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wimpleRise {f}
wimple Nonnenhaube {f}
wimple [medieval headdress] Gebände {n}
wimple [medieval headdress] Gebende {n} [Rsv.]
wimple carp [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Dschunken-Schmerle {f}
wimple carp [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Fledermausschmerle {f}
wimple carp [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Steilflossen-Saugkarpfen {m}
wimple carp [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Fadenalgenfresser {m}
wimple carp [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Fledermausfisch {m}
wimple carp [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Wimpelkarpfen {m}
wimple piranha [Catoprion mento]Wimpelpiranha {m}
wimps [coll.] Warmduscher {pl} [ugs.]
wimpy schwächlich
wimpy erbärmlich
wimpyschwachmatisch [hum.] [schwächlich]
wimpy [coll.] kümmerlich
Wimshurst influence machine Wimshurstmaschine {f}
Wimshurst machine Wimshurstmaschine {f}
winSieg {m}
winGewinn {m} [Sieg; auch: Ertrag, Profit]
win Erfolg {m} [Sieg]
win bonus [football] Siegprämie {f}
win by fall Schultersieg {m}
win of the seasonSaisonsieg {m}
win on the lottery Lottogewinn {m}
win on the pools Totogewinn {m}
winceZucken {n}
winceZusammenzucken {n}
winceyette [Br.] leichter Baumwollflanell {m}
winch Winde {f}
winchHaspel {f} [seltener {m}]
winch Winsch {f}
winch cable Windenseil {n}
winch cable Windenkabel {n}
winch driver [person]Startwindenfahrer {m}
winch handle Winschkurbel {f}
winch launchWindenstart {m}
winch tractionSeilzug {m} [Ziehen mit Seilwinde]
Winchell's kingfisher [Todiramphus winchelli] Rotnackenliest {m}
winches Winden {pl}
Winchester Winchester {n}
Winchester '73 [Anthony Mann] Winchester '73
Winchester diskWinchester-Platte / Winchesterplatte {f}
Winchester disk driveWinchester-Plattenlaufwerk {n}
Winchester (rifle) Winchesterbüchse {f}
winchite [NaCa(Mg,Fe)4AlSi8O22(OH)2] Winchit {m} [ein Klinoamphibol]
wincing zusammenzuckend
windWind {m}
wind Windung {f}
wind {sg} [Br.] [flatulence]Blähungen {pl}
wind [act of winding] Biegung {f} [Windung]
wind abeamhalber Wind {m}
wind actionWindwirkung {f}
Wind and Sea. Four Radio PlaysWind und Meer. Vier Hörspiele [Peter Handke]
wind ball [Heron's engine] Äolsball {m} [Heronsball]
wind band (sinfonisches) Blasorchester {n}
wind barbWindpfeil {m}
wind boxLuftkasten {m} [Verfahrenstechnik]
wind breakageWindbruch {m}
wind capWindkapsel {f} [Doppelrohrblattinstrument]
wind catcher Windturm {m} [Badgir]
wind channel Windkanal {m}
wind chestLade {f} [Orgel]
wind chill [also: windchill]Windkühle {f}
wind chill [also: windchill] Windchill {m}
wind chill [also: windchill] Windfrösteln {n} [Windkühle]
Wind Chill [Gregory Jacobs] Der eisige Tod
wind chill factor <WCF> [also: windchill factor] Windchill-Faktor {m} <WCF>
wind chill index <WCI> [also: windchill index] Windchill-Index {m} <WCI>
wind chimeWindspiel {n}
wind chimes Windspiel {n}
wind chimesWindglockenspiel {n}
wind chimes {pl}Windklangspiel {n}
wind climate Windklima {n}
wind concert Bläserkonzert {n} [Aufführung]
wind concertoBläserkonzert {n} [Komposition]
wind conditionsWindverhältnisse {pl}
wind coneWindsack {m}
wind controller [electronic wind instrument] Blaswandler {m}
wind converterWindkonverter {m}
wind correction angle <WCA>Luvwinkel {m}
wind correction angle <WCA> Vorhaltewinkel {m}
wind current Luftströmung {f}
wind current Windströmung {f}
wind damage Windschaden {m}
wind deflecting plate Windleitblech {n}
wind deflectorWindschott {n}
wind deflector Windabweiser {m}
wind deflectors Windabweiser {pl}
wind directionWindrichtung {f}
wind direction indicatorWindrichtungsanzeiger {m}
wind directionsWindrichtungen {pl}
wind disease [TCM] Windkrankheit {f} [TCM]
wind dispersal [anemochory]Windausbreitung {f} [Anemochorie]
wind dodger Windflüchter {m} [Baum, dessen Wuchsform durch vorwiegend aus einer Himmelsrichtung wehenden Wind bestimmt wird]
wind dodger [also: wind-dodger]Windabweiser {m} [Windschutz]
wind down [fig.] [calm down] Runterfahren {n} [ugs.] [fig.] [Herunterfahren] [zur Ruhe kommen]
wind drift safety device [anti-storm device] Windsicherung {f}
wind egg [also fig.] Windei {n} [schalenloses od. unbefruchtetes Ei] [auch fig.]
« willWillwillwillwillwimpwindwindwindwindwind »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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