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washiest wässerigste
wash-in phaseEinwaschphase {f}
washiness Wässerigkeit {f}
washiness Verwaschenheit {f}
washing waschend
washing Börsenscheingeschäft {n}
washingWäsche {f}
washing Wässern {n} [von Filmen, Abzügen]
washingWässerung {f} [von Filmen, Abzügen]
washing schwemmend
washingWaschen {n}
washing Reinigung {f}
washingWaschung {f}
washing [attr.] [e.g. agent, bowl, facility, instructions, lotion, machine]Wasch- [z. B. Mittel, Schüssel, Gelegenheit, Anleitung, Lotion, Maschine]
washing acidWaschsäure {f}
washing agent Waschmittel {n}
washing agent Waschhilfsmittel {n}
washing ashoreanschwemmend
washing basin Waschbecken {n}
washing basket Wäschekorb {m}
washing bay Waschanlage {f}
washing beetle [archaic] Wäscheklopfer {m}
washing beetle [archaic]Bleuel {m} [veraltet]
washing beetle [archaic] Wäschebleuel {m} [veraltet]
washing bench [archaic] [also: washing-bench]Waschbank {f} [veraltet]
washing blue Waschblau {n} [Wäscheblau]
washing bottleWaschflasche {f}
washing bowl Waschschüssel {f}
washing by hand Handwäsche {f}
washing capeWaschumhang {m}
washing cycleWaschzyklus {m}
washing dayWaschtag {m}
washing efficiencyWaschkraft {f}
washing efficiency Waschwirkung {f}
washing facilitiesWaschgelegenheiten {pl}
washing facilities {pl} Wascheinrichtung {f}
washing facility Waschgelegenheit {f}
washing facility Wascheinrichtung {f}
washing forceps {pl} [one pair]Waschzange {f}
washing in place <WIP> [semi- or fully-automated cleaning without disassembly work]Spülen / Reinigen {n} vor Ort [halb- oder vollautomatisch, ohne Zerlegen der Anlagen]
washing installationWaschanlage {f}
washing instructions {pl}Waschanleitung {f}
washing leatherWaschleder {n}
washing line [Br.]Wäscheleine {f}
washing lotionWaschlotion {f}
washing machine Waschmaschine {f}
washing machine area [industry] Waschmaschinenbereich {m}
washing machine care Waschmaschinenpflege {f}
washing machine discharge pump Waschmaschinenlaugenpumpe {f}
washing machine discharge pump Waschmaschinen-Laugenpumpe {f}
washing machine drumWaschmaschinentrommel {f}
washing machine drum Waschtrommel {f}
washing machine production Waschmaschinenfertigung {f}
washing machine repairmanWaschmaschinenmonteur {m}
washing machine settingsWaschprogramme {pl}
washing machines Waschmaschinen {pl}
washing mitt [Am.] Waschhandschuh {m}
washing of utensilsBesteckspülen {n}
washing one's hands Händewaschen {n}
washing out auswaschend
washing out Spülung {f}
washing out Auswaschen {n}
washing overboard Überbordspülen {n}
Washing PainterFrauenbad-Maler {m}
washing period Wässerungszeit {f} [Filmentwicklung]
washing pile Wäschestapel {m}
washing plantWaschanlage {f}
washing powderWaschmittel {n}
washing powderWaschpulver {n}
washing powder advertisement Waschpulveranzeige {f}
washing powder lung Waschmittellunge {f}
washing process Waschverfahren {n}
washing process Waschprozess {m}
washing programme [Br.] Waschprogramm {n}
washing roomWaschraum {m}
washing rooms Waschräume {pl}
washing soap Waschseife {f}
washing soda Soda {n}
washing soda Kristallsoda {n}
washing soda Bleichsoda {n}
washing soda [sodium carbonate] [Na2CO3]Waschsoda {n} [Natriumcarbonat]
washing solutionWaschlösung {f}
washing solvent [e.g. in washing machine] Waschflotte {f}
washing spinner Wäscheschleuder {f}
washing standWaschtisch {m}
washing standsWaschtoiletten {pl}
washing system Waschanlage {f}
washing tank Wässerungstank {m} [Filmentwicklung]
washing things {pl} Waschzeug {n}
washing timeWässerungszeit {f} [Filmentwicklung]
washing timeWaschzeit {f}
washing trough Waschtrog {m}
washing troughsWaschtröge {pl}
washing tub Waschzuber {m}
washing up abspülend
washing water Waschwasser {n}
washing woman Wäscherin {f}
[washing that can / needs to be boiled] Kochwäsche {f}
washingsWäsche {f}
« warrwarrWartwashwashwashWashwaspwastwastwast »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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