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water nozzle Wasserdüse {f}
water nut [Trapa natans] Wassernuss {f}
water nymphWassernymphe {f}
water oak [Quercus laurifolia] Lorbeerblättrige Eiche {f}
water oats [genus Zizania]Wasserreis {m}
water of crystallization Kristallwasser {n}
water of life [also fig.] [hum.] Lebenswasser {n} [fig.] [hum.] [Alkohol, Branntwein]
water of the Elbe Elbwasser {n}
water of the Elbe Elbewasser {n}
water officer Wasserwart {m}
water onion [Crinum thaianum] Thailand-Hakenlilie {f}
water opossum [Chironectes minimus]Schwimmbeutler {m}
water opossum [Chironectes minimus] Yapok {m}
water ordeal [ordeal of boiling water] Kesselfang {m}
water organ Hydraulis {f}
water organ Wasserorgel {f}
water outflowWasserausfluss {m}
water outflow pipe Wasserableitung {f} [Becken]
water outletWasserablass {m} [Öffnung, Stutzen, Rohr etc.]
water outlet Wasserauslauf {m}
water outlet Wasserablauf {m}
water outletWasserauslass {m}
water outlet Wasseraustritt {m}
water ouzel [Cinclus cinclus]Eurasische Wasseramsel {f}
water ouzel [Cinclus cinclus]Wasseramsel {f}
water ouzel / water-ouzel [Cinclus mexicanus]Grauwasseramsel {f}
water over the dam [idiom] Schnee {m} von gestern [ugs.] [Redewendung]
water ox [Bubalus bubalis] Wasserbüffel {m}
water ozonation Wasserozonisierung {f}
water panWasserkasten {m} [Feuchtwerk an Druckmaschine]
water panWasserkasten {m} [Druckmaschine]
water parade Wasserumzug {m}
water parameters Wasserwerte {pl}
water park Wasserpark {m}
water park Badeparadies {n} [Erlebnisbad]
water parkErlebnisbad {n}
water parkFreizeitbad {n}
water parsnip [genus Sium]Merk {m} [Gattung der Doldenblüter]
water partingWasserscheide {f}
water passageWasserkanal {m} [z. B. in Zylinderkopf]
water passageKühlwasserkanal {m}
water passageKühlkanal {m} [z. B. in Zylinderkopf]
water path Wasservorlaufstrecke {f}
water pathWasserweg {m}
water pathwayWasserpfad {m}
water penetrationWassereinbruch {m} [wenig und langsam]
water penetrationWassereindringen {n}
water penetrationWassereindringung {f}
water penetration [into the wall system / masonry] Hinterläufigkeit {f} [Eindringen von Wasser hinter Abdichtungsebenen]
water pennywort [Centella asiatica. syn.: Hydrocotyle asiatica] [gotu cola] Indischer Wassernabel {m} [Gotu Kola]
water pennywort [Hydrocotyle leucocephala]Brasilianischer Wassernabel {m}
water pennywort / penny wort [Hydrocotyle ranunculoides] Großer Wassernabel {m}
water pennywort / penny wort [Hydrocotyle ranunculoides] Hahnenfuß-ähnlicher Wassernabel {m}
water pepper [Persicaria hydropiper, syn.: Polygonum hydropiper]Scharfkraut {n}
water pepper [Persicaria hydropiper, syn.: Polygonum hydropiper]Pfefferkraut {n}
water pepper [Persicaria hydropiper, syn.: Polygonum hydropiper] Pfefferknöterich {m}
water pepper [Persicaria hydropiper, syn.: Polygonum hydropiper] Flohpfeffer {m}
water pepper [Persicaria hydropiper, syn.: Polygonum hydropiper] Wasserpfeffer {m}
water pepper / waterpepper [Persicaria hydropiper, syn.: Polygonum hydropiper] Wasserpfeffer-Knöterich {m}
water pepper / waterpepper [Persicaria hydropiper, syn.: Polygonum hydropiper] Pfefferiger Knöterich {m} [veraltet]
water pepper / waterpepper [Persicaria hydropiper, syn.: Polygonum hydropiper] Bitterling {m} [Wasserpfeffer]
water pepper / waterpepper [Persicaria hydropiper, syn.: Polygonum hydropiper] Brennender Ruttig {m}
water permeability Wasserdurchlässigkeit {f}
water permeability measurementWasserdurchlässigkeitsmessung {f}
water permeability testerWasserdurchlässigkeitsprüfgerät {n}
water persicaria [Persicaria amphibia, syn.: Polygonum amphibium] Wasser-Knöterich {m}
water persicaria [Persicaria amphibia, syn.: Polygonum amphibium] Scharlachroter Knöterich {m}
water persicaria [Persicaria amphibia, syn.: Polygonum amphibium]Sumpf-Knöterich / Sumpfknöterich {m}
water persicaria [Persicaria amphibia, syn.: Polygonum amphibium] Wechselknöterich {m}
water phantom Wasserphantom {n}
water pickup Wasseraufnahme {f} [durch Feststoffe]
water pill Wassertablette {f}
water pill [diuretic] Diuretikum {n}
water pills [diuretics]Wassertabletten {pl}
water pilot [Nerodia taxispilota] [snake] Braune Schwimmnatter {f}
water pilot [Nerodia taxispilota] [snake]Braune Wassernatter {f}
water pilot [Nerodia taxispilota] [snake] Braune Wasserschlange {f}
water pimpernel [Veronica anagallis-aquatica, also V. glandifera, V. micromeria] (Blauer) Wasser-Ehrenpreis / Wasserehrenpreis {m}
water pimpernel [Veronica anagallis-aquatica, also V. glandifera, V. micromeria]Ufer-Ehrenpreis / Uferehrenpreis {m}
water pimpernel [Veronica anagallis-aquatica, also V. glandifera, V. micromeria] Gauchheil-Ehrenpreis / Gauchheilehrenpreis {m}
water pimpernel [Veronica beccabunga] [European speedwell] Bach-Ehrenpreis / Bachehrenpreis {m}
water pimpernel [Veronica beccabunga] [European speedwell] Bachbunge {f}
water pimpernel [Veronica beccabunga] [European speedwell] Bachbungen-Ehrenpreis {m}
water pimpernel [Veronica beccabunga] [European speedwell] Quell-Ehrenpreis / Quellehrenpreis {m} {n}
water pipe Wasserleitung {f}
water pipeWasserrohr {n}
water pipe Wasserleitungsrohr {n} [allg.]
water pipe Wasserpfeife {f}
water pipe tobacco Wasserpfeifentabak {m}
water pipes Wasserleitungen {pl}
water pipit [Anthus petrosus, syn.: Pipastes petrosus]Strandpieper {m}
water pipit [Anthus spinoletta] Wasserpieper {m}
water pipit [Anthus spinoletta] Bergpieper {m}
water pistolWasserpistole {f}
water pitcher Wasserkanne {f}
water pitcher Wasserkrug {m}
water plane Wasserlinienebene {f}
water planeWasserflugzeug {n}
water plane [rare]Wasserspiegel {m} [im Boden]
water planes Wasserflugzeuge {pl}
« watewatewatewatewatewatewatewatewatewatewate »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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