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wage freeze Lohnstop {m} [alt]
wage freeze Lohnstopp {m}
wage freeze Nullrunde {f} [beim Lohn]
wage gapLohnabstand {m}
wage garnishmentLohnpfändung {f}
wage garnishment orderLohnpfändungsbeschluss {m}
wage group Tarifgruppe {f}
wage group Lohngruppe {f}
wage guidelines Lohnleitlinien {pl}
wage income Lohneinkommen {n}
wage increase Lohnerhöhung {f}
wage increase Lohnsteigerung {f}
wage increase Lohnzunahme {f}
wage increase Lohnzuwachs {m}
wage increases Lohnerhöhungen {pl}
wage increases {pl} Lohnzuwachs {m}
wage indexationIndexbindung {f} der Löhne
wage inequalityLohnungleichheit {f}
wage inflexibility Lohninflexibilität {f}
wage labor [Am.] Lohnarbeit {f}
wage labour [Br.] Lohnarbeit {f}
wage labourer [Br.]Lohnarbeiter {m}
wage levelLohnhöhe {f}
wage levelLohnniveau {n}
wage loss Lohnausfall {m}
wage model Lohnmodell {n}
wage negotiation Lohnverhandlung {f}
wage negotiations Lohnverhandlungen {pl}
wage openingTarifkündigung {f}
wage openings Tarifkündigungen {pl}
wage packetLohntüte {f}
wage paying Lohnauszahlung {f}
wage payment Lohnzahlung {f}
wage payment methods Lohnformen {pl}
wage peaceArbeitsfrieden {m}
wage policy Lohnpolitik {f}
wage pressureLohndruck {m}
wage progression Lohnentwicklung {f}
wage pushLohndruck {m}
wage quotation Lohnnotierung {f}
wage raise [Am.] Lohnerhöhung {f}
wage rangeLohnspanne {f}
wage rate Lohntarif {m}
wage rateLohnsatz {m}
wage rate Lohnrate {f}
wage rates Lohntarife {pl}
wage ratio Lohnquote {f}
wage reductionLohnkürzung {f}
wage reduction Lohnsenkung {f}
wage regulations {pl} Lohnordnung {f} [österr.]
wage related indexation Anpassung {f} an die Entwicklung der Gehälter
wage restraint Lohnmäßigung {f}
wage restraint Lohnzurückhaltung {f}
wage restraintZurückhaltung {f} bei (den) Lohnforderungen
wage rigidity Lohnstarrheit {f}
wage rigidityLohnrigidität {f}
wage rigidity Lohnstarre {f} [starrer Lohn, Lohnrigidität]
wage riseLohnerhöhung {f}
wage rise Lohnsteigerung {f}
wage rise Lohnzunahme {f}
wage round Lohnrunde {f}
wage sacrifice Lohnverzicht {m}
wage scale Lohneinteilung {f}
wage scale Lohnskala {f}
wage scale Lohntarif {m}
wage settlement Tarifabschluss {m}
wage settlement Lohnabkommen {n}
wage settlementLohnvereinbarung {f}
wage settlementLohnvertrag {m}
wage settlementTarifabkommen {n}
wage settlement Tarifvereinbarung {f}
wage settlement Tarifvertrag {m}
wage share Lohnquote {f}
wage shareLohnanteil {m}
wage slave [coll.] Lohnsklave {m} [ugs.]
wage slavery Lohnsklaverei {f}
wage slip Lohnabrechnungszettel {m}
wage spreadLohnspanne {f}
wage spread Lohnstreuung {f}
wage squeezerLohndrücker {m}
wage stablization Stabilisierung {f} der Löhne
wage standstill Lohnstopp {m}
wage statement Lohnbescheinigung {f}
wage stop Lohnstopp {m}
wage strike Lohnstreik {m}
wage structure Lohngefüge {n}
wage studyLohnstudie {f}
wage subsidyLohnkostensubvention {f}
wage subsidy Lohnkostenzuschuss {m}
wage subsidy Lohnzuschuss {m}
wage tableLohntabelle {f}
wage talksTarifverhandlungen {pl}
wage tax Lohnsteuer {f}
wage tax card Lohnsteuerkarte {f}
wage theft [Am.] Lohndiebstahl {m}
wage trend Lohnentwicklung {f}
wage type Lohnart {f}
wage unit Lohneinheit {f}
wage weighting zoneTarifzone {f}
wage workLohnarbeit {f}
« vulnV-wew[lewaddwaffwagewageWaglWahawainWait »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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