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wooly moss [Racomitrium lanuginosum] Zottiges Zackenmützenmoos {n}
wooly moss [Racomitrium lanuginosum] Zottige Zackenmütze {f} [Moosart]
wooly nightshade [Am.] [Solanum mauritianum, syn.: S. auriculatum]Wolliger Nachtschatten {m}
wooly nightshade [Am.] [Solanum mauritianum, syn.: S. auriculatum]Wollblütiger Nachtschatten {m}
wooly plantain [Am.] [Plantago pusilla, syn.: P. hybrida, P. pusilla var major]Zwerg-Wegerich / Zwergwegerich {m}
wooly trefoil [Am.] [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa]Filz-Klee / Filzklee {m}
wooly trefoil [Am.] [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa] Filziger Klee {m}
wooly trefoil [Am.] [Trifolium tomentosum, syn.: T. curvisepalum, Amoria tomentosa] Zwerg-Erdbeerklee / Zwergerdbeerklee {m}
wooly velvet polypore [Am.] [Onnia tomentosa]Gestielter Filzporling {m}
wooly velvet polypore [Am.] [Onnia tomentosa]Filziger Dauerporling {m}
wooly velvet polypore [Am.] [Onnia tomentosa]Filziger Porling {m}
wooly velvet polypore [Am.] [Onnia tomentosa]Gestielter Schillerporling {m}
wooly willow [Am.] [Salix lanata]Wollige Weide {f}
wooly-haired [Am.]wollhaarig
wooly-leaved clematis [Clematis lanuginosa]Wollige Waldrebe {f}
woomera [Aus.]Speerschleuder {f}
Woomph! [coll.]Wupp! [ugs.]
woonerf principle Woonerf-Prinzip {n}
Woop Woop [Aus.] [coll.] Kaff {n} [ugs.] [spießige Kleinstadt]
woop woop pigeon [Dacelo novaeguineae, syn.: D. gigas] Jägerliest {m}
woop woop pigeon [Dacelo novaeguineae, syn.: D. gigas] Lachender Hans {m}
wooper looper [Ambystoma mexicanum] Axolotl {m}
Woops! [spv. for oops, whoops]Hoppla!
woorali [rare] [curare]Curare {n}
woorara [rare] [curare]Curare {n}
woorari [rare] [curare]Curare {n}
Woosnam's brush-furred rat [Lophuromys woosnami]Woosnams Bürstenhaarmaus {f}
Woot! [coll.] [especially in electronic communication] Juchhu!
Wootz steel Wootzstahl {m} [auch: Wootz-Stahl]
woozily wirr
wooziness [coll.] Benommenheit {f}
woozy [coll.]benebelt
woozy [coll.]komisch [im Magen] [ugs.]
woozy [coll.]wirr [im Kopf]
woozy [coll.]benommen
woozy [coll.] duselig [ugs.]
woozy [coll.] schummrig [ugs.]
wop [offensive] [sl.]Spagettifresser {m} [Rsv.] [beleidigend] [derb]
wop [offensive] [sl.] Spaghettifresser {m} [beleidigend] [derb]
wop [pej. for an Italian person] Itaker {m} [pej.] [Italiener]
wop [pej.] [Italian] Tschingg {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [pej.] [Italiener]
wop [sl.] [Italian]Katzelmacher {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [südd.] [österr.]
wopmayite [Ca6Na3 []Mn(PO4)3(PO3OH)4]Wopmayit {m}
wops [offensive] [sl.] Spagettifresser {pl} [Rsv.] [beleidigend] [derb]
wops [offensive] [sl.]Spaghettifresser {pl} [beleidigend] [derb]
wor [coll.] [North East England] [our]unser
Worcester Worcester {n}
Worcester sauceWorcestersoße {f}
Worcester sauceWorcestersauce {f}
Worcester ware Worcesterporzellan {n}
Worcester's button quail [Turnix worcesteri] Worcesterlaufhühnchen {n}
Worcestershire sauce Worcestersoße {f} [ugs. bzw. für Nachahmerprodukte der Worcestershiresauce]
Worcestershire sauceWorcestershiresauce {f}
wordWort {n}
wordLosungswort {n}
word Maschinenwort {n}
word Speicherwort {n}
word Versprechen {n}
wordInformation {f}
wordNachricht {f}
word [esp. of a foreign language you learn] Vokabel {f} [österr. auch {n}]
word [term for the natural unit of data (computer architecture)] Datenwort {n} [Wort (Grundverarbeitungsdatengröße)]
word accent Wortakzent {m}
word accentsWortakzente {pl}
word account [esp. Genesis 1]Wortbericht {m}
word alignment Wortausrichtung {f}
word and design mark Wortbildmarke {f}
word and design mark Wort-Bild-Marke {f} [auch: Wortbildmarke]
word arrangement Anordnung {f} der Worte
word association Wortassoziation {f}
word balloonSprechblase {f}
word bank Wortsammlung {f}
word blindness [pure verbal alexia] Wortblindheit {f} [reine verbale Alexie]
word bookWörterbuch {n}
word borrowings Lehnwörter {pl}
word boundaryWortgrenze {f}
word boundary character Worttrennzeichen {n}
word boundary character Wortbegrenzungszeichen {n}
word break Trennstelle {f} [Wort]
word buildingWortbildung {f}
word choiceWortwahl {f}
word class Wortklasse {f}
word classWortart {f}
word classesWortklassen {pl}
word classesWortarten {pl}
word coining Wortschöpfung {f}
word coining Wortprägung {f}
word combination Wortverbindung {f}
word combinations Wortkombinationen {pl}
word component Wortbestandteil {m}
word compositionWortzusammensetzung {f}
word concordance Wortkonkordanz {f}
word constellation Wortkonstellation {f}
word construction Wortbau {m}
word count function Wörterzählfunktion {f}
word creation Wortkreation {f}
word division [by syllables] Silbentrennung {f}
word dumbnessWortstummheit {f}
word elementWortelement {n}
word eventWortgeschehen {n}
« woodwoolwoolwoolwoolwoolwordwordwordworkwork »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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