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English-German Dictionary

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witchgrass [Panicum capillare] Haarstielige Hirse {f}
witch-hazel / witch hazel family {sg} [family Hamamelidaceae]Hamamelidaceen {pl}
witch-hazel family {sg} [family Hamamelidaceae]Hamamelisgewächse {pl}
witch-hazel family {sg} [family Hamamelidaceae] Zaubernussgewächse {pl}
witch-hobble [Viburnum lantanoides, syn.: V. alnifolium, V. grandifolium] Erlenblättriger Schneeball {m}
witch-huntHexenjagd {f}
witch-hunt Hexenverfolgung {f}
witch-huntHexenwahn {m}
witch-hunt [fig.] Hexenjagd {f} [fig.]
witch-huntingHexenjagd {f}
witch-hunting Hexenverfolgung {f}
witching bestrickend
witching bezaubernd
witchingHexerei {f}
witching hour Geisterstunde {f}
witching hoursGeisterstunden {pl}
Witch-king (of Angmar) [in J. R. R. Tolkien's works] Hexenkönig {m} (von Angmar)
witchlike hexenartig
witch-like hexenartig
witch's / witch bottle Hexenflasche {f}
witch's / witches' / witches hat [Hygrocybe conica, syn.: H. pseudoconica, Hygrocybe nigrescens, Hygrophorus conicus] Kegeliger Saftling {m}
witch's / witches' / witches hat [Hygrocybe conica, syn.: H. pseudoconica, Hygrocybe nigrescens, Hygrophorus conicus] Schwärzender Saftling {m}
witch's broom Hexenbesen {m}
witch's broom Donnerbusch {m}
witch's cauldronHexenkessel {m}
witch's cottageHexenhaus {n}
witch's garlic [Allium carinatum] Kiel-Lauch {m}
witch's garlic [Allium carinatum]Gekielter Lauch {m}
witch's garlic [Allium carinatum]Hexenknoblauch {m} [selten für: Gekielter Knoblauch]
witch's hat Hexenhut {m}
witch's hat [coll.] [traffic cone]Verkehrshütchen {n} [ugs.]
witch's headHexenkopf {m}
witch's mark Hexenmal {n}
witch's milk [Lac neonatorum] Hexenmilch {f}
witch's moneybags {pl} [Hylotelephium telephium subsp. fabaria, syn.: Sedum telephium subsp. fabaria, Sedum fabaria] Berg-Fetthenne / Bergfetthenne {f}
witch's moneybags {pl} [Hylotelephium telephium, syn.: Sedum telephium] Große Fetthenne {f}
witch's tit [coll.] Hexennippel {m} [ugs.]
witchwood [Sorbus americana, syn.: Pyrus americana]Nordamerikanische Eberesche {f}
witchy hexenartig
Wite-Out ® [Am.] Tipp-Ex ® {n}
with bei
with nebst [+Dat.] [veraltend]
with ... in mindin Anbetracht [+Gen.]
with ... in mindunter Beachtung von
with ... kilometres per hour [Br.]mit ... Sachen [ugs.] [Stundenkilometer]
with ... leading the way allen voran ...
with [owing to]aufgrund [+Gen.]
with ... responsible (in charge) unter (der) Federführung von ...
with ... understood [e.g.: He is seething, with 'rage' understood.] gemeint ist ... [z. B.: Er kocht, gemeint ist "vor Wut".]
with / in favourable weather conditions [Br.]bei günstiger Witterung
with / using / by means of magnetic resonance imaging [postpos.]magnetresonanztomographisch
With / with kind regards, ...Mit / mit freundlichen Grüßen ...
with / without indicator [e.g. fuses]mit / ohne Kennmelder [z. B. Sicherungen]
with / without replacement mit / ohne Zurücklegen
with / without tensile load mit / ohne Zugbelastung {f}
with <w/> mit [+Dat.] <m.>
... with 18 minutes to go ... wobei noch 18 Minuten bleiben
with 4 times the test loadmit 4-facher Prüflast
with 8x magnification [binoculars etc.]bei / mit 8facher Vergrößerung [Fernglas usw.]
With 90.03% of votes / ballots counted ... Bei einem Auszählungsgrad von 90,03 % (der Stimmen) ...
with a bang mit einem Wumms [ugs.]
with a bank bei einer Bank
with a beautiful sound [postpos.] klangschön
with a beautiful tone [postpos.]klangschön
with a behavioural disorder [Br.] [postpos.]verhaltensgestört
with a bit of luckmit ein wenig Glück
with a bit of luck mit ein bisschen Glück
with a blank mindohne Erinnerung
with a blue cast [postpos.] blaustichig
with a blunted edgemit stumpfer Klinge
with a bounce in one's step beschwingten Schrittes [geh.]
with a butt cut [coll.] [hairstyle] mit (einem) Poposcheitel [ugs.] [hum.] [Frisur]
with a capital ... [letter] [fig.] großgeschrieben [fig.]
with a carrot and a stick [coll.] [idiom]mit Zuckerbrot und Peitsche [ugs.] [Redewendung]
with a catch in one's voice mit stockender Stimme
with a certain amount of reservemit einer gewissen Distanz
with a certain reserve schaumgebremst [fig.] [ugs.] [mit Zurückhaltung]
with a cheerful heartfrohgemut [geh.]
with a choked voicemit erstickter Stimme
with a chuckleschmunzelnd
with a chucklemit einem Schmunzeln
with a clasp of hands per Handschlag
with a clean sheet [football] ohne Gegentor
with a clean slateohne Bindungen
with a clean slate [free from debt]frei von Schulden
with a clear conscience ruhigen Gewissens
with a clear conscience [fig.] mit reinem Gewissen [fig.]
with a clear conscience [fig.]mit ruhigem Gewissen [fig.] [ugs.]
with a coldmit einer Erkältung
with a colored check (pattern) [Am.] [postpos.] bunt kariert
with a colorful flower design [Am.]bunt geblümt
with a colorful flower pattern [Am.]bunt geblümt
with a coloured check (pattern) [Br.] bunt kariert
with a colourful flower design [Br.] bunt geblümt
with a colourful flower pattern [Br.] bunt geblümt
with a common denominator [postpos.] gleichnamig [Brüche]
with a common touch [postpos.] volksnah
with a concerned air in bekümmerter Stimmung
with a corresponding salarymit einem entsprechenden Gehalt
« wirewirewisdwishwistwitcwithwithwithwithwith »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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