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woodiness [of a region] Waldreichtum {m} [einer Region]
woodlandWaldland {n}
woodland Waldung {f} [Waldland, bewaldetes Land]
woodland Waldgelände {n}
woodland Baumsavanne {f}
woodlandWaldgebiet {n}
woodland Wald {m}
woodland [attr.]Wald-
woodland agaricus [Agaricus silvicola, syn.: A. abruptibulbus, A. essettei, A. sylvicola]Dünnfleischiger Anis-Egerling / Anisegerling {m}
woodland agaricus [Agaricus silvicola, syn.: A. abruptibulbus, A. essettei, A. sylvicola] Dünnfleischiger Anis-Champignon / Anischampignon {m}
woodland agaricus [Agaricus silvicola, syn.: A. abruptibulbus, A. essettei] Schiefknolliger / Flachknolliger Anis-Champignon {m}
woodland agaricus [Agaricus silvicola, syn.: A. abruptibulbus, A. essettei] Schiefknolliger / Flachknolliger Anis-Egerling / Anisegerling {m}
woodland angelica [Angelica sylvestris, syn.: A. anomala] Wald-Engelwurz / Waldengelwurz {f}
woodland angelica [Angelica sylvestris, syn.: A. anomala] Wilde Engelwurz {f}
woodland angelica [Angelica sylvestris, syn.: A. anomala]Wilde Brustwurz {f}
woodland area Waldgebiet {n}
woodland areas Waldgebiete {pl}
woodland beak chervil [Anthriscus sylvestris, syn.: Chaerophyllum sylvestre] Wiesenkerbel {m}
woodland bird Waldvogel {m}
woodland bird species Waldvogelart {f}
woodland bittercress [Cardamine flexuosa, syn.: C. debilis, C. hirsuta ssp. flexuosa, C. sylvatica] Wald-Schaumkraut / Waldschaumkraut {n}
woodland brown [Lopinga achine]Gelbringfalter {m}
woodland brown [Lopinga achine] [butterfly] Bacchantin {f} [Tagfalterspezies]
woodland bulrush [Scirpus sylvaticus] Wald-Binse / Waldbinse {f}
woodland bulrush [Scirpus sylvaticus]Waldried {n}
woodland burial [Br.] [urn burial in a natural forest e.g.] Ruheforst-Bestattung {f}
woodland buzzard [Buteo oreophilus, syn.: B. tachardus] Bergbussard {m}
woodland chervil [Anthriscus sylvestris, syn.: Chaerophyllum sylvestre]Wiesenkerbel / Wiesen-Kerbel {m}
woodland combat Waldkampf {m}
woodland creaturesWaldkreaturen {pl}
woodland crocus [Crocus tommasinianus, syn.: C. serbicus] Tommasinis Krokus {m}
woodland crocus [Crocus tommasinianus, syn.: C. serbicus] Bauern-Safran {m}
woodland crocus [Crocus tommasinianus, syn.: C. serbicus] Tommasinis Safran {m}
woodland crocus [Crocus tommasinianus] Elfen-Krokus {m}
woodland crocus [Crocus tommasinianus] Dalmatiner Krokus {m}
woodland deity Waldgottheit {f}
woodland dormouse [Graphiurus murinus] Afrikanischer Waldbilch {m}
woodland draba [Am.] [Draba nemorosa] Hain-Felsenblümchen {n} [auch: Hainfelsenblümchen]
woodland draba [Am.] [Draba nemorosa] Busch-Felsenblümchen {n} [auch: Buschfelsenblümchen]
woodland draba [Am.] [Draba nemorosa] Hellgelbes Felsenblümchen {n}
woodland draba [Am.] [Draba nemorosa] (Hellgelbes) Hainhungerblümchen {n} [auch: Hellgelbes Hain-Hungerblümchen]
woodland draba [Am.] [Draba nemorosa]Wald-Felsenblümchen {n}
woodland earwig [Chelidurella acanthopygia] Wald-Ohrwurm {m}
woodland edgeWaldrand {m}
woodland figwort [Scrophularia nodosa]Knotige Braunwurz {f}
woodland figwort [Scrophularia nodosa] Knoten-Braunwurz {f}
woodland geranium [Am.] [Geranium sylvaticum]Wald-Storchschnabel {m}
woodland geranium [Am.] [Geranium sylvaticum] Wald-Storchenschnabel {m}
woodland germander [Teucrium scorodonia]Salbei-Gamander {m}
woodland grasshopper [Omocestus rufipes] Buntbäuchiger Grashüpfer {m}
woodland grasshopper [Omocestus rufipes] Rotbeiniger Grashüpfer {m}
woodland grayling [Hipparchia fagi]Großer Waldportier {m}
woodland habitatWaldhabitat {n}
woodland hawthorn [Crataegus laevigata, syn.: C. oxyacantha, C. oxyacanthoides, Mespilus laevigata]Zweigriffliger Weißdorn {m}
woodland hawthorn [Crataegus laevigata] Zweigriffeliger Weißdorn {m}
Woodland hill-partridge [Arborophila chloropus, syn.: Tropicoperdix chloropus] Grünfußwaldrebhuhn {n}
Woodland hill-partridge [Arborophila chloropus, syn.: Tropicoperdix chloropus] Grünfuß-Buschwachtel {f}
woodland horsetail [Equisetum sylvaticum, also E. silvaticum]Wald-Schachtelhalm / Waldschachtelhalm {m}
woodland jumping mouse [Napaeozapus insignis] Waldhüpfmaus {f}
woodland kingfisher [Halcyon senegalensis] Senegalliest {m}
woodland margin Waldrand {m}
woodland millet [Milium effusum, syn.: M. confertum, M. transsilvanicum, Agrostis effusa, Decandolia effusa, Paspalum effusum] Wald-Flattergras {n}
woodland millet [Milium effusum, syn.: M. confertum, M. transsilvanicum, Agrostis effusa, Decandolia effusa, Paspalum effusum] (Weiches) Flattergras {n}
woodland millet [Milium effusum, syn.: M. confertum, M. transsilvanicum, Agrostis effusa, Decandolia effusa, Paspalum effusum]Waldhirse {f}
Woodland partridge [Arborophila chloropus, syn.: Tropicoperdix chloropus] Grünfußwaldrebhuhn {n}
Woodland partridge [Arborophila chloropus, syn.: Tropicoperdix chloropus] Grünfuß-Buschwachtel {f}
woodland pasture Waldweide {f}
woodland pink [Dianthus sylvestris]Wilde Nelke {f}
woodland pink [Dianthus sylvestris] Stein-Nelke / Steinnelke {f}
woodland pipit [Anthus nyassae] Waldlandpieper {m}
woodland ragwort [Senecio sylvaticus] Wald-Greiskraut {n}
woodland ringlet [Erebia medusa] [butterfly]Blutgrasfalter {m}
woodland ringlet (butterfly) [Erebia medusa]Rundaugen-Mohrenfalter {m}
woodland ringlet (butterfly) [Erebia medusa] Frühlings-Mohrenfalter {m}
woodland ringlet (butterfly) [Erebia medusa]Kuhauge {n}
woodland ringlet (butterfly) [Erebia medusa] Rundaugenmohrenfalter {m}
woodland sage [Salvia nemorosa, syn.: S. sylvestris]Wald-Salbei / Waldsalbei {m}
woodland sage [Salvia nemorosa, syn.: S. sylvestris] Steppen-Salbei {m} [selten {f}]
woodland sage [Salvia nemorosa, syn.: Salvia sylvestris var. nemorosa]Steppensalbei {m} [selten {f}]
woodland sceneryWaldlandschaft {f}
woodland setting Waldkulisse {f}
woodland site [in scientific contexts]Waldgebiet {n} [oft: untersuchtes Waldgebiet]
woodland solitude Waldeinsamkeit {f}
woodland strawberry [Fragaria vesca] Walderdbeere {f}
woodland strawberry [Fragaria vesca]Monatserdbeere {f}
woodland strawberry [Fragaria vesca] Wald-Erdbeere {f}
woodland strawberry [Fragaria vesca] Buscherdbeere {f} [ugs.] [Wald-Erdbeere]
woodland strollsWaldspaziergänge {pl}
woodland sunflower [Helianthus divaricatus]Wald-Sonnenblume / Waldsonnenblume {f}
woodland thicket rat [Grammomys dolichurus] (Ostafrikanische) Akazienmaus {f}
woodland thicket rat [Grammomys dolichurus] Sambia-Akazienmaus {f}
woodland vole [Microtus pinetorum]Kiefernwühlmaus {f}
woodland whitlowgrass / whitlow grass [Draba nemorosa] Hain-Felsenblümchen / Hainfelsenblümchen {n}
woodland whitlowgrass / whitlow grass [Draba nemorosa] Busch-Felsenblümchen {n} [auch: Buschfelsenblümchen]
woodland whitlowgrass / whitlow grass [Draba nemorosa](Hellgelbes) Hainhungerblümchen {n} [auch: Hellgelbes Hain-Hungerblümchen]
woodland whitlowgrass / whitlow grass [Draba nemorosa]Hellgelbes Felsenblümchen {n}
woodland whitlow-grass / whitlow grass [Draba nemorosa] Wald-Felsenblümchen {n}
(woodland) dor beetle [Anoplotrupes stercorosus] Waldmistkäfer / Wald-Mistkäfer {m}
(woodland) reindeer lichen [Cladonia arbuscula] Wald-Rentierflechte {f}
(woodland) reindeer lichen [Cladonia arbuscula] Neigende Strauchflechte {f}
« woodwoodwoodwoodwoodwoodwoodwoodwoodwoolwool »
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