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wood texture Holzstruktur {f}
wood thrush [Hylocichla mustelina]Walddrossel {f}
wood tick [Dermacentor variabilis] Amerikanische Hundezecke {f}
wood tiger [Parasemia plantaginis, syn.: Nemeophila plantaginis, Phalaena plantaginis] Wegerichbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
wood tiger beetle [Cicindela sylvatica, syn.: C. silvatica] Schwarzlippiger Sandläufer {m}
wood tiger beetle [Cicindela sylvatica, syn.: C. silvatica] Wald-Sandläufer / Waldsandläufer {m}
wood tiger beetle [Cicindela sylvatica]Wald-Sandlaufkäfer {m}
wood tiger beetle [Cicindela sylvatica] Heide-Sandlaufkäfer {m}
wood tin [SnO2] Holzzinn {m} [Kassiterit]
wood transport Holztransport {m}
wood turpentine Holzterpentinöl {n}
wood turtle [Glyptemys insculpta] Waldbachschildkröte {f}
wood urchin [Hydnum repandum] Semmelgelber Stacheling {m}
wood urchin [Hydnum repandum]Semmel-Stoppelpilz {m} [auch: Semmelstoppelpilz]
wood utilisation [Br.]Holznutzung {f}
wood utilization Holznutzung {f}
wood veneer Holzfurnier {n}
wood vetch [Vicia sylvatica] Wald-Wicke {f} [auch: Waldwicke]
wood vinegar Holzessig {m}
wood violet [Viola reichenbachiana / silvatica / sylvatica] Waldveilchen {n}
wood violet [Viola riviniana] Hain-Veilchen {n}
wood violet [Viola riviniana]Rivinus-Veilchen {n}
wood violet [Viola sororia, syn.: V. affinis , V. missouriensis, V. novae-angliae, novae-angliae, V. nephrophylla, V. papilionacea, V. pratincola, V. priceana, V. septentrionalis] Pfingst-Veilchen {n}
wood wagtail [Seiurus aurocapilla, syn.: S. aurocapillus, Motacilla aurocapilla] Pieperwaldsänger {m} [auch: Pieper-Waldsänger]
wood wagtail [Seiurus aurocapilla, syn.: S. aurocapillus, Motacilla aurocapilla] Ofenvogel {m}
wood wakerobin / wake-robin [Trillium viride] Gelbblütige Waldlilie {f}
wood wallpaper Holztapete {f}
wood warbler [Phylloscopus sibilatrix] Waldlaubsänger {m}
Wood warps. [cut wood slightly changes its shape over time] Holz arbeitet. [Holz verformt sich leicht mit der Zeit]
wood wasp Holzwespe {f}
wood wasps [family Siricidae] Holzwespen {pl}
wood waste Holzabfall {m}
wood waste Altholz {n}
wood waste Restholz {n}
wood wedding anniversary [Br.] [wood anniversary, esp. Am.] hölzerne Hochzeit {f}
wood white [Leptidea sinapis] Senfweißling {m}
wood white [Leptidea sinapis]Tintenfleck-Weißling {m}
wood white [Leptidea sinapis] Leguminosen-Weißling {m}
wood white [Leptidea sinapis] [butterfly] Leguminosen-Schmalflügel-Weißling {m} [Tagfalterspezies]
wood white [Leptidea sinapis] [butterfly] Schmalflügel-Weißling {m} [Tagfalterspezies]
wood woolHolzwolle {f}
wood woollyfoot [Gymnopus peronatus] Brennender Rübling {m}
wood woollyfoot / woolly-foot [Gymnopus peronatus, syn.: Collybia peronata]Brennender Blasssporrübling {m}
wood work Holzarbeit {f}
wood working company Holzbearbeitungsbetrieb {m}
wood working machine Holzbearbeitungsmaschine {f}
wood workshopHolzwerkstatt {f}
wood wormHolzwurm {m}
wood wormsHolzwürmer {pl}
(wood) betony [Pedicularis canadensis] Kanadisches Läusekraut {n}
(wood) chips Hobelspäne {pl}
(wood) cleaver Spaltkeil {m}
(wood) grainHolzbild {n} [Maserung]
(wood) grain enhancement Anfeuerung {f}
(wood) joiner's mallet Schreinerklüpfel {m}
(wood) leopard moth [Zeuzera pyrina, syn.: Z. aesculi]Apfelbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(wood) leopard moth [Zeuzera pyrina, syn.: Z. aesculi] Rosskastanienbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(wood) paneling [Am.]Vertäfelung {f}
(wood) paneling [Am.] Getäfel {n}
(wood) paneling [Am.] Tafelwerk {n} [aus Tafeln bestehende Wand- od. Deckenverkleidung]
(wood) paneling [Am.] Täfelwerk {n} [seltener für: Tafelwerk] [Holztäfelung]
(wood) paneling [Am.] [wall, ceiling]Täfer {n} [schweiz.] [westösterr.] [Täfelung] [hölzerne Wand- oder Deckenverkleidung]
(wood) paneling [Am.] [wall, ceiling]Täferung {f} [schweiz.] [westösterr.] [Täfelung] [hölzerne Wand- oder Deckenverkleidung]
(wood) panelling Getäfel {n}
(wood) preserverHolzschutzmittel {n}
(wood) pulp productionZellstoffproduktion {f}
(wood) pulp production Zellstoffherstellung {f}
(wood) pulp production Faserstoffherstellung {f} [Zellstoffherstellung]
(wood) sanicle [Sanicula europaea] Wald-Sanikel {f} [auch: Waldsanikel]
(wood) sanicle [Sanicula europaea] Waldklette {f}
(wood) shaper [specialized type of milling machine for woodworking] Fräse {f} für Holz
(wood) varnishHolzlack {m}
Woodall number Woodall-Zahl {f}
Woodall primeWoodall-Primzahl {f}
woodallite [Mg6(Cr,Fe)2(OH)16Cl2·4H2O]Woodallit {m}
wood-apple [Limonia acidissima, syn.: Feronia elephantum, Feronia limonia, Hesperethusa crenulata, Schinus limonia] Indischer Holzapfel {m}
wood-apple [Limonia acidissima, syn.: Feronia elephantum, Feronia limonia, Hesperethusa crenulata, Schinus limonia] Elefantenapfel {m}
wood-barley / wood barley [Elymus europaeus, syn.: E. cylindricus, Hordelymus europaeus, Hordeum europaeum, H. sylvaticum] Waldhaargras {n}
woodbarn Holzscheune {f}
wood-based auf Holzbasis [nachgestellt]
wood-based materialHolzwerkstoff {m}
wood-based materialsHolzwerkstoffe {pl}
wood-beamed ceiling Balkendecke {f}
Woodberry Glacier Woodberry-Gletscher {m}
woodbine [Clematis virginiana, syn.: Clematis virginiana var. missouriensis] [Virginia clematis]Virginische Waldrebe {f}
woodbine [Clematis virginiana, syn.: Clematis virginiana var. missouriensis] [Virginia clematis] Amerikanische Waldrebe {f}
woodbine [genus Lonicera] Geißblatt {n}
woodbine [Lonicera periclymenum] Waldheckenkirsche {f}
woodbine [Lonicera periclymenum] Wildes Geißblatt {n}
woodbine [Lonicera periclymenum]Deutsches Geißblatt {n}
woodbine [Lonicera periclymenum] Wald-Heckenkirsche {f}
woodbine [Parthenocissus tricuspidata]Dreispitzige Jungfernrebe {f}
woodbine [Parthenocissus tricuspidata] Dreilappige Jungfernrebe {f}
woodbine [Parthenocissus tricuspidata] Dreiblättrige Jungfernrebe {f}
woodbine [Parthenocissus tricuspidata]Wilder Wein {m}
Woodbine Formation [also: Woodbine Group] Woodbine-Formation {f}
woodbines [genus Lonicera, esp. Lonicera periclymenum]Geißblätter {pl}
woodbird [also: wood bird, wood-bird] Waldvogel {m}
woodblock Holzstock {m}
woodblock print Holzschnitt {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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