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English-German Dictionary

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water scooter [family Gerridae] Wasserläufer {m}
water scooters [family Gerridae]Schneider {pl} [ugs.] [auch: Wasserschneider]
water scorpion [Nepa cinerea, syn.: Nepa rubra] Wasserskorpion {m} [Wasserwanze]
water sealWasserabschluss {m} [WC]
water seal Wassersicherheitsvorlage {f}
water sealWasserverschluss {m}
water seal Wasservorlage {f} [zur Abdichtung]
water sealed gasometerNass-Gasometer {m}
water secretion Wassersekretion {f}
water sectorWassersektor {m}
water sector Wasserwirtschaft {f}
water sector Gewässerbereich {m} [bes. Verwaltung]
water sedge [Carex aquatilis] Wasser-Segge {f}
water seller Wasserverkäufer {m}
water seller Wasserhändler {m} [Wasserverkäufer]
water sensitivityWasserempfindlichkeit {f}
water separation Wasserabscheidung {f}
water separation Wasserabspaltung {f}
water separatorWasserabscheider {m}
water separator/reheater Wasserabscheider/Zwischenüberhitzer {m} [WAZÜ , Kraftwerkstechnik]
Water SerpentsWasserschlangen [Gustav Klimt]
water shamrock [Marsilea quadrifolia] (Vierblättriger) Kleefarn {m}
water shield Wasserschutz {m} [in Autotür]
water shoesWasserschuhe {pl}
water shortage Wassermangel {m}
water shortage Wasserknappheit {f}
water shortageWassernot {f} [Mangel an Wasser]
water shortages {pl} Wassermangel {m}
water shortages {pl} Wasserknappheit {f}
water shrews [genus Neomys] Wasserspitzmäuse {pl}
water shut-off cock Wasserabsperrhahn {m}
water sign [Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces] Wasserzeichen {n} [Krebs, Skorpion, Fische]
water skater [family Gerridae]Wasserläufer {m}
water skeeter [family Gerridae] Wasserläufer {m}
water skeeters [family Gerridae]Schneider {pl} [ugs.] [auch: Wasserschneider]
water skiWasserski {m}
water skier Wasserskifahrer {m}
water skier Wasserskiläufer {m}
water skiingWasserskilaufen {n}
water skiing Wasserskisport {m}
water skimmer [family Gerridae] Wasserläufer {m}
water skipper [Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis] [frog species] Indischer Kapitänsfrosch {m}
water skipper [family Gerridae] Wasserläufer {m}
water skippers [family Gerridae]Schneider {pl} [ugs.] [auch: Wasserschneider]
water skis Wasserskier {pl}
water skooters [family Gerridae] Schneider {pl} [ugs.] [auch: Wasserschneider]
water slater [Asellus aquaticus, syn.: A. (Asellus) aquaticus, Oniscus aquaticus] Wasserassel {f}
water sled [Am.]Bananenboot {n} [Bootstyp]
water sledgeBananenboot {n} [Bootstyp]
water slide Wasserrutschbahn {f}
water slide Wasserrutsche {f}
water slopeWasserkeilhebewerk {n}
water slurrywässrige Suspension {f}
water smartweed [Persicaria amphibia, syn.: Polygonum amphibium] Wasser-Knöterich {m}
water smartweed [Persicaria amphibia, syn.: Polygonum amphibium] Sumpf-Knöterich / Sumpfknöterich {m}
water smartweed [Persicaria amphibia, syn.: Polygonum amphibium] Scharlachroter Knöterich {m}
water smartweed [Persicaria amphibia, syn.: Polygonum amphibium] Wechselknöterich {m}
water snailWasserschnecke {f}
water snails Wasserschnecken {pl}
water snakeWasserschlange {f}
water snake [Natrix natrix] Ringelnatter {f}
water snakes [genus Natrix]Europäische Wassernattern {pl}
water snakes [genus Natrix]Europäische Schwimmnattern {pl}
water snipe-flies [family Athericidae] Ibisfliegen {pl}
water softener Wasserenthärter {m} [allg.]
water softener Wasserenthärtungsmittel {n}
water softening Wasserenthärtung {f}
water softening installation Wasserenthärter {m} [Ionenaustauscher]
water softening installation Wasserenthärtungsanlage {f}
water softening plantWasserenthärter {m} [Ionenaustauscher]
water softening plant Wasserenthärtungsanlage {f}
water softening unitWasserenthärter {m} [Ionenaustauscher]
water softening unitWasserenthärtungsanlage {f}
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: S. aculeatus, S. aquatica, S. generalis, Aloe palustris, Militaris aizoides, Sedum aquatile]Wasserschere {f} [Wasseraloe]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa]Wassersichel {f} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa] Afteraloe {f} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa] Reiterskraut {n} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa] Wassersegen {m} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa]Sichelkraut {n} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa]Säbelkraut {n} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa] Wasserscheer {m} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa] Krabbenklau {m} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa] Hechtkraut {n} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa]Sumpfaloe {f} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa] Wasserfeder {f} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa](Falscher) Wasserfenchel {m} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides, syn.: Stratiotes aculeatus, S. aquaticus, S. aloides f. submersa]Donnerbart-Wasserfenchel {m} [Krebsschere]
water soldier [Stratiotes aloides] Krebsschere {f} [Wasserpflanze]
water solenoid valveWassermagnetventil {n}
water solubilityWasserlöslichkeit {f}
water solution wässrige Lösung {f}
water sorrel [Rumex aquaticus] [western dock] Wasser-Ampfer / Wasserampfer {m}
water sourceWasserquelle {f}
water spangles {pl} [treated as sg.] [Salvinia minima] Kleiner Schwimmfarn {m}
water speedwell [Veronica anagallis-aquatica, also V. glandifera, V. micromeria]Wasser-Ehrenpreis {m}
water speedwell [Veronica anagallis-aquatica]Blauer Wasser-Ehrenpreis {m}
water speedwell [Veronica anagallis-aquatica]Gauchheil-Ehrenpreis {m}
water speedwell [Veronica anagallis-aquatica] Ufer-Ehrenpreis {m}
water sphagnum [Sphagnum inundatum] Untergetauchtes Torfmoos {n}
water spider [Argyroneta aquatica]Wasserspinne {f}
« watewateWatewatewatewatewatewatewatewatewate »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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