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English-German Dictionary

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woundless [less frequent than: unwounded] unverletzt
wound-paper capacitor Papierwickelkondensator {m}
wounds Wunden {pl}
wounds Blessuren {pl} [geh.]
wound-up doll aufgezogene Puppe {f}
woundwort [Achillea millefolium, also A. magna] [(common) yarrow](Gemeine) Schafgarbe {f}
woundwort [genus Stachys]Ziest {m}
woundwort [Solidago virgaurea] [European goldenrod]Gewöhnliche Goldrute {f}
woundwort [Solidago virgaurea] [European goldenrod] Gemeine Goldrute {f}
woundwort [Solidago virgaurea] [European goldenrod] Echte Goldrute {f}
woundwort [Stachys palustris]Schweinsrübe {f}
woundwort [Stachys palustris]Sumpf-Ziest / Sumpfziest {m}
woundwort shieldbug [Eysarcoris venustissimus]Dunkler Dickwanst {m} [Baumwanzenart]
woundwort shieldbug [Eysarcoris venustissimus] Schillerwanze {f}
wourali [rare] [curare]Curare {n}
wouralia [rare] [curare]Curare {n}
wove paper Velinpapier {n}
woven eingeflochten
woven around [also fig.] umwoben [auch fig.]
woven bone Geflechtknochen {m}
woven bone Faserknochen {m} [Geflechtknochen]
woven carpetWebteppich {m}
woven coir fabric Kokosgewebe {n}
woven fabric Gewebe {n}
woven fabric dyeingWebwarenfärbung {f}
woven fabricsWebwaren {pl}
woven goods Webwaren {pl}
woven goods {pl}Webware {f}
woven in [if attributively used usually: woven-in]eingewebt
(woven) fabric Stoff {m}
wow [coll.] Bombenerfolg {m} [ugs.]
wow [coll.]großartige Sache {f}
wow [coll.] großer Erfolg {m}
wow [coll.] Bombensache {f}
wow [coll.] Bombending {n} [ugs.]
wow and flutter Tonhöhenschwankungen {pl}
wow and flutterGleichlaufschwankung {f}
Wow!Ma! [österr.] [ugs.]
Wow! [coll.] Toll! [ugs.]
Wow! [coll.] Mensch! [ugs.]
Wow! [coll.] Wow!
Wow! [coll.]Nanu! [ugs.]
Wow! [coll.] Donnerlüttchen! [nordd.] [ugs.]
Wow! [coll.] Do legst di nieda! [ugs.] [bayer.] [österr.] [Redewendung]
Wow! [coll.] Boah (ey)! [ugs.]
Wow! [coll.] [expression of surprise or amazement] Donnerkeil! [ugs.] [Ausruf des Erstaunens und der Verwunderung]
Wow! [expression of joyous surprise]Hach! [Ausruf der freudigen Überraschung]
Wow! [expression of surprise or amazement, normally positive] Oha! [Ausruf des Staunens]
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! [created by Bob Boyle] [animierte US-amerikanische Kinderserie]
wowser [Aus.] [NZ] Puritaner {m} [sittenstrenger Mensch]
wowser [coll.] [Aus.] [NZ] [teetotaller or person opposed to alcohol] Antialkoholiker {m}
wow-wow muteWow-Wow-Dämpfer {m}
woylie [Bettongia penicillata] Bürstenschwanz-Rattenkänguru {n}
woyote [Am.] [coll.] [less often for: coywolf] [canid hybrid]Coywolf {m} [Kanidenhybrid]
WoyzeckWoyzeck [Werner Herzog]
Woyzeck Woyzeck [Georg Büchner]
Wozzeck [opera] Wozzeck [Oper] [Alban Berg]
Wozzeck [title character in Berg's opera]Wozzeck {m} [Titelfigur in der Oper von Alban Berg]
w-pouch [after Nichols] W-Pouch {m} [nach Nichols]
wrack {sg} [seaweed cast up on shore] angeschwemmte Meerespflanzen {pl}
wrack [archaic or dialect] Wrack {n}
wrack [rare] [wreckage cast up on shore] Strandgut {n}
wrack [seaweed esp. Kelp] Seetang {m}
wracked fuselage structure gewickelte Rumpfstruktur {f} [Flugzeugbau]
wraith Gespenst {n}
wraith Geist {m} [Gespenst]
wraith Geistererscheinung {f}
wraithlike [ghostly]gespenstisch
wraithlike [ghostly] geisterhaft
wraithlike [unreal, vague] schemenhaft
wraithsGespenster {pl}
Wrangel Island Wrangelinsel {f}
wrangle Streit {m}
wrangleStreiterei {f}
wrangle Zank {m}
wrangler Streithansl {m} [österr.]
wranglerZänker {m}
wranglerstreitsüchtige Person {f}
wrangler [Am.]Cowboy {m}
wrangler [Am.] [horse wrangler]Viehhirt {m} [Cowboy]
wrangler [Br.] [Cambridge] [Mathematikstudent der Universität Cambridge, der das dritte Studienjahr in allen drei mathematischen Gebieten mit Auszeichnung bestanden hat]
wrangler [coll.] Streithahn {m} [ugs.]
wrangler [coll.] Streithammel {m} [ugs.]
wrangler [coll.] [Am.] [bickering disputant] Streithansel {m} [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.]
wranglers Zänker {pl}
wranglingGerangel {n} [ugs.]
wrangling Hickhack {n} [auch {m}] [ugs.]
wrangling Gezanke {n}
wrangling {sg} Streitereien {pl}
wrangling [arguing]Gezerre {n} [fig.] [pej.]
wrangling (over)Rangelei {f} (um)
wrapUmbruch {m}
wrap Wickel {m}
« worswortwortwortwounwounwrapwrapwrecwreswrin »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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