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woolly morning glory [Argyreia nervosa, syn.: Argyreia speciosa, Convolvulus speciosus]Elefantenwinde {f}
woolly morning glory [Argyreia nervosa, syn.: Argyreia speciosa, Convolvulus speciosus]Silberkraut {n}
woolly nightshade [Solanum mauritianum, syn.: S. auriculatum] Wolliger Nachtschatten {m}
woolly nightshade [Solanum mauritianum]Wollblütiger Nachtschatten {m}
woolly nightshade [Solanum villosum, syn.: S. villosum subsp. villosum]Gelbfrüchtiger Nachtschatten {m}
woolly opossum [Caluromys laniger] Rote Wollbeutelratte {f}
woolly opossums [genus Caluromys, family Didelphidae]Wollbeutelratten {pl}
woolly pig Wollschwein {n} [Mangalitza]
woolly pine [Cananga odorata, syn.: Canangium fruticosum, C. odoratum, Unona odorata, Uvaria axillaris, U. odorata] Canangabaum {m}
woolly pine [Cananga odorata, syn.: Canangium fruticosum, C. odoratum, Unona odorata, Uvaria axillaris, U. odorata] Ilang-Ilangbaum / Ylang-Ylangbaum {m} [auch Ilang-Ilang, Ilang-Ilang-Baum, Ylang-Ylang, Ylang-Ylang-Baum]
woolly plantain [Plantago media] Mittlerer Wegerich {m}
woolly plantain [Plantago pusilla, syn.: P. hybrida, P. pusilla var major]Zwerg-Wegerich / Zwergwegerich {m}
woolly pussytoes {pl} [treated as sg.] [Antennaria lanata] Wolliges Katzenpfötchen {n}
woolly rhinoceros [Coelodonta antiquitatis] [extinct] Wollnashorn {n} [ausgestorben]
woolly rhinoceros [Coelodonta antiquitatis] [extinct] Fellnashorn {n} [ausgestorben]
woolly rhinoceros [Coelodonta antiquitatis] [extinct]Wollhaarnashorn {n} [ausgestorben]
woolly rosette [Cotylidia pannosa]Kreiselpilz {m}
woolly rosette [Cotylidia pannosa]Striegeliger Kreiselpilz {m}
woolly rosette [Cotylidia pannosa] Großer Erdkegelpilz {m}
woolly senecio [Senecio haworthii]Senecio haworthii {f} [Sukkulente]
woolly soft grass [Holcus lanatus]Wolliges Honiggras {n}
woolly spider monkey [genus Brachyteles] Spinnenaffe {m}
woolly tapir [Tapirus pinchaque]Wolltapir {m}
woolly tapir [Tapirus pinchaque] Andentapir {m}
woolly tapir [Tapirus pinchaque] Bergtapir {m}
woolly tea-tree [Leptospermum lanigerum]Wolliger Teebaum {m}
woolly thistle [Cirsium eriophorum] Wollkopf-Kratzdistel {f}
woolly thistle [Cirsium eriophorum]Wollköpfige Kratzdistel {f}
woolly thistle [Cirsium eriophorum] Wolldistel {f}
woolly thistle [Cirsium eriophorum] Wollige Kratzdistel {f}
woolly thistle [Cirsium eriophorum] Mönchskrone {f} [ugs.] [regional] [Wollköpfige Kratzdistel]
woolly thistle [Cirsium flodmanii] Flodmans Kratzdistel {f}
woolly thoughts unklare Gedanken {pl}
woolly thoughts wirre Gedanken {pl}
woolly toadflax [Kickxia elatine, syn.: Antirrhinum elatine, Elatinoides elatine, Linaria elatine]Pfeilblättriges Schlangenmaul {n}
woolly toadflax [Kickxia elatine, syn.: Antirrhinum elatine, Elatinoides elatine, Linaria elatine] Echtes Tännel-Leinkraut {n}
woolly toadflax [Kickxia elatine, syn.: Antirrhinum elatine, Elatinoides elatine, Linaria elatine] Echtes Tännelkraut {n}
woolly toadflax [Kickxia elatine, syn.: Antirrhinum elatine, Elatinoides elatine, Linaria elatine] Pfeilblättriges Leinkraut {n}
woolly toadflax [Kickxia elatine, syn.: Antirrhinum elatine, Elatinoides elatine, Linaria elatine] Spießblättriges Tännelkraut {n}
woolly toadflax [Kickxia elatine, syn.: Antirrhinum elatine, Elatinoides elatine, Linaria elatine]Spießleinkraut {n}
woolly tree fern [Dicksonia antarctica] Australischer Taschenfarn {m}
woolly tree fern [Dicksonia antarctica] Antarktischer Baumfarn {m}
woolly tree fern [Dicksonia antarctica] Tasmanischer Baumfarn {m}
woolly trefoil [Medicago minima, syn.: M. meyeri, M. polymorpha var. minima, M. sessilis] Zwerg-Luzerne / Zwergluzerne {f}
woolly trefoil [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa] Zwerg-Erdbeerklee / Zwergerdbeerklee {m}
woolly trefoil [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa] Filziger Klee {m}
woolly trefoil [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa] Filz-Klee / Filzklee {m}
woolly velvet polypore [Onnia tomentosa] Gestielter Filzporling {m}
woolly velvet polypore [Onnia tomentosa]Gestielter Schillerporling {m}
woolly whitefly [Aleurothrixus floccosus] Wollige Zitrusmottenschildlaus {f}
woolly willow [Salix lanata]Wollige Weide {f}
woolly yarrow [Achillea tomentosa] Gelbe Schafgarbe {f}
woolly yarrow [Achillea tomentosa] Filzige Teppich-Garbe {f} [Gelbe Schafgarbe]
woolly yarrow [Achillea tomentosa] Filzige Schafgarbe {f} [Gelbe Schafgarbe]
woolly (yellow) yarrow [Achillea tomentosa] Fibrige Schafgarbe {f}
(woolly) larch aphid [Adelges laricis, syn.: A. strobilobius, Chermes strobilobius, Cnaphalodes strobilobius]Kleine Fichtengallenlaus {f}
(woolly) larch aphid [Adelges laricis, syn.: A. strobilobius, Chermes strobilobius, Cnaphalodes strobilobius]Rote Fichtengallenlaus {f}
woollyfruit sedge [Carex lasiocarpa]Faden-Segge {f}
woolly-haired wollhaarig
woolly-head clover [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa]Filziger Klee {m}
woolly-head clover [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa]Zwerg-Erdbeerklee / Zwergerdbeerklee {m}
woolly-headed trefoil [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa]Filz-Klee / Filzklee {m}
woolly-headed trefoil [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa] Filziger Klee {m}
woolly-headed trefoil [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa]Zwerg-Erdbeerklee / Zwergerdbeerklee {m}
woolly-minded (leicht) versponnen
woolly-necked stork [Ciconia episcopus]Wollhalsstorch {m}
woollypod milkvetch [Astragalus purshii] Astragalus-purshii-Staude {f}
woollypod milkweed [Asclepias eriocarpa] Weißwollige Seidenpflanze {f}
woolsWolle {f}
woolsackWollsack {m}
wool-scouring plant Wollwäscherei {f}
woolshed [Aus.] [NZ] Wollschuppen {m}
woolsorter's disease Weberhusten {m}
wool-sorters' disease [pulmonary anthrax]Lumpensortiererkrankheit {f} [Lungenmilzbrand]
wool-sorters' disease [pulmonary anthrax]Hadernkrankheit {f} [Lungenmilzbrand]
wool-stapler Wollsortierer {m}
wool-using bee [Anthidium species] Wollbiene {f}
woolwork Wollstickerei {f}
wool-workWollstickerei {f}
wooly [Am.] wollig
wooly [Am.] wollartig
wooly balsamroot [Balsamorhiza hookeri var. lanata] [Am.]Wollige Balsamwurzel {f}
wooly betony [Am.] [Stachys byzantina, syn.: Stachys lanata] Hasenohr {n} [regional] [Woll-Ziest]
wooly betony [Am.] [Stachys byzantina]Wollziest {m}
wooly butia [Am.] [Butia eriospatha, syn.: Cocos eriopatha, Syagrus eriopatha]Wollige Geleepalme {f}
wooly clover [Am.] [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa]Zwerg-Erdbeerklee / Zwergerdbeerklee {m}
wooly clover [Am.] [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa]Filz-Klee / Filzklee {m}
wooly clover [Am.] [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa] Filziger Klee {m}
wooly croton [Am.] [Croton capitatus, syn.: C. capitatus var. lindheimeri, C. lindheimeri]Wolliger Kroton {m}
wooly digitalis [Am.] [Digitalis lanata] Griechischer Fingerhut {m}
wooly digitalis [Am.] [Digitalis lanata]Wolliger Fingerhut {m}
wooly foxglove [Am.] [Digitalis lanata] Griechischer Fingerhut {m}
wooly foxglove [Am.] [Digitalis lanata] Wolliger Fingerhut {m}
wooly fringe-moss [Racomitrium lanuginosum]Zottige Zackenmütze {f} [Moosart]
wooly fringe-moss [Racomitrium lanuginosum] Zottiges Zackenmützenmoos {n}
wooly fringe-moss [Racomitrium lanuginosum] Wolliges Zackenmützenmoos {n}
wooly hawkweed [Am.] [Hieracium lanatum, syn.: H. tomentosum, H. welwitschii] Wollfilziges Habichtskraut {n}
wooly indianwheat / Indian wheat [Am.] [Plantago pusilla, syn.: P. hybrida, P. pusilla var major] Zwerg-Wegerich / Zwergwegerich {m}
wooly jelly palm [Am.] [Butia eriospatha, syn.: Cocos eriopatha, Syagrus eriopatha] Wollige Geleepalme {f}
wooly morning glory [Am.] [Argyreia nervosa, syn.: A. speciosa, Convolvulus nervosus, C. speciosus, Lettsomia nervosa](Hawaiianische) Holzrose {f}
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