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wound [psychological] Kränkung {f}
wound and bone healingWund- und Knochenheilung {f}
wound areaWundfeld {n}
wound ballistics {pl} [treated as sg.] Wundballistik {f}
wound callus Wundkallus {m}
wound callus Wundgewebe {n}
wound callus formationWundkallusbildung {f}
wound capacitorWickelkondensator {m}
wound careWundbehandlung {f}
wound careWundversorgung {f}
wound careWundpflege {f}
wound care management <WCM> Wundheilung und Wundbehandlung [Wundmanagement]
wound care managerWundmanager {m}
wound care manager [female] Wundmanagerin {f}
wound cavity Wundhöhle {f}
wound clampWundklammer {f}
wound cleansing tissueWundreinigungstuch {n}
wound closure Wundschluss {m}
wound closureWundverschluss {m}
wound complicationWundkomplikation {f}
wound conditions Wundverhältnisse {pl}
wound contamination Wundkontamination {f}
wound contraction Wundkontraktion {f}
wound cork Wundkork {m}
wound debridement [Abtragung oberflächlicher Nekrosen i. S. der Wundtoilette]
wound dehiscenceWunddehiszenz {f}
wound dehiscenceNahtdehiszenz {f}
wound dehiscence [abdominal surgery]Bauchnahtinsuffizienz {f}
wound drain Wunddrainage {f}
wound drainage Wunddrainage {f}
wound drainage Wunddränage {f}
wound dressing Wundverband {m}
wound dressingWundauflage {f}
wound dressing Wundversorgung {f} [Verbinden]
wound examinationWundrevision {f} [chirurgisch-optische Kontrolle]
wound excision Wundexzision {f}
wound excision Wundausschneidung {f}
wound fever Wundfieber {n}
wound gas gangreneWundgasbrand {m}
wound healing Wundheilung {f}
wound healing deficit Wundheilungsstörung {f}
wound healing disorderWundheilungsstörung {f}
wound healing disturbance Wundheilungsstörung {f}
wound healing ointmentWundheilsalbe {f}
wound hormone Wundhormon {n}
wound infection Wundinfektion {f}
wound irrigationWundspülung {f}
wound managementWundmanagement {n} [Wundbehandlung]
wound management Wundbehandlung {f}
wound management Wundversorgung {f}
wound medication Wundmittel {n}
wound milieu Wundmilieu {n}
wound painWundschmerz {m}
wound powderWundpuder {m} [ugs. auch {n}]
wound repair [wound healing]Wundheilung {f}
wound rocket [Barbarea vulgaris](Echte) Winterkresse {f}
wound rocket [Barbarea vulgaris] Gewöhnliches Barbarakraut {n}
wound rocket [Barbarea vulgaris](Echtes) Barbarakraut {n}
wound rocket [Barbarea vulgaris] Gemeine Wasserkresse {f}
wound rotor motor [slip-ring motor] Motor {m} mit Läuferwicklung [Schleifringmotor]
wound rupture Wundruptur {f}
wound secretionWundsekret {n}
wound sepsis Wundsepsis {f}
wound sponge Wundschwamm {m}
wound sprayWundspray {m} {n}
wound string umsponnene Saite {f}
wound strings umsponnene Saiten {pl}
wound stripe Verwundetenauszeichnung {f}
wound sutureWundnaht {f}
wound swab Wundabstrich {m}
wound toiletWundtoilette {f} [chirurgische Säuberung einer Wunde ]
wound track [channel] Wundkanal {m}
wound treatment Wundversorgung {f}
wound treatmentWundbehandlung {f}
wound up aufgewickelt
wound upaufgezogen
wound up [fig.]überdreht [ugs.]
wound wort [Achillea millefolium, also A. magna] [(common) yarrow](Gemeine) Schafgarbe {f}
(wound) scar Wundnarbe {f}
wounded angeschlagen [getroffen, verwundet]
wounded {pl} [used indefinitely] Verwundete {pl}
wounded [shot] angeschossen
wounded feelingsverletzte Gefühle {pl}
wounded honour [Br.] verletzte Ehre {f}
wounded honour [Br.]gekränkte Ehre {f}
wounded in action <WIA> [postpos.] im Kampfeinsatz verwundet
Wounded Knee Massacre [1890] Massaker {n} von Wounded Knee [auch: Wounded-Knee-Massaker]
wounded man Verwundeter {m}
wounded person Verwundeter {m}
wounded personBlessierter {m} [veraltet] [Verwundeter]
wounded pridegekränkter Stolz {m}
wounded soul [person] Seelenkrüppel {m} [ugs.] [derb]
wounded vanity verletzte Eitelkeit {f}
wounded woman Verwundete {f}
wounded-tree beetles [family Nosodendridae] Saftkäfer {pl}
wound-healing wundheilend
wounding anschießend
wounding verwundend
wounding [remark, tone]verletzend [fig.]
« worrworswortwortwortwounwounwrapwrapwrecwres »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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