willow flea beetle [Crepidodera aurata]Weiden-Erdfloh / Weidenerdfloh {m} [Käferart]
willow flea weevil [Rhynchaenus salicis] Weidenrüssler {m}
willow flycatcher [Empidonax traillii] Weidentyrann {m}
willow froghopper [Aphrophora salicina, syn.: A. salicis] (Braune) Weidenschaumzikade {f}
willow froghopper [Aphrophora salicina, syn.: A. salicis]Weidenschaumzirpe {f}
willow gall weevil [Curculio salicivorus, syn.: Balanobius salicivorus]Weiden-Gallenbohrer / Weidengallenbohrer {m}
willow gall weevil [Curculio salicivorus, syn.: Balanobius salicivorus] Weiden-Gallenrüssler / Weidengallenrüssler {m}
willow gentian [Gentiana asclepiadea] Schwalbenwurz-Enzian {m}
willow goldfinch [Carduelis tristis, syn.: Astragalinus tristis, Spinus tristis] Goldzeisig {m}
willow goldfinch [Carduelis tristis, syn.: Astragalinus tristis, Spinus tristis] Trauerzeisig {m}
willow grouse [Lagopus lagopus lagopus] Moorschneehuhn {n}
willow herb [Epilobium angustifolium]Schmalblättriges Weidenröschen {n}
willow leaf beetle [Lochmaea capreae] Braungelber Weidenblattkäfer {m}
willow leaf beetle [Lochmaea capreae]Gelber Weidenblattkäfer {m}
willow leaf beetle [Lochmaea capreae]Gelber Birkenblattkäfer {m}
willow lettuce [Lactuca saligna] Weidenblättriger Lattich {m}
willow lettuce [Lactuca saligna] Weiden-Lattich / Weidenlattich {m}
willow oak [Quercus phellos]Weiden-Eiche {f}
willow oak [Quercus phellos] Weidenblättrige Eiche {f}
willow patternWillow Pattern {n} [blaues, chinesisches Muster auf Porzellan]
willow ptarmigan [Lagopus lagopus lagopus] [Am.] Moorschneehuhn {n}
willow rod Weidengerte {f}
willow rod Weidenrute {f}
willow sawfly [Nematus salicis, syn.: Pteronidea salicis, Pteronus salicis]Große Weidenblattwespe {f}
willow sawfly [Nematus salicis, syn.: Pteronidea salicis, Pteronus salicis] Linden-Blattwespe / Lindenblattwespe {f}
willow shoot Wiedel {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Weidentrieb]
willow sparrow [Passer hispaniolensis, syn.: P. hispaniolensis transcaspicus]Weidensperling {m}
willow sparrow [Passer hispaniolensis, syn.: P. hispaniolensis transcaspicus]Spanischer Sperling {m}
willow switch Weidengerte {f}
willow thrush [Catharus fuscescens]Wilsondrossel {f}
willow tit [Poecile montanus, syn.: Poecile montana, Parus montanus]Weidenmeise {f}
willow tit [Poecile montanus, syn.: Poecile montana, Parus montanus] Mönchsmeise {f}
willow tree Weidenbaum {m}
willow tree [genus Salix]Weide {f}
willow trees Weidenbäume {pl}
willow warbler [Phylloscopus trochilus] Fitis {m}
willow warbler [Phylloscopus trochilus] Fitislaubsänger {m}
willow weed [Persicaria lapathifolia, syn.: Polygonum lapathifolium]Ampfer-Knöterich {m}
willow weed [Persicaria lapathifolia, syn.: Polygonum lapathifolium] Ampferblättriger Knöterich {m}
willow weed [Persicaria lapathifolia, syn.: Polygonum lapathifolium] Fluss-Ampferknöterich {m}
willow weed [Persicaria lapathifolia, syn.: Polygonum lapathifolium]Acker-Ampferknöterich {m}
willow witches' broom mite [Stenacis triradiatus, syn.: Aceria triradiata, Eriophyes triradiatus]Weidenwirrzopfgallmilbe {f}
willow withyWeidenrute {f}
willow woodpecker [Dryobates pubescens, syn.: Dendrocopos pubescens, Picoides pubescens] Dunenspecht {m}
willowbell / willow bell [Campanula persicifolia, syn.: C. cristallocalyx, C. hispida, C. persiciflora, C. pumila, C. sessiliflora] Pfirsichblättrige Glockenblume {f}
willowbell / willow bell [Campanula persicifolia, syn.: C. cristallocalyx, C. hispida, C. persiciflora, C. pumila, C. sessiliflora]Wald-Glockenblume / Waldglockenblume {f}
« wildwildWilhWillwillWillwillWilsWimswindwind »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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