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window frames Fensterrahmen {pl}
window function Fensterfunktion {f}
window glass Fensterglas {n}
window gnats [family Anisopodidae] Fenstermücken {pl}
window gnats [family Anisopodidae]Pfriemenmücken {pl}
window grateFenstergitter {n}
window grey [Br.] [RAL 7040] Fenstergrau {n} [RAL 7040]
window hammer Nothammer {m} [zum Zertrümmern von Scheiben]
window hammer Notfallhammer {m} [zum Zertrümmern von Fensterscheiben]
window handle Fenstergriff {m}
window handle Fensterklinke {f}
window heaterScheibenheizung {f}
window hinge Fensterband {n}
window hinge Fensterfitsche {f} [regional] [Fensterscharnier]
window hook Fensterhaken {m}
window installation work {sg} Fensterbauarbeiten {pl}
window lace-weaver [Amaurobius fenestralis] Fensterspinne {f}
window ledgeFenstersims {m} {n}
window ledge Fensterbrett {n}
window ledge Sohlbank {f}
window level Fensterebene {f} [als Höhenebene]
window level <WL> Fensterlage {f} <FL>
window licker [vulg.]Spasti {m} [vulg.]
window lifter Fensterheber {m}
window lighting Schaufensterbeleuchtung {f}
window lintel Fenstersturz {m}
window manager Fenstermanager {m}
window materialsFenstermaterialien {pl}
window midge Fenstermücke {f}
window motor Fensterhebermotor {m}
window of discourse [Overton window] Overton-Fenster {n} [auch: Overtonfenster] [„Meinungskorridor“, „Möglichkeitsrahmen“, „Resonanzraum“]
window of good weatherSchönwetterfenster {n}
window of opportunity einmalige Gelegenheit {f}
window of opportunity Zeitfenster {n}
window of sorts [coll.] [fig.] [moment of opportunity] Handlungsfenster {n} [fig.] [zeitlich begrenzt entstehende Handlungsmöglichkeit]
window of tolerance Toleranzfenster {n}
window of vulnerability Zeitfenster {n} der Verwundbarkeit
window on technology Zugang {m} zu neuen Technologien
window on the world Fenster {n} zur Welt
window openingFensterausschnitt {m}
window openingFensteröffnung {f}
window paneFensterscheibe {f}
window panes Fensterscheiben {pl}
window picture Fensterbild {n}
window planeFensterebene {f} [als Flächenebene]
window position Fensterstellung {f}
window putty Fensterkitt {m}
window regulator Fensterheber {m}
window revealFensterlaibung {f}
window reveal Fensterwange {f} [selten] [Laibung]
window reveal Fensterbacke {f} [selten] [Laibung]
window roofing [roofing over a window] Fensterverdachung {f}
window screenFenstergitter {n}
window seat Fensterbank {f}
window seatFensterplatz {m}
window seatFenstersitz {m}
window seat Platz {m} am Fenster
window seatsFensterplätze {pl}
window section [medical imaging] Fensterausschnitt {m} [bildgebende Verfahren]
window settingFenstereinstellung {f}
window shadeRollo {n}
window shade Jalousie {f}
window shade [Am.]Rollvorhang {m}
window shell [Placuna placenta]Capiz-Muschel {f}
window shell [Placuna placenta] Glockenmuschel {f}
window shell [Placuna placenta]Fensterscheibenmuschel {f} [auch: Fensterscheiben-Muschel]
window shell [Placuna placenta] Fenstermuschel {f}
window shopperSchaufenstergucker {m} [jd., der sich nur Gucken leisten kann]
window shoppingSchaufensterbummel {m}
window shoppingWindowshopping {n} [Schaufensterbummel]
window shopping expeditionSchaufensterbummel {m}
window shopping expeditionAuslagenbummel {m} [Schaufensterbummel]
window shutterFensterladen {m}
window shutterFensterbalken {m} [österr.] [Fensterladen]
window shutters Fensterläden {pl}
window sillFensterbank {f}
window sill Fenstersims {m} {n}
window sill Fensterbrett {n}
window sill element Fensterbankelement {n}
window sill gasket Fensterbankdichtung {f}
window sill holder Fensterbankhalter {m}
window sills Fensterbretter {pl}
window size Fenstergröße {f}
window squeegeeFensterwischer {m}
window stayFenstersteller {m} [Fensterfeststeller]
window stay Fensterfeststeller {m}
window surfaceFensterfläche {f}
window surroundFensterfasche {f}
window switch Fensterschalter {m}
window tax Fenstersteuer {f}
window technique Fenstertechnik {f}
window tint Fenstertönung {f}
window tinting Autoscheibentönung {f}
window to front Fenster {n} nach vorne
window to the south Südfenster {n}
window to the West [fig.] Fenster {n} zum Westen [fig.]
window to the west [not fig.] Westfenster {n}
window trapFensterfalle {f}
window treatment Fensterdekoration {f} [fachspr.] [als Sammelbegriff für Gardinen, Vorhänge]
window vacuum cleaner Fenstersauger {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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