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wine museum Weinbaumuseum {n}
wine noseWeinnase {f} [hum.] [auch pej.]
wine obligatoryWeinzwang {m} [auf Karte]
wine of a mild character milder Wein {m}
wine of certified origin and quality Qualitätswein {m}
wine of foreign growth ausländischer Wein {m}
wine pairing Weinbegleitung {f}
wine palate Weingaumen {m}
wine palm [Butia capitata, syn.: B. bonnetii, B. leiospatha, B. nehrlingiana, Cocos bonnetii, C. capitata, Syagrus capitata] Butiapalme {f}
wine palm [Butia capitata, syn.: B. bonnetii, B. leiospatha, B. nehrlingiana, Cocos bonnetii, C. capitata, Syagrus capitata] Geleepalme {f}
wine palm [Caryota urens]Brennpalme {f}
wine palm [Caryota urens]Kittulpalme / Kittul-Palme {f}
wine plant [Rheum rhabarbarum] [garden rhubarb](Gewöhnlicher) Rhabarber {m}
wine porter Weinschröter {m} [altertümlich]
wine present Weinpräsent {n}
wine press Kelter {f}
wine press Weinpresse {f}
wine press house Kelterei {f}
wine press house [building containing the wine press] Presshaus {n}
wine presser Kelterer {m}
wine princessWeinprinzessin {f}
wine producer Weinerzeuger {m}
wine producingWeinherstellung {f}
wine producing countries Weinländer {pl}
wine productionWeinherstellung {f}
wine production Weinerzeugung {f}
wine pump Weinpumpe {f}
wine punchWeinpunsch {m}
wine purveyor Weinhändler {m}
wine purveyor [female] Weinhändlerin {f}
wine queenWeinkönigin {f}
wine rackStänder {m} für Weinflaschen
wine rack Weinregal {n}
wine racks Weinstellagen {pl}
wine raspberry [Rubus phoenicolasius]Rotborstige Himbeere {f}
wine raspberry [Rubus phoenicolasius] Japanische Weinbeere {f}
wine reception [Br.] Apéro {m} {n} [bes. schweiz.]
wine red [RAL 3005]Weinrot {n} [RAL 3005]
wine refrigerator Weinkühlschrank {m}
wine regionWeinbauregion {f}
wine roundhead [Stropharia rugosoannulata] [preliminary binomial](Rotbrauner) Riesenträuschling {m}
wine roundhead [Stropharia rugosoannulata] [preliminary binomial]Braunkappe {f} [Riesenträuschling]
wine roundhead [Stropharia rugosoannulata] [preliminary binomial]Kulturträuschling {m}
wine route Weinstraße {f}
wine route Weinroute {f}
wine sauceWeinsauce {f}
wine sauce Weinsoße {f}
wine savorer [Am.]Weinbeißer {m} [Weingenießer / Weinkenner]
wine scale Weinstein {m}
wine sectorWeinsektor {m}
wine sectorWeinwirtschaft {f}
wine selectionWeinauswahl {f}
wine seller Weinverkäufer {m}
wine server Weinausgießer {m}
wine sherbet [Am.]Weinsorbet {n}
wine shop Weinladen {m}
wine shop [Br.] Weinhandlung {f}
wine shop [Br.] Weinhaus {n} [Geschäft]
wine showWeinprämierung {f} [Vorstellung]
wine show [esp. Aus.]Weinmesse {f}
wine sillabub Weincreme {f}
wine siphon Weinheber {m}
wine sorbet Weinsorbet {n}
wine soup Weinsuppe {f}
wine speciality [Br.] Weinspezialität {f}
wine specialty [Am.] Weinspezialität {f}
wine spot Weinfleck {m}
wine spritzer Weinschorle {f}
wine spritzer Spritzer {m} [auch: Gespritzter] [österr.]
wine stain Weinfleck {m}
wine steward Weinkellner {m}
wine store Weinhandlung {f}
wine store Vinothek {f}
wine store [Am.] Weinhaus {n} [Geschäft]
wine store [esp. Am.] Weinladen {m} [Weinhandlung]
wine storesWeinhandlungen {pl}
wine style Weinstil {m}
wine syllabub Weincreme {f}
wine syphon Weinheber {m}
wine tankWeintank {m}
wine tank Weinbehälter {m}
wine tanker Weintanker {m} [Schiff]
wine taster Weinprüfer {m}
wine taster Weinverkoster {m}
wine taster Weinschmecker {m}
wine taster [female] Weinprüferin {f}
wine tasting Weinprobe {f}
wine tastingWeinverkostung {f}
wine tasting Weinkost {f} [österr.] [Weinprobe]
wine tastingWeinprobieren {n} [ugs.]
wine tasting session Weinprobe {f} [Veranstaltung]
wine tavern Weinstube {f}
wine tavernWeinhaus {n}
wine tavernWeinkeller {m} [Lokal]
wine tavernWeinschänke {f}
wine tavernWeinschenke {f}
wine tavernWeinwirtschaft {f} [Gaststätte]
wine tavernHeuriger {m} [bes. österr.] [Heurigenlokal]
wine tavernHeurigenlokal {n} [bes. österr.]
wine taverns Weinstuben {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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